“suction” how to use?

How to use in-sentence of “suction”:

– By 1986, Swiss publisher Faksimile-Verlag had a process that used gentle suction to straighten a page so that it could be photographed without touching it.

– A button on the side of the desoldering pump can be pushed to make the plunger come back up fast enough that it creates suction that sucks the heated solder off the items and into the pump.

– The difference between firs and other members of the pine family is that their needle-like leafleaves are attached to the twig by a base that resembles a small suction cup, and by erect, cylindrical female cones 5–25cm long that release the winged seeds.

– She once hit Homer SimpsonHomer on the head with a mallet, shot a suction dart at his Itchy and Scratchy”.

– The attachment mechanism may work by tension or even merely by suction between the socket and the limb.

– The tway for getting a good latch is to gently break the suction by placing a clean finger into the baby’s baby’s mouth and help the baby latch on again.

– The gas in the visitor area was solved by installing a special suction device that keeps the composition of the air in the values ​​set by the State Mining Administration.

suction how to use?
suction how to use?

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