“supervision” – example sentences

How to use in-sentence of “supervision”:

– The building took place under the supervision of Waltheof, Earl of Northumbria.

– The most famous experiments on the peppered moth were carried out by Bernard Kettlewell under the supervision of E.B.

– Under the supervision of the United Nations authority, mankind has colonized the solar system’s every habitable planet and moon.

– He was under supervision of Grand masters from different cities such as Esfahan, Najaf, Mashhad and Tehran.

– Out of these, he has directed 12 films himself, while the others have been directed by younger directors – under his supervision and administrative acumen as one of India’s greatest producers.

– San José’s public education system is made up of pre-schools, elementary and high schools, which are in all of the city’s districts and are under the supervision of the Ministry of Public Education.

– The Great Powers elaborated in detail the constitutional, parliamentlegislative, executive, defense and administrative system, taxation, international supervision etc.

– It takes two years of full-time supervision by the mother before the cubs are ready to live independent lives.

supervision - example sentences
supervision – example sentences

Example sentences of “supervision”:

– The thesis of his Master’s Degree was “St- Meskhnet hall at Dendara Temple, linguistic and cultural study” under supervision of Prof.

– The altar was probably created under the supervision of a Bohemian or south German master builder, with the help of north German master Bertram von Minden.

– Winter encouraged the young Egyptologist to continue his studies under his supervision at the Department of Egyptology at Trier University.

– Rail services in Pakistan are provided by the state-run Pakistan Railways, under the supervision of the Ministry of Railways.

– It was built under the supervision of Sri Ramanujacharya, but only came to light recently.

– As commander of AFRES he had full responsibility for the supervision of U.S.

– An important legacy of Napoleon III’s reign was the rebuilding of Paris under the supervision of Georges-Eugène Haussmann.

– Under the supervision of Henri Perrier, first Concorde flight test engineer, who was at that time Head of flight test at Aérospatiale, he went to the EPNER school, which he graduates, age 29, the youngest flight test engineer graduate since the beginnings of aviation.

– A second edition was published under the supervision of Dr.

– The flight data recorders were decoded by Kazakhstan Airlines and Saudi Airlines under the supervision of air crash investigators in Moscow and Farnborough, HampshireFarnborough, England, respectively.

– Blender is now an open source program being actively developed under the supervision of the Blender Foundation.

– For example, marriage ceremonies and issuing birth and death certificates are arranged by the town registrar, the Federation and the Land arrange legal and expert supervision so that the task is done properly and is the same across Germany.

– At the end of the hearing they can decide to put a child in foster care, to send them to a children’s home, residential school or secure accommodation, to tag them, or to keep the child with their parents and put them under the supervision of a social worker.

– It follows the Constitution, the Supreme Court has “administrative supervision over all courts and the personnel thereof”.

– The Treatyconvention does not allow convicts to be under the supervision of private individuals, companies or organizations.

– The Trimaxion Drone Ship was rendered in Computer-generated imageryCGI by Omnibus Computer Animation, under the supervision of Jeff Kleiser, the brother of director Randal Kleiser.

- The thesis of his Master's Degree was "St- Meskhnet hall at Dendara Temple, linguistic and cultural study" under supervision of Prof.

- The altar was probably created under the supervision of a Bohemian or south German master builder, with the help of north German master Bertram von Minden.
- Winter encouraged the young Egyptologist to continue his studies under his supervision at the Department of Egyptology at Trier University.

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