“tanning” – sentence examples

How to use in-sentence of “tanning”:

+ Like the sun, a tanning bed can also cause a sunburn if the person stays in too long.

+ Tannins used for tanning leather are obtained from the wood of certain trees, such as quebracho.

+ Both the sun and tanning beds can damage your skin if you stay exposed for too long.

+ Use of tanning devices can cause skin cancer because ultraviolet goes through the skin and causes destruction to cells, causing sunburn.

+ When questioned, Gein told investigators that between 1947 and 1952, and took the bodies home, where he tanning tanned their skins to make his paraphernalia.

+ The muscles are revealed through a process known as the “cutting phase” – a combination of Adipose tissuefat loss, oils, and tanning which, combined with the lighting, make the definition of the muscle group more distinct.

tanning - sentence examples
tanning – sentence examples

Example sentences of “tanning”:

+ Most countries have many laws and rules that regulate tanning beds.

+ The city is famous for the tanning industries.
+ The actual process of tanning is done by soaking the leather in a bath of Chromium III sulphate.

+ Most countries have many laws and rules that regulate tanning beds.

+ The city is famous for the tanning industries.

+ The actual process of tanning is done by soaking the leather in a bath of Chromium III sulphate.

+ They are preparing the leather, tanning it, and crusting.

+ Also, staying out of the sun to prevent tanning is good.

+ Natural skin colour can also darken as a result of tanning due to exposure to sunlight.

+ Most tanning beds also have a cooling fan system, to cool the electronics inside the tanning bed and keep it from getting too hot.

+ The tanning beds use a special acrylic, or clear shield over the lamps.

+ There are many kinds of tanning beds, but most look like the one in the photo.

+ All tanning beds have a timer, a device to limit the amount of time the person is exposed to the ultraviolet light.

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