“sudden” use in sentences

How to use in-sentence of “sudden”:

– In that battle, they are badly hurt and they have to fight other fighters who made it into the sudden death battle as well.

– In the decade after the storm, Hurricane Andrew may have contributed to the massive and sudden housing boom in Broward County, Florida.

– A third event was the sudden death of a friend during an evening meal.

– The sudden growth unfortunately led to widespread corruption.

– Others pointed out that a sudden end to slavery would cause economic collapse in the south.

– There is a sudden increase in temperature of the atmosphere and solar radiation just below the line.

– A tic is a sudden body movement that a person can’t control.

sudden use in sentences
sudden use in sentences

Example sentences of “sudden”:

– Mokujin started to move all of a sudden two years ago, but ceased moving after Ogre was defeated by Jin Kazama.

– The sudden release of tension in the tectonic plates sends waves of energy that travel through the Earth.

– For instance, after World War II a group of children known as Baby boomers experienced a sudden expansion of popular culture.

– Those against cults explained these sudden and seemingly dramatic religious conversions as due to mind control.

– The young king became ill and died of a sudden disease at Martel on 11 June 1183.

– In early February 2020, the International Committee on the Taxonomy of Viruses’ Coronavirus Study Group gave SARS-CoV-2 its official name, for sudden acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus number two.

– Former co-stars, many fans throughout the entertainment business along with politicians such as John McCain and Chris Christie taking to the internet to respond to his sudden death.

– An earthquake is the sudden movement or trembling of the Earth’s tectonic plates, that creates the shakes of the ground.

– At the time of his sudden death in December 1942, Sir Sikandar was honoured by the people of Lahore and granted burial outside the old Badshahi Mosque there, on the other side from Allama Muhammad Iqbal, the poet.

– In the 1960’s through the 1970s, the population of Hong Kong had increased immensely alongside the sudden explosion of Hong Kong’s economy.

– The sudden flight of Donald Maclean to the Soviet Union in 1951 was the first public news.

– The chance of sudden death is lowest for people with idiopathic ventricular tachycardia.

– Throughout his medical career, Lown focused on two major medical challenges: the problem of sudden cardiac death and the role of psychological stress on the cardiovascular system.

– If a Sudden Death question is needed, only the #1 answer will be on the board.

– The fall of the empire established by Sargon seems to have been as sudden as its rise, and little is known about the Gutian period.

– They use their eyes to detect motion, and if it is sudden they will attack.

– So she turns to a witch so that prepare a love potion to bring back her man from her; she goes to the lair of this witch, but finds it empty, so you sudden witch herself and the spell fails.

– Plyometric weight training uses sudden motions to help people do things like jump higher or strike with more power.

– His sudden death added to the musical legend.

– The first is that a group with little genetic variation is vulnerable to environmental challenges: infections, sudden climate events, predators.

- Mokujin started to move all of a sudden two years ago, but ceased moving after Ogre was defeated by Jin Kazama.

- The sudden release of tension in the tectonic plates sends waves of energy that travel through the Earth.
- For instance, after World War II a group of children known as Baby boomers experienced a sudden expansion of popular culture.

More in-sentence examples of “sudden”:

– Cardiologists treat heart attacks, sudden cardiac arrests, arrhythmias and many other heart related illnesses.

– A fire drill is a sudden practice event, where people leave a building.

– There is a sudden decrease in its viscosity.

– Ventricular tachycardia can also lead to ventricular fibrillation, asystole, and sudden death.

– Example: running on a cold winter day right up to the doorstep of a warm house and going immediately inside; the sudden temperature change can cause an attack and could have been avoided.

– Another possible explanation is that the sudden movement dislodges harmful insects.

– Unlike regular season games, which have an altered format for overtime games and are all played as sudden death format.

– Until this director’s sudden removal in the early 1960s, the ‘Soviet month’ was dreaded.

– Due to its low-lying position in the rift valley, surrounded by hills, the sea can get sudden violent storms; as in the New Testament story about Jesus calming the storm.

– The sudden death of King Ecgfrith of Mercia was suspicious and certainly benefited Coenwulf but he was never formally accused.

– If an exercise causes sudden very sharp pain, with similarity to being cut with a knife, that is bad pain and you should stop the exercise.

