“taken down” some example sentences

How to use in-sentence of “taken down”:

+ The website was taken down sometime after May 2006.

+ In March of 2017, the site was taken down for repairs, and they said it would come back at the end of 2017, it turns out that the website took until the beginning of 2020 to get back online.

+ The pier foundations were no longer taken down to bedrock; instead they were built by sinking brick-lined wrought-iron caissons onto the riverbed, A caisson is a watertight structure under water.

+ The original jetty was taken down in 1999 due to safety concerns.

+ The Government wanted every single family to have their name taken down to be taxed, so everyone had to go back to the place where they came from.

taken down some example sentences
taken down some example sentences

Example sentences of “taken down”:

+ The mill was taken down and moved without ever producing steel.

+ This document was taken down by the official website.

+ The facade of the building was taken down and rebuilt in 1922.

+ It was thought that prisoners would sigh at their final view of beautiful Venice through the windows before being taken down to their cells.

+ People did not like the Eiffel Tower and wanted it taken down because they thought is was an ugly structure polluting the scenery of the Paris sky.

+ The movie is set in a vertical prison, in which the food for the prisoners is taken down on a lowering platform, leaving the prisoners on the lower levels to get the leftovers.

+ In December 1987, Prince ordered the album taken down because of a few advance copies being used to make bootlegs.

+ And in Jurassic World 2: Fallen Kingdom, when fighting a Sinoceratops and gets taken down by the iconic “Rexy” the T-Rex.

+ The website also had a blog where visitors can talk about various issues or specific articles, which was taken down a short time ago.

+ Forcier who stood 6′ 7″ and 320lbs, was taken down by Leveque during each of their three fights.

+ Though taken down with fever, Cervantes refused to stay below, and begged to be allowed to take part in the battle, saying that he would rather die for his God and his king than keep under cover.

+ The mill was taken down and moved without ever producing steel.

+ This document was taken down by the official website.
+ The facade of the building was taken down and rebuilt in 1922.

+ In “Tom Tom Tomcat”, Tweety sings the song while writing down the number of Indian cats Granny has taken down so far.

+ On 4 January a camp occupied by anti-government demonstrators was taken down by Cambodian officials.

+ Peter’s Church, should be taken down and taken away from the city to stop the British, who would melt the bells down to and make into cannons, from taking the bells.

+ It used to be at the Horace Mann School, but that school building was taken down in 1940.

+ The city wall was taken down to get new land for growing food.

+ The Berlin Wall was taken down on November 9, 1989.

+ Reports of “Black Ops II” surfaced following a product page for “Call of Duty: Black Ops II” appeared Amazon France before quickly being taken down in February 2012.

+ I’m not sure how to proceed — I don’t want to keep re-posting the information and have it taken down each time.

+ In the game, the city of London was taken down under the ground by strange bats and put in an underground world called the Neath, where it is always nighttime.

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