“taxa” how to use in sentences

How to use in-sentence of “taxa”:

– However, this template ensures that names are italicized for all viral taxa except those of ranks below species.

– Descriptions of new taxa and revisions of selected groups of living Cypraeidae.

– Ostracod taxa are grouped into a Class based on gross morphology.

– In higher taxa, and taxa where the subdivision option does not indicate number of species, the option is used to specify the number of species.

– In some cases paraphyletic taxa are united simply by not being part of any other groups, and give rise to so-called wastebasket taxa.

– Madagascar and neighboring islands form a distinctive sub-region of the ecozone, with numerous endemismendemic taxa like the lemurs.

taxa how to use in sentences
taxa how to use in sentences

Example sentences of “taxa”:

– This template is only suitable for taxa whose names are regulated by the “International Code of Zoological Nomenclature”.

– Higher taxa like families may or may not be italicized in different publications.

– The taxa parameters like regnum, classis, etc.

– Note: Not to be used for plants because botanical taxa do not use dates in the abbreviated authority.

– The need to include unranked taxa generally indicates that you are following phylogenetic nomenclature.

– The arrangement of taxa reflects the fundamental evolutionary differences in the genomegenomes.

– More precisely, it is shared by two or more taxa and their most recent common ancestor, whose own ancestor in turn does not possess the trait.

– The Near Threatened taxa usually includes the Vulnerable species.

– This template is one of a number intended for use in taxoboxes under the parameters, to produce a list of taxa in a consistent format.

– For animals and non-flowering plants, use unranked taxa sparingly.

– They are now usually treated as two separate taxa – Acariformes, mites, and Parasitiformes, ticks – which may be ranked as orders or superorders.

– Continue previewing and creating taxonomy templates for the ancestor taxa until the “taxonomy missing” errors cease.

– Higher groups which only include the article subject should also list authorities unless those are the same as for the taxa in question.

- This template is only suitable for taxa whose names are regulated by the "International Code of Zoological Nomenclature".

- Higher taxa like families may or may not be italicized in different publications.
- The taxa parameters like regnum, classis, etc.

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