“symbol” some example sentences

How to use in-sentence of “symbol”:

– Magnesium is a chemical element with the symbol “Mg”, atomic number 12 and common oxidation state +2.

– They had a ring around the top part that became the symbol called a “Celtic cross”.

– It is very normal that they wear a Shamrock, a three leaved plant which is also a symbol for Ireland.

– The symbol for a flat is ♭.

– He has become a symbol of American man.

symbol some example sentences
symbol some example sentences

Example sentences of “symbol”:

- Each band member have been closely associated with their symbol during and after the career of Led Zeppelin, and they have all used them after the release of the album.

- In the modern time, they became the symbol for the three parts of government: Executive branchExecutive, legislative and Judiciary.
- The flag has often been used as a symbol of rebelion.

– Each band member have been closely associated with their symbol during and after the career of Led Zeppelin, and they have all used them after the release of the album.

– In the modern time, they became the symbol for the three parts of government: Executive branchExecutive, legislative and Judiciary.

– The flag has often been used as a symbol of rebelion.

– Maslenitsa is also considered as a family holiday because spring is a symbol of new life.

– This is contrasted with a phonogram, which is a symbol that represents a sound.

– Now it is often a symbol of Islam.

– This mountain is a symbol for Catalan people.

– It was built as a symbol of friendship between the two kingdoms.

– Others would say that worshipers must understand that the statue is only a symbol for God.

– The latter is normally more an example of accidental misuse than intentional use, or it could be a sign that a symbol is missing from the table.

– It has often been the symbol of the Emperor or of a hero.

– In the United States after the American Civil War, the pumpkin pie was resisted in the Southern United States as a symbol of Yankee culture brought to the South.

– In February 2010 IUPAC officially approved the name copernicium and symbol Cn.

– All the countries in the world use the same symbol for a unit, even though they might have different ways of writing out the unit name in full.

– Consequently, the style’s name was changed from “Shorinji Kempo” meaning “kung fu of Shaolin Temple” to “Nippon Shorinji Kempo” meaning “Japanese Way of Fist of Shaolin.” The students of Nippon Shorinji Kempo have signs of manji on their kimonos, but it is not treated as the symbol of fascism, it signifies happiness in Buddhism.

– The lexical analyzer would separate each number and symbol into separate tokens.

– Poppies were chosen as a symbol because they often grew in battlefields after the soldiers stopped fighting.

More in-sentence examples of “symbol”:

– Not a two symbol because it is the extinct dialect of Chechen.

– The Golden Eagle is the national symbol of Albania.

– The Banner of Peace symbol is shown in many paintings of Nicholas Roerich.

– In Hinduism, cow is the symbol of prosperity and wealth.

– It has the symbol Nh.

– Emmanuel Goldstein and O’Brien both say that the main role of Big Brother is to be a symbol for the Party.

– There are four numerals that represent 1, 10, 100 and 1000, respectively, and a symbol that looks like a small cross: it probably shows the beginning of the text.

– In computer programming, the symbol is sometimes used to show a bit shift operation.

– The Indian rupee symbol letter “R” without the vertical bar.

– He had a costume the reverse colors of Flash’s, however he had a mallet symbol because Flash was holding one when he was cloned.

– Since the blue lotus is a flower and a symbol of rebirth, Nefertem is often compared to it.

– The uppercase Σ is the shorthand symbol for summation.

– When people write a word that is a trademark or show a picture or symbol that is a trademark, they should say that it is a trademark.

– A skeleton, or just a skull, has often been used as a symbol for Death.

– The symbol Ag is from the Latin name for silver, “argentum”.

– Each symbol is coded with certain dots present, and others absent.

– To solve this problem, mathematicians introduced a symbol “i” and called it the “imaginary unit”.

– Baker’s flag became widely known with LGBT rights causes, a symbol of pride that became extremely used and well referenced in the decades since its debut.

– Named after the animal in the Chinese Zodiac, which was the symbol at the time of the game’s release, “Year of the Dragon” is based on a nominal purple dragon Spyro as he travels to the “Forgotten Worlds” after 150 magical dragon eggs are stolen from the land of the dragons from an evil sorceress.

– It looks like a tulip, which is an old symbol for Iran.

– This makes the Rainbow Serpent a symbol of the world’s oldest continuing religion.

– Shivani finds that Mohan also has star symbol on his back.Once her guru had told that her nagraj will be the son of the wealthiest person.So, Shivani tries to make understand for Mohan that he was nagraj in his previous birth.

– A positive number can be written with a “+” symbol in front of it, or just as a number.

– Many people thought it was a symbol of the Cold War.

– This is a special symbol that is written over some letters to show that they are pronounced differently.

- Not a two symbol because it is the extinct dialect of Chechen.

- The Golden Eagle is the national symbol of Albania.

– The first written reference of the lion as a symbol of the King and, therefore, of the kingdom, is in the “Chronica Adefonsi Imperatoris”.

– Its chemical symbol is Pb, which comes from “plumbum”, the Latin word for lead.

– The national emblem of France has been a symbol of the country since 1953.

– The egg was a symbol of the earth to celebrate spring.

– The national symbol on top of the helmet is the fist of a Barbadian.

– A constitutional monarchy usually has separation of powers, and the monarch often has only ceremonial functions, such as representing the country while traveling or acting as a symbol for the whole country.

– This iPhone marks the 10th anniversary of the iPhone, with “X” representing the symbol “ten” in Roman numerals.

– He sees the red fern as a symbol of the love that kept him and his dogs together.

– It has the symbol Fl.

– Because of this, her main symbol is the spiked wheel, which is known as a Catherine wheel.

– She is eaten by the wolf, who is a symbol for winter or night.

– The fig tree is a symbol for Jerusalem The vineyard where the tree was planted is the earth.

– The public now thought Pasternak was a Cold War symbol of rebellion against Soviet communism.

– Clearly, the wife is symbolized by the caged bird, a common symbol of women’s roles in society.

– He is known as a sex symbol for his sexualized stage shows and music videos and for having a very large fan base.

– The symbol for the goddess Venus is used for women.

– It has the chemical symbol Mo.

– The historic symbol of the valley, Sindhuli Gadhi fort, is at the peak of a hill of the Mahabharata range.

– Groups like the Black Panthers wore the Dashiki as a symbol of their black heritage.

– He held a stylus and a pallet, and sometimes the symbol of life, called the Ankh.

– If an IPA symbol is not in the table below, this indicates that the source uses the same symbol as above.

– The Flatirons are famous as a symbol of Boulder.

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