“symmetry” in-sentences

How to use in-sentence of “symmetry”:

+ The order of a group is the number of symmetry operations for that group.

+ Her works to theoretical physics include the Peccei-Quinn theory which showed a corresponding symmetry of nature and works relating to particle interactions.

+ In the notation of symmetrohedron this tiling is called H with H representing *632 hexagonal symmetry in the plane.

+ Together, they form what we call the symmetry group of the Rubik’s cube.

+ The Frontier Molecular Orbital Theory predicts that the sigma bond in the ring will open in a way that the resulting p-orbitals will have the same symmetry as the HOMO of the product.

+ The echinoderms, however, are members of the Bilateria, because they exhibit bilateral symmetry in their developing stages.

symmetry in-sentences
symmetry in-sentences

Example sentences of “symmetry”:

+ Mirzakhani still worked on geometry and symmetry but started to focus more on theories on Teichmiller dynamics, advanced geometric strategies.

+ If a pattern is found that is not known in the diffraction data libraries an attempt can be made to index the pattern, that is to identify the symmetry and the size of the unit cell.

+ The tables are square because there are always equal numbers of irreducible representations and groups of symmetry operations.

+ Charge conjugation describes a type of symmetry of nature.

+ A point group is a set of symmetry operations forming a mathematical “group”, for which at least one “point” remains fixed under all operations of the group.

+ The precise notions of symmetry have various measures and operational definitions.

+ They must however be of the right symmetry to be able to form the bond.

+ Mirzakhani still worked on geometry and symmetry but started to focus more on theories on Teichmiller dynamics, advanced geometric strategies.

+ If a pattern is found that is not known in the diffraction data libraries an attempt can be made to index the pattern, that is to identify the symmetry and the size of the unit cell.
+ The tables are square because there are always equal numbers of irreducible representations and groups of symmetry operations.

+ The “identity element” is the symmetry in which nothing changes.

+ This group’s subgroups include D, the symmetry group of a rectified tetrahedron.

+ Also the whole parallelepiped has point symmetry “C”.

+ Nambu was known for his works to the field of theoretical physics, he was awarded a one-half share of the Nobel Prize in Physics in 2008 for the discovery in 1960 of the mechanism of Spontaneous symmetry breakingspontaneous broken symmetry in subatomic physics, related at first to the strong interaction’s chiral symmetry and later to the electroweak interaction and Higgs mechanism.

+ The history of the Guralnik, Hagen and Kibble development of the theory of spontaneous symmetry breaking and gauge articles.

More in-sentence examples of “symmetry”:

+ Modern physics connects ideas about the four laws of symmetry and conservation of energy, momentum, charge, and parity.

+ The Woodward–Hoffmann rules address the conservation of orbital symmetry in electrocylic reactions.

+ In nature and biology, symmetry is approximate.

+ Echinoderm larvae are ciliated free-swimming organisms that have a bilaterally symmetry rather like embryonic chordates.

+ For the 5,6-dimethylcyclohexa-1,3-diene, only a disrotatory mode would result in p-orbitals having the same symmetry as the HOMO of hexatriene.

+ Each of the five symmetry elements has a symmetry operation.

+ Another important example of a group is a group of symmetries, where each symmetry of an object is an element of the group.

+ People use a caret symbol to talk about the operation rather than the symmetry element.

+ Lee studied symmetry principles and weak interactions.

+ The orbital symmetry of the octatriene’s HOMO/LUMOhighest occupied molecular orbital requires for the end pi orbitals to move in opposite directions to form the correct symmetry found in the sigma bond.

+ Reflectional Symmetry is a property of certain geometrygeometrical objects that appears the same when reflected along an axis.

+ Any ray that enters the parabola and is parallel to the axis of symmetry will pass through this point after being reflected by the curve.

+ Chemists study symmetry to explain how crystals are made up and how chemicals react.

+ The molecular symmetry of the reactants help predict how the product of the reaction is made up and the energy needed for the reaction.

+ The sigma bond in the reactant will open in a way that the resulting p-orbitals will have the same symmetry as the highest occupied molecular orbital.

+ Spontaneous symmetry breaking can create a Theoretical particle particle called a Higgs boson.

+ Some scientists believe that spontaneous symmetry breaking is the answer.

+ For spontaneous symmetry breaking to happen, you need an environment which is completely symmetrical, and has at least two outcomes that are equally likely.

+ The uniform tetrahemihexahedron is a tetrahedral symmetry faceting of the regular octahedron, sharing edge arrangementedge and vertex arrangement.

+ Spontaneous symmetry breaking starts with two particles that are completely equal; their spin is equal, too.

+ The National Gallery writes: “The masklike symmetry of the bather’s face makes exact identification difficult; scholars have suggested that her aristocratic features indicate that she is one of several royal mistresses, most notable among them Diane de Poitiers, the mistress of Henry II.

+ It is about the symmetry of molecules.

+ Any symmetry operation in a molecule’s point group acting on the molecule itself will leave it unchanged.

+ Their radial symmetry is secondary.

+ Modern physics connects ideas about the four laws of symmetry and conservation of energy, momentum, charge, and parity.

+ The Woodward–Hoffmann rules address the conservation of orbital symmetry in electrocylic reactions.

+ Often, the distinction between vectors and pseudovectors is overlooked, but it becomes important in understanding and exploiting the effect of symmetry on the solution to physical systems.

+ Newer research strongly indicates that bilateral symmetry evolved before the split between Cnidaria and Bilateria: the radially symmetrical cnidarians have evolved radial symmetry secondarily.

+ This involves measuring the angles of crystal faces, and establishing the symmetry of the crystal in question.

+ The symmetry of a molecule tells us whether it is chiral.

+ Another idea on a larger scale is the use of crystal systems to describe crystallographic symmetry in bulk materials.

+ Every isosceles triangle has an axis of symmetry along the perpendicular bisector of its base.

+ The “operation” of the group is this: make the change of the one symmetry and then make the change of the other symmetry.

+ Although such a shift is symmetry allowed, the Mobius topology required in the transition state prohibits such a shift.

+ The octahedron’s symmetry group is O, of order 48, the three dimensional hyperoctahedral group.

+ Their position in the Arthropoda is based on not much more than their bilateral symmetry and an exoskeleton.

+ Oblate spheroids have rotational symmetry around an axis from pole to pole.

+ However, the pyritohedron is not a regular dodecahedron, but rather has the same symmetry as the cube.

+ Crystallography includes the symmetry patterns which can be formed by atoms in a crystal.

+ In the 1960s, he proposed broken symmetry in electroweak theory.

+ The table itself is made of characters which show how a particular irreducible representation changes when a particular symmetry operation is applied.

+ The symmetry groups of these polychora are all Coxeter groups and given in the notation described in that article.

+ All echinoderms have fivefold radial symmetry in their body at some stage of life.

+ The second part of the infrared spectrum is called the fingerprint region; it is associated with types of motion allowed by the symmetry of the molecule and influenced by the bond energies.

+ Anderson created and helped prove theories such as Anderson localizationlocalization, antiferromagnetism, symmetry breaking, high-temperature superconductivity.

+ Thus, and shifts become and shifts with heteroatoms, while preserving symmetry considerations.

+ Molecular symmetry can be studied several different ways.

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