“tend” example in sentences

How to use in-sentence of “tend”:

+ Many Immigrationimmigrant communities of overseas Chinese also tend to use traditional rather than simplified characters.

+ People generally feel weaker when they consume less calories so they tend to move less reducing NEAT.

+ In practice, mixtures of actual materials like paint tend to be less precise.

+ Bentley missed the entire 1944–45 NHL season after being given permission to stay home and tend the family farm by Canadian Armed Forces officials, September, 1944.

+ Gases tend to take the shape of their container, and are less dense than both solids and liquids.

+ Noise phenomena tend to relate to things that happened a long time ago.

tend example in sentences
tend example in sentences

Example sentences of “tend”:

+ The males tend to weigh around two pounds.

+ It is generally prepared in the shape of a triangle, however, the shape and sizes tend to vary from region to region.

+ Luthiers tend to fix electric violins as well.

+ Japanese cars tend to be designed to run longer on less fuel.

+ String theorists tend to believe nature more elegant, a belief that loop theorist Lee Smolin dismisses as romantic while using biology’s Modern Synthesis as a rhetorical device.

+ Even in countries with a majority of white people, such as USA, Britain, Ireland and France, black people tend to have shorter life expectancies than their white counterparts.

+ They tend to be amorphous, insoluble in water, and have no sweet taste.

+ Southern oceans tend to have greater concentrations mainly due to the absence of a thermocline, which encourages intense mixing through storms and internal wave action.

+ These are forest birds that tend to eat insects at or near the ground.

+ Power Purchasing agreements tend to last 5 – 20 years.

+ Bat-pollinated flowers tend to be large and showy, white or light coloured, open at night and have strong odours.

+ Many expatriates and well heeled Singaporeans tend to stay in this region.

+ These pheasants tend to be fairly gregarious for much of the year, with groups of five to fifteen birds, but form monogamous pairs during the breeding season from late April to June.

+ Baby cats tend to cost more and the adult cats cost less.

+ Hence, they tend to be smaller than many house trailers, which have 2 or 3 bedrooms ; however, the cottages are constructed of heavier materials to resist winds that would buckle the light-weight walls of mobile homes.

+ Most individuals suffering from this condition tend to require wheelchair assistance later in their lives.

+ They tend to become very attached to their human caregivers.

+ The males tend to weigh around two pounds.

+ It is generally prepared in the shape of a triangle, however, the shape and sizes tend to vary from region to region.
+ Luthiers tend to fix electric violins as well.

More in-sentence examples of “tend”:

+ Thalia and Percy quarrel occasionally at camp because their similar personalities tend to clash.

+ They may tend to be relaxed, lazy and not have a lot of energy.
+ Propaganda does tend to make disputes last longer, and be more difficult to resolve.

+ Thalia and Percy quarrel occasionally at camp because their similar personalities tend to clash.

+ They may tend to be relaxed, lazy and not have a lot of energy.

+ Propaganda does tend to make disputes last longer, and be more difficult to resolve.

+ Plots tend to show Western civilizationWesternised city people dating and dancing in discos instead of arranged marriages.

+ People with an addictive personality tend to plan their lives around the addiction.

+ In battle, a phalanx would tend to drift to the right.

+ Despite their similarity, psychological and sociological researchers tend to differ in their goals, approaches, methods, and terminology.

+ Vipers have retractable fangs and tend to prefer to strike and let go immediately.

+ Plant viruses tend to have single-stranded RNA genomes and bacteriophages tend to have double-stranded DNA genomes.Collier, Leslie; Balows, Albert; Sussman, Max 1998.

+ People who tend to like intuition are more likely to accept outcomes based on other people and meanings that cannot be tested.

+ Countries around the world who already have their own bombs include Britain, France, China, Israel, India, Pakistan and North Korea; as all kinds of technology tend to become cheaper and easier to get and use, there is a fear that nuclear weapons could become available to countries with unstable governments.

+ European bison tend to live in lightly wooded to fully wooded areas and areas with increased shrubs and bushes, though they can also live on grasslands and plains.

+ The North Indian Ocean cyclone season has no official bounds, but cyclones tend to form between April and December, with two peaks in activity in May and November.

