“swell” in-sentences

How to use in-sentence of “swell”:

– Lymph nodes swell in the region of an infected body part.

– Their faces may swell up.

– On old English organs the swell box is operated by a lever at the side.

– If the abnormal cells do not invade, but just divide and swell up their original tissue, this is not called “cancer”.

– The passage, at the sea entrance, is less than 4 metres wide and in a swell is exceedingly dangerous without local knowledge.

– The manuals can also be coupled together, for example, pulling out the “Swell to Great” stop will make all the sounds from the Swell come out on the Great as well.

swell in-sentences
swell in-sentences

Example sentences of “swell”:

- In open water, if the wind continues to blow, as happens in the Roaring Forties in the southern hemisphere, long, organized masses of water called swell roll across the ocean.

- In 20% of cases, the tongue or throat may swell up, which can cause breathing problems.Limsuwan T; Demoly P 2010.
- Other young terrorists available to swell the shrinking ranks of the Gang.

– In open water, if the wind continues to blow, as happens in the Roaring Forties in the southern hemisphere, long, organized masses of water called swell roll across the ocean.

– In 20% of cases, the tongue or throat may swell up, which can cause breathing problems.Limsuwan T; Demoly P 2010.

– Other young terrorists available to swell the shrinking ranks of the Gang.

– The pop/rock duo made their first recording, “The Swell Season”, in 2006.

– In this case, many species of tumbleweed open mechanically, releasing their seeds as they swell when they absorb water.

– The strings of eggs absorb water and swell in size.

– The Choir manual is nearest to the player, the Great is in the middle and the Swell is farthest away.

– The penis has started to swell up, the veins are starting to show, and the foreskin has begun to slip back.

– The reason such a small fish can make so much slime is because the slime comes out in strings that quickly swell up much bigger when they are in the water.Their unusual way of eating and their slime has made many people call the hagfish the most “disgusting” of all sea creatures.

– Watching the tides and the long south-western swell at Wilson’s Promontory convinced him that his idea was right.

– This causes the body’s cells to swell up with extra water.

– Sometimes a person’s oesophagus, or throat, may swell up so much that the person can no longer breathe.

– On 22 April 2006, he released his first album without The Frames, “The Swell SeasonThe swell season”, on Czech singer and multi-instrumentalist Markéta Irglová, Marja Tuhkanen from Finland on violin and viola, and Bertrand Galen from France on cello.

– This is a disease that causes the brain to swell up.

– As the water becomes shallower, the swell on the water surface becomes higher and steeper.

– When the tissues swell the opening in the airway gets very narrow.

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