“tell” how to use?

How to use in-sentence of “tell”:

+ In order to perform more complex tasks, one must tell the computer each of the simple tasks that are part of the complex task.

+ Please do tell me what you think and your comments are always welcome.

+ William the Conqueror brought to England a system of having witnesses who had any knowledge of a crime, tell the court what they knew.

+ Sometimes people can tell what city someone lived in when they were a child by the way that person speaks.

+ Can you tell me what the difference is between a GPL-liencensed image and one under one of the Creative Commons licenses? – Personally I am not too interested to know.

tell how to use?
tell how to use?

Example sentences of “tell”:

+ In “Bambi” Vyvyan displays impressive mathematical talent, yet also that he cannot tell the time, although he was earlier able to point out that it was midnight without any difficulty.

+ The protocol spec doesn’t tell people that use it how to use it, only what it can do.

+ Dressup he would do art, sing songs, tell stories and play children’s games.

+ They thought that he did not tell about the part played by Bradley, Patton and other American commanders.

+ Marge tries to tell the family about Maggie’s development, but the family is too busy on their devices.

+ It is hard to tell what Mona Lisa’s exact expression is.

+ They would tell the government that they were making more than they actually were.

+ This makes it easier to tell what gender a noun is without memorizing the gender of every word.

+ Those who do not tell the truth may be punished like other workers who do not do their work.

+ The workers from CAPS tell other Afghan people about their research.

+ Will Bangladesh follow too? No one will tell you what ‘Bang’ in Bangladesh means, except some bold joiners of the dots in ancient history.

+ For any complaint feel free to tell me n’ i’ll perfect it as no man is perfect.

+ She debates whether to tell him that Kyle is his father.

+ The song is about a woman telling her man he should never tell her what to do or what to say.

+ The mnemonic is used so that the programmer does not have to remember the exact numbers in machine code needed to tell the computer to do something.

+ After it is done, it may explicitly tell the cache to write back the datum.

+ When asked why he does not write anything about himself, he answered: “What greatness do I have that I have to tell anyone about? I live just like millions of people in this country; I am ordinary.

+ In "Bambi" Vyvyan displays impressive mathematical talent, yet also that he cannot tell the time, although he was earlier able to point out that it was midnight without any difficulty.

+ The protocol spec doesn't tell people that use it how to use it, only what it can do.
+ Dressup he would do art, sing songs, tell stories and play children's games.

More in-sentence examples of “tell”:

+ Make sure to tell the administrator what IP address you are using.

+ Based on the wording that Creol used after I brought this up, I could tell it was not KA.

+ Elijah replied yes, and ordered him to go and tell Ahab that he is here.

+ Russia had signed a peace treaty with the Germans and did not want to tell them that the women were dead.

+ In case of mass penance, anyone who heard what the person told the priest also must not tell anyone what he or she had heard.

+ McClane has Marvin tell him where to go.

+ Some Chinese texts tell about this time.

+ Psychologists who give these tests have training and qualifications which tell the employer that they are certified to give the tests and assess the results.

+ When coffee is roasted for a long time, it is harder to tell the different types apart.

+ When Ted Turner purchased Jim Crockett Promotions in 1988, he allegedly called Vince McMahon to tell him that he was now in the “rasslin'” business.

+ Why has this user been blocked indefinetly when they have only made three edits? As far as I can tell none of them were vandalism, so an indefinite ban seems a bit harsh.

+ I could tell you the range of things I did.

+ Samuel Todd Francis was an advisor to Pat Buchanan, a paleoconservative who believed that instead of trying to defend capitalism Republicans should try to get rid of free trade and to tell the middle class that the policies conservatives had always supported only helped the rich.

+ The reason astronomers can tell how far the light gets shifted is because chemical elements, like hydrogen and oxygen, have unique fingerprints of light that no other element has.

+ When I was looking for the right page to revert to I found one with a comment at the bottom saying that it had no information, that it could be short and sweet but needs to tell you something.

+ Robert Catesby confessed them to Tesimond, and gave him the permission to tell Garnet.

+ Thermochemists will tell if a reaction is spontaneous or non-spontaneous, favorable or unfavorable.

+ They have used the powers of the Royal Commissioner to force powerful, but corrupt, public officials to tell the truth.

+ One can tell from the key signature what key a piece is in so long as one knows whether it is major or minor.

+ When bugs are found, people send bug reports to the developer to tell them about the bug and let them fix it.

+ To tell you the truth, I feel like there have been so many good editors that have joined this site recently and I feel like they have been taking over many of the roles that I have been doing for the past few months.

+ Even after the 1940s, when the researchers knew penicillin could cure these people, they refused to let them get treatment or even tell them that penicillin could help them.

+ After that, two eels named Flotsam and Jetsam tell her about a seawitch named Ursula.

+ The words from the Bible are used to tell the basic story.

+ Make sure to tell the administrator what IP address you are using.

+ Based on the wording that Creol used after I brought this up, I could tell it was not KA.

+ Feldman apparently was at liberty to tell of the divorce being granted, he said he could not tell where in Mexico it was obtained.” The report further stated that “The Fosters created something of a sensation when they disclosed that they were trying to remain happily married while living in separate homes.

+ These lyrics often tell of suffering, dying, and war.

+ They also tell more about things that did happen in the movies.

+ The gospels of Mark tell how Jesus got four of his apostles from the shores of Lake Galilee: the fishermen Simon and his brother Andrew, and the brothers John and James.

+ This can be helpful, because the aura can tell the person that a seizure is coming ahead of time, and give them time to get to a safe place.

+ It is played using dice to decide what happens and a ruler to tell how far a unit moves.

+ Early Buddhist legends tell that Licchavi was a ruling family during Gautama Buddha’s time in India, but links to the Nepalese kingdom are speculative.

+ SpongeBob and Patrick tell The Drasticals that they like to catch jellyfish.

+ One of the purposes is to advise children to obey their parents and to behave themselves.  They say  “Are there any crybabies around?” or “Are naughty kids around?” in the local dialect.  If parents want Namahage to encourage or tell off their children by giving a specific original way, parents can ask them in advance to give special lessons to their children.  It lasts until children heavily cry or leave their house.

+ Words that tell you about nouns are called adjectives.

+ Later, if someone needs to prove that they were the one who made the commitment, then they can tell people the original string they used.

+ But unknown to him, he has had a secret admirer for the past three years-quiet goody-two-shoes Midori Kasugano, who is so paralyzed by her shyness that she could not possibly tell him how she feels.

+ But eventually, the two women tell each other the truth.

+ Because little penguins live together in large groups, called colonies, it is important they can tell each other apart.

+ Later, the same mysterious man appears once again, and meets Ramesh once again to tell him that he knows Mala well and also Bijua is planning to give off Ramesh to the criminal gang, for money.

+ After the writer is finished writing the article, they tell LaTeX to read the document.

+ The study said that it was impossible to tell a difference between the sane and the insane.

+ The police came to her home to tell her that photos of her were sent to “everyone”.

+ Please tell them what kind of computer, web browser, and keyboard you are using.

+ For instance, a woman going on a date may have to grapple with the decision of when and or if she should tell her date that she is transgender.

+ Those messages tell the brain that the body is being damaged.

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