“substrate” how to use?

How to use in-sentence of “substrate”:

– Ligands include Substrate substrates, inhibitors, activators, and neurotransmitters.

– Glaze, glazing: vitreous enamel, or porcelain enamel, is made by fusing powdered glass to a substrate by firing.

– In life, they are attached to the substrate by byssus threads.

– In some puzzle globes, the substrate is made of steel and the puzzle pieces are magnetic, the magnetic attraction keeping pieces on the lower part of the sphere from falling off.

– It will decrease the rate of reaction because the substrate molecule will not be able to fit into the active site, so products cannot be formed.

– The maroons had very little contact with their masters, which led to them having to blend their African substrate languages with the Spanish European ones.

substrate how to use?
substrate how to use?

Example sentences of “substrate”:

- The substrate substrate should be loose and have a lot of iron.

- Bioinorganic chemistry studies the implications for biology of electron-transfer proteins, substrate substrate bindings and activation, atom and group chemistry as well as metal properties.

– The substrate substrate should be loose and have a lot of iron.

– Bioinorganic chemistry studies the implications for biology of electron-transfer proteins, substrate substrate bindings and activation, atom and group chemistry as well as metal properties.

– In 1894 Emil Fischer suggested that both the enzyme and the substrate have “specific complementary geometric shapes” that fit exactly into one another.

– It is marked by a sudden abundance of hard substrate trace fossils.

– An example: Sucrase, 400 times the size of its substrate sucrose, splits the sucrose into its constituent sugars, which are glucose and fructose.

– Puzzle globes usually have a substrate made of one piece that helps the puzzle pieces as they are put in place.

– Bivalves may be attached to a substrate with byssus filaments, that extend from between the shells.

– For example, enzyme action can be explained in terms of the shape of a pocket in the protein molecule that matches the shape of the Substrate substrate molecule or its modification due to binding of a metal ion.

– Permafrost is a substrate that has been frozen for two or more years.

– If the substrate under nucleophilic attack is Chirality chiral, this can lead, although not necessarily, to an inversion of stereochemistry, called the Walden inversion.

– Bajan, like many other English-based Caribbean creole languages, has a West African languagesAfrican substrate and an English superstrate.

– The substrate is later targeted for destruction by the proteasome.

– It takes in a substrate to form hexose phosphate as the product.

– Microbial mats were abundant on the shallow seabed until the Cambrian substrate revolution, The increase in animal burrowing.

– They can pull back the head and push forward; then they can grip the substrate with the spines, and draw up the body.

– For example, sucrase, 400 times the size of its substrate sucrose, splits the sucrose into its constituent sugars, which are glucose and fructose.

– Hard cakes of colonised substrate can then be fruited in a humid container.

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