+ In the United States social conservatives tend to be in the Republican Party and are usually also Christian Conservatives.

+ They tend to get in, edit, and get out at or before being given a final warning, so only one of the IPs have a block history.

+ Areas under “militia” control tend to see a drop in murder rates but a rise in other forms of violent crime.

+ Those who prefer thinking tend to make decisions alone.

+ It can be very difficult for a doctor to help them become better since they tend to lie to doctors because they are afraid, and their pathological lying can be convincing even though they view it similar to a child and often believe they should be rewarded for having taken the time to invent such a good lie.

+ Because the Earth is Rotationrotating, ocean currents in the northern hemisphere tend to move in a clockwise direction and currents in the southern hemisphere in an anti-clockwise direction.

+ But, deaf people tend to use sign languages, and hearing people tend to use spoken languages.

+ The flowers they visit often have a strong scent, and tend to be purple, violet, blue, and white.

+ Today, historians tend to analyze economic and military factors in the decline of Rome.

+ More modern qinpu tend to be bound in the normal Western way on modern paper.

+ This can tend to put folks off continuing with them.

+ The beam of Bunyan’s spotlight is broadened to include Christian’s family and other men, women, and children; the incidents and accidents of everyday life are more numerous, the joys of the pilgrimage tend to outweigh the hardships; and to the faith and hope of Part I is added in abundant measure that greatest of virtues, charity.

+ In most species, both sexes have horns, but those of males tend to be larger.

+ Regulars may also notice that I tend to revisit most of my ‘current’ GAs to ensure that they remain up-to-date, too.

+ Even after her capture, Walker still continued to cross the line between the Confederates and Union to tend to the sick and wounded even after her experience of being imprisoned with the Confederates.

+ Apart from lessening the feeling of confusion large succession boxes tend to create to the reader, headers also provide useful disambiguation information by naming specific legislative bodies, religions, peerages etc.

+ Younger people in Çukurova cities and in İskenderun tend to speak Turkish.

+ Male animals without a penis bone tend to form close emotional bonds with a female and so ensure they are the father of her offspring.

+ Noble gases serve as the model for the octet rule, which states that atoms tend to form bonds or create ions so that they can have eight electrons in their outermost shell.

+ Towns and cities tend to be small in size and densely populated, more so than in other states.

+ Traditionally, the larger cities tend to lean to the left while those in the rural countryside lean farther right.

+ Galton used the term regression to describe an observable fact in the inheritance of multi-factorial quantitative genetic traits: namely that the offspring of parents who lie at the tails of the distribution will tend to lie closer to the centre, the mean, of the distribution.

+ Once formed, cartels tend to be economicseconomically unstable, primarily because there is a profit incentive for members to cheat by selling at below the agreed price or selling more than the production quotas set by the cartel.

+ Failures tend to cause disappointment.

+ Certain musical genregenres tend to emphasize the off-beat; especially rock and roll and Ska music.

+ They tend to live together more than other squirrels, and many live in colonies with complex social structures.

+ Since the plastics are organic compounds, they tend to absorb other organic compounds, such as pesticides.

+ Monkeys tend to sleep near rivers, if they are nearby.

+ However, as environmental, labor and social standards tend to be significantly weaker in NICs, many fair trade supporters have advocated standards for importing their products and criticized the outsourcing of jobs to NICs.

+ While strongly wanting to feel closeness, people with BPD tend to be anxious, have mixed feelings, or be paranoid when it comes to their relationships.

+ They prepare to entrap him: the outlaws conceal themselves while Robin, John and Much, the miller’s son, disguise themselves as shepherds and tend to the fire.

+ In other words, people tend to think that others agree with them.

+ Lower respiratory infections, such as pneumonia, tend to be far more serious conditions than upper respiratory infections, such as the common cold.

+ I do admit that I do tend to get a little caught up in things, but I really believe that, since the IamAR issue, I have learned to control my feelings and remove myself, or not even participate in discussions that I know will get me angry in.

+ These men had to set their own broken bones, tend their wounds, and nurse themselves.

+ They tend to prefer to spend time alone instead of being in social situations.

+ Someone’s desire for a hat, for example, will tend to cause that person to move his or her body in a specific manner and in a specific direction to obtain what he or she wants.

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