“switch to” in sentences?

How to use in-sentence of “switch to”:

+ He first studied mathematics at the University of Berlin, after which he decided to switch to a completely different field, and studied history at the University of Vienna, and later, international law at the University of Zürich.

+ When the gate of a P-channel MOSFET is positively charged, electricity will flow through, this is useful for electronics that require a switch to be turned on, making it an electronic switch.

+ Krebs were awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1992 for their works on phosphorylation works as a switch to activate proteins and regulate various cellular processes.

+ Back at camp, the old La Mina tribe tried to get Bruce and Danielle to vote with them, the two outcasts of their alliance, to switch to the La Mina alliance.

+ New rate plans were also introduced as well for all new and existing customers from both companies, though they will all will remain with their current plan if they choose not to switch to a new T-Mobile plan for at least 3 years.

+ When it was discovered that a 56-bit key of DES is not enough to protect from brute force attacks, TDES was chosen as a simple way to enlarge the key space without a need to switch to a new algorithm.

switch to in sentences?
switch to in sentences?

Example sentences of “switch to”:

+ Microsoft’s planned switch to Chromium as Edge’s engine has faced mixed reception.

+ The user can then start editing in the wikitext editor right away, or switch to the visual editor.

+ Howard Browne, the editor, was forced to switch to science fiction not fantasy.

+ The current deadline for “low Electricitypower” TV stations in the United States to switch to digital television is July 13th 2021, over 60 years after analog was first made.

+ In 1993, after winning three NBA championships in a row, Jordan said that he would retire and switch to a career in minor league baseball.

+ However, uf using a large, graphical template produces odd layout problems, like the excessive white space shown on the right of this screenshot, then switch to a different sister template.

+ Hideki looks all over the Persocom’s body for a switch to turn her on, and finds it between her legs.

+ This was partly successful, and some think it was a mistake to switch to other targets.

+ As petrol in Italy was prohibitively-priced, Lamborghini augmented the Morris engines with a fuel atomiser of his own creation, which allowed the tractors to be started with petrol, then switch to the cheaper diesel fuel.

+ But the switch to ripe tomatoes and more tomato solids added a stronger “umami” taste.

+ A permanent switch to black and white soon followed, most likely to reduce kit clashes, and perhaps as a further attempt to appease West End fans.

+ Microsoft's planned switch to Chromium as Edge's engine has faced mixed reception.

+ The user can then start editing in the wikitext editor right away, or switch to the visual editor.

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