“take up” some example sentences

How to use in-sentence of “take up”:

– Since she a student he went to England to take up postgraduate studies.

– In 1988 he left Parliament, by applying for the Chiltern Hundreds, to take up the post of European Commissioner for Regional Policy and Cohesion which he held until 1995.

– Many countries are on peninsulas, and may either take up part of a peninsula.

– He eventually went back to Chicago to take up a writing job.

– Dave was left with nothing, forcing him to take up the drums.

– The body will not take up more iron than it needs, and it usually needs very little.

– Degree from New College, Oxford in 1602, and moved to Chichester to take up the job of organist and choir master at the Cathedral..

– While unimportant posts generally do take up space at simple talk, I somewhat disagree about lowering the automatic archive time from 7 days.

take up some example sentences
take up some example sentences

Example sentences of “take up”:

– Xi Zhongxun said on the spot: “For Guangdong is an ‘independent country’, it may take up in a few years.

– Insulin is a hormone which tells the muscle and fat cells of the body to take up sugar from the blood.

– After a post-doctoral year at the British Natural History Museum, Simpson returned in 1927 to take up a post in the American Museum of Natural History.

– In the soil, it can take up to twelve years to decay.

– If it is low quality, it will take up a small amount of storage.

– The Glasgow Warriors will take up a two-year residency at Firhill from the start of the 2007-08 Magners League season.

– In the case of more bigger albatrosses, it can take up to 280 days.

– The training period for hearing dogs may take up to year.

– The red blood cells take up an abnormal, rigid, sickle shape.

– As they pass through low oxygen areas most cells take up this shape.

– On 30 August 2020, he was backed by the Future Movement of Lebanon and a group of former Lebanese prime ministers to take up the post of PM.

– The band’s lineup was completed when Will Champion joined to take up percussion duties.

– In 684, Cuthbert was chosen to be bishop of Lindisfarne, at a synod at Twyford, volume XXXVIII, 1852 page 500 from Google Book Search but was unwilling to leave his retirement and take up his charge.

– Most navigational templates are graphics-intensive, take up the full width of the page, and visually look like a big block, so you want all the text stuff before that.

– A medicine called Metformin is often prescribed, which works by helping the fat and muscle cells of the body listen to the signal from insulin to take up sugar from the blood.

– My point being the policy states and I quote: “”signatures that take up more than two or three lines in the edit window clutter the page and make it harder to distinguish posts from signatures”” I personally think we need to set a standard screen res so we don’t keep running into that problem.

– The Trail was about 2,170 miles long, and could take up to six months to travel.

– When two people play the Game of Life, the alive cells have two colors and a player wins when their colors take up all of the cells.

– In 1913, Niels Bohr came up with the idea that electrons could only take up certain orbits around the nucleus of an atom.

- Xi Zhongxun said on the spot: "For Guangdong is an 'independent country', it may take up in a few years.

- Insulin is a hormone which tells the muscle and fat cells of the body to take up sugar from the blood.
- After a post-doctoral year at the British Natural History Museum, Simpson returned in 1927 to take up a post in the American Museum of Natural History.

More in-sentence examples of “take up”:

– For the movie she stopped his study in high school to take up the role, which ultimately won her the 1999 Guldbagge Award for Best Actress, together with Alexandra Dahlström.

– The turtles can take up dissolved oxygen from the water using these papillae, in much the same way that fish use gills to respire.

– These are popular formats for compressing music until it does not take up much space and can easily be put on a media player such as the iPod.

– Becoming a professional geisha can take up to five years of training in Kyoto.

– A male and female shrimp pair will take up residence in the flower-basket house when they are young and continue to grow until they are too large to leave the confines of the sponge.

– There were many female writers, but gaining attention is difficult unless a writer would take up a male name to publish their work under.

– In November 2010 it was announced that he would take up the position of DeemsterFirst Deemster following the death of Michael Kerruish earlier in the year.

– Animals eat a lot and take up a lot of resources.

– This process takes advantage of the fact that a single bacterial cell can be induced to take up and replicate a single recombinant DNA molecule.

– These can take up to one year to hatch, and the worms take several years to become adults, and be able to reproduce.

