“symbolic” – sentence examples

How to use in-sentence of “symbolic”:

– Their logic is called first-order logic, symbolic logic or mathematical logic.

– The word’s meaning is “I bow to the divine in you.” Namaste is a traditional Indian greeting of respect and thank you, with spiritual and symbolic meaning.

– The most ancient cross-cultural symbolic representation of the universe’s construction is the ‘world tree’.

– This realm of language is called the symbolic and is different from the semiotic that is associated with the masculine, the law, and structure.

– Some experts believe that this may have been built as a symbolic tomb for Khufu’s ka.

symbolic - sentence examples
symbolic – sentence examples

Example sentences of “symbolic”:

- Aziz Ahmad Chaudhry, Islam International Publications Limited and the Lahore Ahmadiyya Movement, who believe in a symbolic interpretation of these two terms.

- It was painted white for symbolic reasons.
- A station model is a symbolic picture showing the weather at a reporting station.

– Aziz Ahmad Chaudhry, Islam International Publications Limited and the Lahore Ahmadiyya Movement, who believe in a symbolic interpretation of these two terms.

– It was painted white for symbolic reasons.

– A station model is a symbolic picture showing the weather at a reporting station.

– Shuba is often remembered for his symbolic role in breaking down Major League Baseball’s tenacious “color barrier”.

– He gave his characters symbolic names, which may have sounded lively and imaginative to a 17th century audience.

– The Horus name has a clearly defined, symbolic meaning in its translation.

– The poem plays an important symbolic role as part “Ligeia.” The poem is written by Ligeia as she is dying, though it is actually recited by the narrator, her husband.

– She suggests that this may have had a symbolic meaning.

– The book was an attempt to describe a set of axioms and inference rules in symbolic logic from which all mathematical truths could in principle be proved.

– Each of the elements that constitute these edifices, as well as their colour, has a symbolic meaning in Tibetan Buddhism.

More in-sentence examples of “symbolic”:

– Margrethe II does not have a lot of power and has a symbolic role.

– This has led to the modern symbolic show of refusal by a member on being elected speaker.

– The symbolic pictures on the side of Christ to the left of the altar are: Christ on the Mount of Olives, Elijah at Mount Carmel 2.

– This rather organic system of devotion attempts to aid the individual in connecting with God through symbolic medium.

– The broken lower part is a symbolic break from its status as a colony.

– Modern astrologers see astrology as a symbolic language.

– Abstract sensation would be aesthetic as opposed to sensuous “sensation” and abstract intuition would be symbolic as opposed to fantastic “intuition”.

– Water is symbolic in baptism.

– The monument is believed to be around 600 hundred years old, and was possibly built in the Lodi Era considering its symbolic architecture.

– Orwell in Animal Farm presents Boxer as a symbolic character of the “Stakhanovites”.

– However, the Caliphate endured as both a symbolic position and a unifying entity for the Islamic world.During the period of the Abassid dynasty, Abassid claims to the caliphate did not go unchallenged.

– In other words, how long will it take us to get the number from currently 39 better articles to the symbolic 50? ie.

– Here is the previous syllogism written in symbolic logic.

– After his death, the Parthians allegedly poured molten gold down his throat, in a symbolic gesture mocking Crassus’ renowned greed.

– The Emperor of Japan has sometimes been a Shintocleric with mostly symbolic powers and sometimes an actual ruler.

– Beyond their defensive value many walls also had important symbolic functions — representing the status and independence of the communities they embraced.

– The “Cristo Negro del Encino is a widely venerated religious icon symbolic of this neighborhood.

– This is a symbolic act, and the governing party always supports its own candidates.

– These stories have great symbolic power, and this may be a major reason why they survive as long as they do, sometimes for thousands of years.

– One of Kristeva’s most important contributions is that signification is composed of two elements: the symbolic and the “semiotic”.

– The history of this symbolic building dates back to colonial times, around 1570, with the acquisition of the former royal houses located in the city of Quito.

– Headgear, headwear or headdress is the name given to any element of clothing which is worn on the skull and/or other parts of the head, either for practical reasons such as physical protection or for ornamental, ceremonial or symbolic purposes.

– Freudian psychology suggests that much behaviour is motivated by “unconscious factors, working through a network of defence mechanisms, symbolic disguises and psychological cloaks”.

– The rite of baptism is symbolic of the cleansing of the sinner by God.

– Although some have associated the black color with a strong symbolic shadow, Asi has acclaimed he chose the color primarily for practical reasons – to hide holes and dents of the ceiling.

– When Choudhury was in prison during 1952-54, he wrote his symbolic drama, “Kabar”.

– Following a Native American custom the exchange of gifts had an important symbolic meaning: the French gave presents to village chiefs, who in turn redistributed these gifts to their people.

– Instead, they supported “White House then the symbolic seat of Russian sovereignty.

– The events have since become a highly mythologized and symbolic story of the Wild West, and over the years variations of the storyline have come to include some of its most famous historical figures.

– Together the nine triangles are interlaced in such a way as to form 43 smaller triangles in a web symbolic of the entire cosmos or a womb symbolic of creation.

– Some temples do not have any murti in the sanctum but a symbolic diagram.

– In “Desire in Language Kristeva describes the symbolic as the development of language in the child to become a “speaking subject” and to develop a sense of identity separate from the mother.

– Along with the Shalimar Gardens Lahore, the Fort is symbolic of the height of Mughal glory in medieval South Asia.

– Although myths are often considered to be stories of events that have not happened, many historians think myths are about actual events that have become connected with strong symbolic meaning, or that have been changed, or shifted in time or place, or even reversed.

– She has no plans to return to office but was on the 2011 ballot for PAR as a member of the Congreso de los Diputados in a symbolic gesture.

– But tombs of 11 commanders are empty and only symbolic monument.

– Some of his criticism has extended as far as challenging domestication, language, Anarcho-primitivism#A Critique of Symbolic Culturesymbolic thought and the concept of time.

– The symbolic dream, which requires interpretation.

– The drink’s inclusion was because it is “important for its symbolic value as well as its refreshing qualities”.

– The Gay and Lesbian Kingdom of the Coral Sea Islands was a micronation created as a symbolic political protest by a group of gay rights activists based in southeast Queensland, Australia.

– The symbolic fish was familiar to Christians from the earliest times.

– Many women choose to shave or remove this hair because it gives a neater and cleaner look when wearing some types of clothes, however some women do not shave and choose to have a natural look for cultural or symbolic reasons.

– An example of this is the use of the rules of inference found within symbolic logic.

– In the Eucharist, the bread and wine are symbolic of the body and blood of Jesus.

– The wolf, falcon, deer and horse were important symbolic animals.

– A chemical equation is a written symbolic representation of a chemical reaction.

– In this republic born in 1992, the president has no decision-making power: his role is the symbolic representation of Mauritius abroad.

– A crown is a traditional symbolic form of head adornment worn by a monarch or by a deity, for whom the crown traditionally represents power, legitimacy, victory, triumph, honor, and glory, as well as immortality, righteousness, and resurrection.

– They deliberately avoided using lots of scenery and made use of symbolic ideas, especially lighting.

- Margrethe II does not have a lot of power and has a symbolic role.

- This has led to the modern symbolic show of refusal by a member on being elected speaker.
- The symbolic pictures on the side of Christ to the left of the altar are: Christ on the Mount of Olives, Elijah at Mount Carmel 2.

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