“tailored” some ways to use

How to use in-sentence of “tailored”:

– Fees are generally tailored to suit each project.

– In summary, each election is an individual affair and the reasoning a crat would use to close it should be tailored to that process.

– With the growth of the five children to maturity and elegance, the stories have been tailored accordingly to suit the children.

– His patronesses would pick a model, which would then be sewn in fabrics of their choice and tailored to their figure.

– Barnum molded the boy into an entertainer, and provided the child with an expensive and exquisitely tailored wardrobe.

– There are typefaces tailored for special applications, such as cartographymap-making or astrology and mathematics.

– It is also very versatile, since it can be tailored to detect a wide variety of very specific secretions.

tailored some ways to use
tailored some ways to use

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