– The song is an unusual Beatles song for many reasons, its length, three-minute descent through the same repeated guitar chords, and sudden ending.

– He stayed there until his sudden death in 1963.

– Below this surface zone is a layer of sudden temperature difference, called a “thermocline”.

– Panic attacks are sudden periods of very bad anxiety.

– I just got back from a sudden deployment to Iraq, and I’m darn glad to be back CONUS! I’m looking forward to contributing again.

– I switched back to Monobook for a little while to test something out, and found that all of a sudden most of the gadgets I’d enabled in my preferences suddenly worked.

– There has been a sudden spike of vandalism on the simplewiki since the beginning of this year.

– In December 1943, when she is helping her grandmother to make seaweed at Kusatsu, sudden news comes.

– These include: large or multiple meteorite impacts, increased volcanoesvolcanism, sudden release of methane hydrates from the sea floor.

– Thompson, “The Early History of Israel” pp.410-412 The sudden collapse of the Assyrian power in the last half of the 7th century led to an unsuccessful bid for independence under king Josiah, followed by the destruction of Jerusalem by Assyria’s successor, the neo-Babylonian empire.

– MacKay succeeded Chiles as governor after his sudden death in 1998.

– The possibility of sudden rip singularity occurs only for hypothetical matter but it is unlikely to occur in physical properties.

– Although hyperkalemia often doesn’t cause symptoms, doctors worry about hyperkalemia because it can cause a sudden change of heart rhythm in people who had not been having any symptoms.

– The band named the album “Riot” because they liked the definition: “A sudden outburst of uncontrolled emotion”.

– Suggitt died on June 27, 2017 in Calgary, AlbertaCalgary, Alberta from a sudden heart attack, aged 58.

– After retiring from the civil services and towards the end of Lord Lytton’s rule, Hume observed that the people of India had a sense of hopelessness and wanted to do something, noting “a sudden violent outbreak of sporadic crime, murders of obnoxious persons, robbery of bankers and looting of bazaars, acts really of lawlessness which by a due coalescence of forces might any day develop into a National Revolt.” Concerning the British government, he stated that a studied and invariable disregard, if not actually contempt for the opinions and feelings of our subjects, is at the present day the leading characteristic of our government in every branch of the administration.

– When a stream flows over an especially resistant stratum and forms a waterfall or cascade, or the same results because for some reason the base level of erosion suddenly drops, perhaps as a result of a fault, the resulting sudden change in stream elevation is called a nickpoint.

– It is hurt most by a sudden large drop in temperature even above freezing.

– While giving teachings, the 14th Shamarpa died in Renchen, Germany on 11 June 2014 due to a sudden heart attack, aged 61.

– The work presents a pose where violent motion and sudden stillness meet.

– This can cause angina pectorisangina, a heart attack, sudden death.

– Solar flares are powered by the sudden release of magnetic energy that is stored in the corona.

– Shin’s sudden death during the campaign, however, allowed Rhee to win the presidency with ease.

– The diversification of flowering plants during the Cretaceous period is associated with the sudden burst of speciation in insects.

– The show was on for one season before his sudden death.

– But sharp sudden pain is bad and may mean someone was hurt.

– Affected animals may experience a sudden rise in temperature, sores in the mouth or other areas.

– Along with the ransoms paid for their prisoners this brought sudden wealth to Scotland.

– Unfortunately, this goes wrong when PaRappa has a sudden urge to use the bathroom after eating most of the cake later that day.

– For example, a person may feel surprised at a loud, sudden noise, like the popping of a balloon, or they may feel surprised at the outcome of an event.

– This caps glacial deposits and shows a sudden climatic change at the end of the Marinoan ice age.

– A wrestler might try to grip the hands, wrists, or arms of his opponent and throw him with a sudden twist, or come to close quarters and gain a hold on the body.

– She continued to be used as a British troopship after 1948, but sank in the Mediterranean Sea in March 1954 after a sudden and catastrophic fire in her engine room, just off the coast of Algeria.

– He died of a sudden stroke in Brussels in 1986 at the age of 65.

– He died in his sleep from a sudden post-operative cardiac arrhythmia, aged 58.

- Cardiologists treat heart attacks, sudden cardiac arrests, arrhythmias and many other heart related illnesses.

- A fire drill is a sudden practice event, where people leave a building.
- There is a sudden decrease in its viscosity.

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