“tempered” – sentence examples

How to use in-sentence of “tempered”:

+ The climate of Saint Helena is tropical, marine and mild, tempered by trade winds that blow almost continuously.

+ Unfortunately, upon reaching the whale pod, Popeye realized he was grievously ill-prepared against the giant sea beasts who thrashed about his little vessel as they let out a loud horselaugh, which made Popeye respond with a quick tempered “Blow me down, you-!”– but before he could finish, the whales suddenly stopped.

+ The extremes of human nature were tempered in his work and a more balanced picture of human nature emerged.

+ Svalbard’s climate is a combination of an Arctic climate tempered by the North Atlantic Current.

+ The protagonist is unhappily married to a bad or tempered wife by the name of Ponnatha, and seeks comfort in a friendship with Kuyil.

+ Chiang Mai has a tropical wet and dry climate, tempered by the low latitude and moderate elevation, with warm to hot weather year-round, though nighttime conditions during the dry season can be cool and are much lower than daytime highs.

tempered - sentence examples
tempered – sentence examples

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