“temporal” how to use in sentences

How to use in-sentence of “temporal”:

– It divides the frontal lobe and parietal lobe above from the temporal lobe below.

– It adds “Timbre depends primarily upon the frequency spectrum, although it also depends upon the sound pressure and the temporal characteristics of the sound”.

– In humans this includes speech, for which the left temporal lobe in particular seems to be specialized.

– Caan escaped via another temporal shift.

– The temporal lobe contains the hippocampus and plays a key role in the formation of long-term memory.

temporal how to use in sentences
temporal how to use in sentences

Example sentences of “temporal”:

– The fossil is part of a skull, with a fragment of the left temporal bone, part of the right scapula, five ribs, an almost complete half pelvis, and both femurs.

– For example, occipital lobe is the region for visual reception, temporal lobe for auditory reception, and parietal lobe for touch, smell, temperature and conscious association.

– Sister Lucia of Fatima said that Virgin Mary “in these last times in which we live has given new efficacy in the recitation of the Holy Rosary” and that ” She has given this efficacy to such an extent that there is no problem, no matter how difficult it is, whether temporal or above all spiritual, in the personal life of each one of us, of our families … that cannot be solved by the Rosary”.

– After the patient’s death, Wernicke found damage to an area at the upper portion of the temporal lobe, just behind the auditory cortex.

– The theory of temporal finitism was inspired by the doctrine of creation shared by the three Abrahamic religions: Judaism, Christianity and Islam.

– Deep inside the medial temporal lobes lie the hippocampus, which is essential for memory function – particularly the transfer from short to long term memory and control of spatial memory and behaviour.

– In mammals, including humans, it fuses with other bones to form the temporal bone.

– Research shows that amnesiac patients with damage to the medial temporal lobe performed more poorly on explicit learning tests than did healthy controls.

– The temporal lobe is involved in Hearingauditory perception and is home to the primary auditory cortex.

– Other areas of the temporal lobes are involved in high-level auditory processing.

– It is in front of the parietal lobe and above and in front of the temporal lobes.

– The temporal bones are not the same in all mammals.

– PMID 17478012 which is part of the “medial temporal lobe” located deep within the brain.

- The fossil is part of a skull, with a fragment of the left temporal bone, part of the right scapula, five ribs, an almost complete half pelvis, and both femurs.

- For example, occipital lobe is the region for visual reception, temporal lobe for auditory reception, and parietal lobe for touch, smell, temperature and conscious association.
- Sister Lucia of Fatima said that Virgin Mary "in these last times in which we live has given new efficacy in the recitation of the Holy Rosary" and that " She has given this efficacy to such an extent that there is no problem, no matter how difficult it is, whether temporal or above all spiritual, in the personal life of each one of us, of our families … that cannot be solved by the Rosary".

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