“target” in sentences?

How to use in-sentence of “target”:

– Since many abusive editors have patterns to their editing, it should be possible to only target the right person.

– ACCO Brands, under the Day Dream brand, features a 2015 wall calendar and Disney D’Signed clothing line from selected retailers Target CorporationTarget and Kohl’s.

– Because of this the page is also a target of vandalism.

– Insulin increases glucose uptake in target cells.

– Please consider indefinite semi-protection on the page as he is likely to be a vandal target for many years,.

target in sentences?
target in sentences?

Example sentences of “target”:

– As a famous and popular Jewish composer, he was a target of the Nazi authorities, who criticized and even interfered with performances of his later stage works, such as “Aufstieg und Fall der Stadt Mahagonny”, “Die Bürgschaft”.

– It was held on May 22, 2005 at the Target Center in Minneapolis, Minnesota.

– Hence, the target machine-code generator would set a variable named “x” and put the value 57 into that storage place in the computer’s memory, using the instructions of whichever computer chip is being used.

– The target molecule is stuck to its ligand, which is stuck to the stationary phase, so it is not rinsed away.

– The addition of the United States Department of Homeland Security was a recognition that the United States was itself a potential target of attack by its various enemies.

– A proximity fuze #Munition fusesfuze that is made to create an explosion when the distance to the target becomes smaller than a set value, or when the target passes through a given line.

– The target is supposed to use this space to move I/O data to and from the initiator.

- As a famous and popular Jewish composer, he was a target of the Nazi authorities, who criticized and even interfered with performances of his later stage works, such as "Aufstieg und Fall der Stadt Mahagonny", "Die Bürgschaft".

- It was held on May 22, 2005 at the Target Center in Minneapolis, Minnesota.
- Hence, the target machine-code generator would set a variable named "x" and put the value 57 into that storage place in the computer's memory, using the instructions of whichever computer chip is being used.

– American squadrons went to the target in several different groups.

– Another version is where players try to hit each other’s marbles out of a target zone.

– They will target a hero or a tower if there is no creeps.

– The Apollo Lunar ModuleLunar Module landed in the Fra Mauro formation; this had been the target of the ill-fated Apollo 13 mission.

More in-sentence examples of “target”:

- Radar signals passing near a massive object take slightly longer to travel to a target and longer to return than it would if the mass of the object were not present.

- Rocket launchers are different from missile launchers because some missiles can follow their target even if they were not aimed straight at them, but rockets cannot.

– Radar signals passing near a massive object take slightly longer to travel to a target and longer to return than it would if the mass of the object were not present.

– Rocket launchers are different from missile launchers because some missiles can follow their target even if they were not aimed straight at them, but rockets cannot.

– Dimension Sword Slice: Super Janemba slices his target repeatedly with his Dimension Sword, before teleporting in front of him/her and firing a Super Explosive Cannon.

– In summer 2009, the target was packed into five lead containers and was sent by a commercial flight from New York to Moscow.

– This target was set by the Australian Sports Commission’s Australia’s Winning Edge policy.

– The length of target gene sequence can also be specified.

– Getting a nuclear weapon to its target can be as hard as making one.

– May I ask one of my fellow admins to admonish the editor who made ? As the target of the comments, I might not be the appropriate person to address it.

– They can be the target of pranks.

– It then writes down the instructions in the target language.

– There are 21 target balls in total – 15 red balls.

– Several government agencies have used letter bombs to target persons outside their jurisdiction.

– Flerovium can be made by bombardmentbombarding a target with calcium-48 as a beam of ions.

– I have been the main target of his disruption.

– This allows a dive bomber to drop bombs accurately on a relatively small target, or a moving target quite easily.

– An assassin begins to target them later on.

– Bennu is the target of the OSIRIS-REx mission which is intended to return samples to Earth in 2023 for further study.

– In JapanJapanese waters, Silky sharks are a common target species of the shark fishery and are also caught with swordfish and tuna fisheries.

– The algorithm then compares the middle item of the sorted list with the target value.

– Instructs the server to return information about the administrator of the server specified by, or the current server if target is omitted.

– Reading list tailored to target audience.

– Team principal Mario Theissen set the target of the team’s first win.

– I think it would bring in a lot of people and since one of this sites target audiences is younger children I think having a ‘did you know’ section full of odd/funny/bizarre facts might bring more visitors/editors.

– These scopes can help a sniper aim and hit a target far away.

– Kahoolawe was used as a gunfire and bombing target by the United States military during World War II.

– There are a number of problems with literal translations: First, words must be added, to get a valid grammar in the target language.

– The boy’s mother also became the target of harassment on the internet and social media.

– By default the header to the taxobox will be based on the target taxon and the page title and it will automatically be italicized if it’s a genus.

– The Port Authority’s World Trade Center World Trade Center was the target of a terrorist attack on February 26, 1993, and of the more successful September 11 attacks in 2001.

– For example, Daniel Boone, using a flintlock rifle could probably hit a target at up to away.

– Replace “CATEGORY NAME” with the “name only” of the target category, leaving out the term “Category:”.

– Here, the target was placed on a thin titanium film.

– Enter the “category name only” of the target category, leaving out the term “Category:”.

– It is more effective on target rather than machine guns and cannons.

– Finally, the compiler writes down the instructions in the target language.

– Also, Brian Welch was speaking out “against” the moon hoax, so he would not have been a good target to be killed.

– A deluxe edition was sold in Target stores.

– First, the algorithm must be given a sorted list and the item to look for, called the target value.

– Transfection can result in unexpected morphologies and abnormalities in target cells.

– Because there were no defense facilities around the city, it was an easy target for ennemies.

– This kills the target cell.

– The ligand could be an antibody if the target molecule has an antigen; DNA if the target molecule is a polymerase, DNA-binding protein, or DNA-binding enzyme; aromatic molecules if the target is a different kind of enzyme; or a peptide if the target is another biomolecule.

– The house on Lihou was used for target practice by heavy artillery during the Occupation of the Channel IslandsGerman Occupation of the Channel Islands during World War II.

– Even though the target went over the Atlantic Ocean five times, the whole journey only took a few days.

– During the Mexican revolution of 1910-17 General Venustiano Carranza, intent on taking the city of Mazatlán, ordered a bi-plane to drop a crude bomb of nails and dynamite wrapped in leather on the target of Neveria Hill adjacent to the downtown area of Mazatlán.

– This citation is the target of the Harvard reference.

– Evers’ civil rights work and leadership made him a target of white supremacists.

– The article on Josip Broz Tito is often the target of POV edits.

– Bioluminescent organisms are a target for many areas of research.

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