“terribly” some example sentences

How to use in-sentence of “terribly”:

+ Fiesco feels terribly sad and tells Simon about the poison.

+ While a single cotton fiber is not terribly strong, when multiple curling fibers are straightened and twisted together, they form a strong, smooth thread that can be knitted or woven, as well as dyed.

+ If something is terribly broken, an admin may revert.

+ During his last years,he became terribly ill.

+ The Senate take a court case against Sextus as Titus waits impatiently, sure that his friend will be found not guilty; but the Senate finds him guilty, and a terribly sad Titus must sign Sextus’ death papers.

+ Riemann was terribly nervous about lecturing on this subject in front of the famous Gauss.

+ On narrow, terribly steep hills similarly could result in an accident or uncontrollably high speed, and so sliding was invented by a California surfer.

terribly some example sentences
terribly some example sentences

Example sentences of “terribly”:

+ He was terribly sad when Wagner died.

+ He is terribly upset, but runs off.

+ He found this terribly hard to bear.

+ Berlioz was terribly sad in 1867 when he heard that Louis had died in Havana of yellow fever.

+ He was terribly cruel and the Russian people suffered badly under his rule.

+ Mordvinov reported in his memoirs that the four Grand Duchesses looked “cold and visibly terribly upset” by Rasputin’s death.

+ He was terribly sad when Wagner died.

+ He is terribly upset, but runs off.

+ At this school, Sienkiewicz-Mercer was treated terribly for sixteen years.

+ We think it is likely that Gesualdo felt terribly guilt all his life about the murders he had committed, and these guilty feelings can be heard in his music.

+ When Eboli is left alone she expresses her feelings of terribly misery.

+ Boris becomes terribly distressed at this story.

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