“taxon” – some sentence examples

How to use in-sentence of “taxon”:

+ When a taxobox appears in an article, the taxon the article is about should have its name displayed in bold.

+ See that module for the implementation of the rules that determine whether the taxon name and the link text match or not.

+ This template displays the input text in the standard format for a taxon author following a taxon.

+ Among his most important scientific achievements is a critical revision of the taxonomy of the grass family, a study of the problems of the origin of this taxon and its further evolution.

+ Taxonomic identifiers of each taxon are stored and retrieved from each taxon‘s corresponding Wikidata entry, but can be overridden in individual articles with locally entered data.

+ Automated taxoboxes use a function in Module:Autotaxobox, which finds a colour-setting taxon by searching up the taxonomic hierarchy coded in taxonomy templates i.e.

+ Given a taxon name, this function returns the “n”th taxon above it in the taxonomic hierarchy.

taxon - some sentence examples
taxon – some sentence examples

Example sentences of “taxon”:

+ You can also use this as a TSN reference only by leaving out the taxon name; you may choose this format when you’re using this template on second reference or when the taxon is clear from context.

+ Add the code anywhere you’d like inside braces, and that should force the taxon to display all the time regardless of its rank.

+ If is not specified, the taxobox name will default to the taxon that is the target of the taxobox.

+ It has become clear that the fossil taxon Helcionelloida does “not” belong to the class Gastropoda.

+ The name of the taxon the article is about.

+ In biology, a family is a taxonomytaxonomic rank, or a taxon at that rank.

+ For any one circumscription, position, and rank of a taxon only one name can be correct.

+ The article will be at the genus name, but the final taxon to be displayed in the taxobox should be the species.

+ This means it has already been established for another taxon of the same rank in the same kingdom before– even if that name is now a synonym too.

+ Main function to italicize a taxon name appropriately.

+ You can also use this as a TSN reference only by leaving out the taxon name; you may choose this format when you're using this template on second reference or when the taxon is clear from context.

+ Add the code anywhere you'd like inside braces, and that should force the taxon to display all the time regardless of its rank.
+ If is not specified, the taxobox name will default to the taxon that is the target of the taxobox.

+ Rowe defines mammals as “the taxon originating with the most recent common ancestor of extant Monotremata and Theria”.

+ First proposed by Thomas Henry Huxley in 1880, it is nearly synonymous with the earlier taxon Marsupialia, but it also contains the nearest fossil relatives of marsupial mammals.

+ In some circumstances, TAXON may not be the name of the taxon.

+ Produces a line for a taxon in a manual.

+ In many cases, each taxon name in a database has a unique identifier.

+ Italicize a taxon name appropriately by invoking italicizeTaxonName.

+ The ancestor may be a taxon of various ranks.

More in-sentence examples of “taxon”:

+ It does so by searching up the taxonomic hierarchy for a ‘real’ taxon i.e.

+ This is a purely informative tracking category for templates with 35–39 taxon IDs from Wikidata and/or manual input; no action is required.

+ Protostomes are a nephrozoan taxon of animals above the level of phylum.

+ There is no sense in removing too many identifiers, for example: removing plant or fungi identifiers from an animal taxon would have no effect as these parameters will not show up on an animal taxon in the first place.

+ The original meaning of the taxon Hominidae meant only humans and their closest relatives.

+ The size and complexity of the brain suggested that Remipedia might be the sister taxon to Malacostraca, regarded as the most advanced crustaceans.

+ The only species, “Ingentia prima”, meaning “first huge one”, as the taxon was one of the first very large sauropodomorphs to evolve, along with its close relative Lessemsaurus.

+ Manual taxoboxes call this template from is used to decide whether a taxon is colour-setting, which it does by using this template.

+ If the page gets moved, the taxon template that links to that article will need to be updated in order to maintain the proper bolding.

+ This is a purely informative tracking category for templates with 20–24 taxon IDs from Wikidata and/or manual input; no action is required.