– Hyder Ali tried to made a treaty with the Marathas and the Nizam of Hyderabad, but both of them decided not to take up arms against the British so Hyder Ali ended up fighting the war on his own.

– There is an interdenominational ‘Pakistan Christian Congress’, that helps to smooth out relations between various sects and to take up any issues of mutual concern.

– They take up no space because they are points, and they are the only particles that we have not been able to break apart from other particles yet.

– The Darwin subsystem in macOS is in charge of managing the file system, which includes the Unix every day, a process which can take up to 15 minutes.

– This insulin tells the cells to take up glucose from the blood.

– Nature preserves take up about 10% of the county’s land.

– During this, students could take up certain points and argue them.

– It was only after a visit from a large group, including King Ecgfrith, that he agreed to return and take up the duties of bishop.

– Ana Ribeiro Borges, who persuaded him to take up the spiritist doctrine.

– They take up a lot of room, and the noise they make are meant to fill large spaces.

– Instead they take up the counterstain and appear red or pink.

– Brunette retired from professional ice hockey on February 13, 2013 and decided to take up the position of Hockey Operations Advisor to the Minnesota Wild.

– Transfection of animal cells usually involves opening temporary pores in the cell membrane, to allow the cells to take up the vector.

– At rest, the proboscis is inside a long tube that may take up a considerable portion of the worm’s length, lying just above the gut.

– Branstad was confirmed by the United States Senate on a 83-12 vote on May 22, 2017, and was succeeded as Governor of Iowa by Lieutenant Governor Kim Reynolds once he resigned to take up the ambassadorship.

– Liszt encouraged him to take up the project again.

– William de Curtorim encouraged Hortencio to take up writing again he became a ghost writer for the Late Artist by penning down six Tiatrs.

– Sometimes shanty towns can take up whole parts of a city and may include millions of dwellers – such as in the cities of Brazil- see Favelas.

– President’s wife Anna Harrison was very ill, and she could not go out of their home in Ohio, when her husband moved to take up the presidency.

– Breweries can take up several city blocks, or be a collection of equipment in a homebrewer’s kitchen.

– They take up less space and can turn better.

– Branstad was confirmed by the Senate on May 22, 2017, and was succeeded as Governor of Iowa by Lieutenant Governor Kim Reynolds after he resigns to take up the ambassadorship.

– Beyond holding the proper academic title, universities in many countries also give notable artists, athletes and foreign dignitaries the title “honorary professor”, even if these persons do not have the academic qualifications typically necessary for professorship and they do not take up professorial duties.

– They do not tell the cells in the body to take up glucose from the blood.

– Hand planes are generally the combination of a cutting edge, such as a sharpened metal plate, attached to a firm body, that when moved over a wood surface, take up relatively uniform shavings, by nature of the body riding on the ‘high spots’ in the wood, and also by providing a relatively constant angle to the cutting edge, render the planed surface very smooth.

– Living things take up lighter isotopes because this takes less energy.

– For certain conditions, it may take up to two weeks of taking this drug regularly until you get the full benefit.

– Bullfrog tadpoles take up to a year to become a young frog.

– The peace agreement required Finland to take up arms against Germany in the Lapland War.

– Since oxygen therapeutics are not yet widely available, the United States Army is experimenting with varieties of dried blood, which take up less room, weigh less and can be used much longer than blood plasma.

– The “shortcut” template can take up to five shortcuts as parameters.

– Although very talented Arthur decided not to take up horn playing professionally and joined the police.

– Scientists think that the most dangerous radioactive elements will take up to nine hundred years to decay sufficiently to render the area safe.

– She was inspired to take up Water Polo by her brother Edgar.

– At the start, the girl meets a bawd, a woman who persuades her to take up prostitution.

– I have just ended up with a job as a forum mod, so that will take up a lot of time.

- For the movie she stopped his study in high school to take up the role, which ultimately won her the 1999 Guldbagge Award for Best Actress, together with Alexandra Dahlström.

- The turtles can take up dissolved oxygen from the water using these papillae, in much the same way that fish use gills to respire.
- These are popular formats for compressing music until it does not take up much space and can easily be put on a media player such as the iPod.

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