“surpass” how to use?

How to use in-sentence of “surpass”:

– The seasonal population can surpass 20,000.

– Since the 1988 election, no candidate has managed to equal or surpass Bush’s number of electoral votes won or popular vote percentage.

– First of all, technology can’t surpass human’s for the simple fact that it’s the human that created it.

– Nicholas Lawrence “Nick” Mevoli III was an American freediver who died attempting to break the world record of becoming the first American to surpass the 100m mark.

– By the end 2011, their numbers are expected to surge up to 10,000, making them the largest population and surpass other groups.

– However, Hurricane Katrina would later surpass Andrew in official damage amounts.

– The technology can’t surpass th ehumain because both of them need the other.

– The South Atlantic region was close behind New England and is projected to surpass New England in the next population estimate because it is growing faster.

surpass how to use?
surpass how to use?

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