+ It was the sister taxon to “Henodus”.

+ A taxon identifier works in much the same way that a barcode is used to get data about an item.

+ You can leave it alone the name of the taxon isn’t the name of the page it links to.

+ The Neognathae include almost all living birds: their sister taxon Palaeognathae has just the tinamou and the flightless ratites.

+ Given a taxon name, this function returns a comma-separated list of all the levels at and above it in the taxonomic hierarchy.

+ Their nearest relatives are probably Kinorhyncha and Loricifera with which they constitute the taxon Scalidophora.

+ If the title should be italicized, based on whether the page title matches the name of the taxon and the taxon‘s rank is genus or below, it will be added automatically.

+ If there’s a particularly notable taxon of a minor rank, such as Theropoda chances are that you’d like the taxon to display in every single taxobox that it could possibly be displayed in.

+ Species or groups are put in the wastebsket taxon when they do not fit into one of the regular taxa.

+ This follows ICZN Recommendation 67B; be aware that this means the taxon used by the genus’ original author– even if it is now invalid.

+ The taxon is a clade which includes modern mammals and their extinct close relatives, the Mammaliaformes.

+ By definition, any homologous trait defines a clade–a monophyletic taxon in which all the members have the trait ; and all non-members lack it.

+ Defaults to 1 to give the taxon some context.

+ Returns the taxon above the specified taxon with a given rank.

+ Historically, all fossil Onychophora and lobopods were lumped into the taxon Xenusia.

+ Deuterostomes are a nephrozoan superphylum of bilaterian animals, a taxon above the level of phylum.

+ Even the target taxon can be omitted, since the system will attempt to obtain the name of the taxon from the title of the article.

+ They were once considered to be true marsupials, but are now thought to be a sister taxon to them.

+ The name of an extinct taxon can be preceded by one of the following markers:.

+ Some taxon identifiers not at present in Wikidata can be added via extra parameters, however adding the data to Wikidata is preferable.

+ Taxa can be big or small, a fairly small taxon is the giraffes, a very big one is the beetles.

+ This is a purely informative tracking category for templates with 25–29 taxon IDs from Wikidata and/or manual input; no action is required.

+ A taxon is a taxonomic group or taxonomic unit.

+ The family Cyperaceae, or the sedges, is a taxon of flowering plants.

+ Cesare Emiliani was honored by having the genus “Emiliania” erected as home for the taxon “huxlei”.

+ Warning The “ancestor” taxon is the one defined by the taxonomy templates i.e.

+ It has been updated to allow linking to different record types, having initially been designed to link only to taxon pages.

+ For example, the taxon Spheniscidae is at Penguin.

+ It is possible to search for all occurrences of a taxon name or of an author name.

+ They are part of the wastebasket taxon known as the Protozoa, which contained many obviously different protists.

+ The name parameter should include the taxon name.

+ A wastebasket taxon or dustbin taxon or catch-all taxon is a term used by biologists for a taxon which has organisms that do not fit anywhere else.

+ When moving an article to another title, always check to see that the taxon parameter is present, to ensure the taxonomy continues to display properly.

+ The top-level taxon for ichnotaxa – i.e.

+ This template takes an optional id parameter, heading, author listing and page number or numbers for the MSW3 entry on the species or other taxon in question.

+ If a taxon has a value in the rank table, it should always be lower than one higher in the taxonomic hierarchy.

+ The taxon is the scientific name for whatever the article is about.

+ This taxon contains the placental mammals, of which humans are one species.

+ Next, we have the parameter to cite a source which says that the taxon belongs in that parent taxon – in case someone challenges it later.

+ This is a taxon above the level of phylum, and is not part of the usual system of classification.

+ It does so by searching up the taxonomic hierarchy for a 'real' taxon i.e.

+ This is a purely informative tracking category for templates with 35–39 taxon IDs from Wikidata and/or manual input; no action is required.
+ Protostomes are a nephrozoan taxon of animals above the level of phylum.

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