“subjected to” how to use in sentences

How to use in-sentence of “subjected to”:

+ During the Italian occupation until their Armistice between Italy and Allied armed forcescapitulation in September 1943, the population was subjected to atrocities, described by Italian historian Claudio Pavone as “aggressive and violent.

+ His loss was subjected to the most rigorous scrutiny by the Soviet central committee for chess, and he was criticised for lack of adequate preparation.

+ Another 83 workers were subjected to higher radiation than normal.

+ Internet Explorer has been subjected to many security vulnerabilities and concerns: Much of the spyware, adware, and computer viruses across the Internet are made possible by exploitable bugs and flaws in the security architecture of Internet Explorer, sometimes requiring nothing more than viewing of a malicious web page in order to install themselves.

+ In letters written during 44 BC, Cicero frequently complains that Rome was still subjected to tyranny, because the “Liberators” had failed to kill Antony.

+ Selectable markers are often antibiotic resistance genes; bacteria that have been subjected to a procedure to introduce foreign DNA are grown on a medium containing an antibiotic.

+ When an individual announces an unpopular opinion, he or she may face the disdain of their community or even be subjected to violent reactions.

subjected to how to use in sentences
subjected to how to use in sentences

Example sentences of “subjected to”:

+ A structural element subjected to bending is known as a beam.

+ They were, however, repeatedly subjected to severe persecution.

+ These rocks are formed when igneous or sedimentary rocks are subjected to extreme heat and pressure as result they undergo a complete change in their form and characteristics.

+ In 2014, a blog post by their ex-boyfriend sparked the Gamergate controversy, in which Quinn was subjected to extensive criticism and harassment.

+ Vyvyan owns a yellow Ford Anglia, with red flames painted along the sides, and a Glaswegian hamster named which he is very fond of, even though SPG is also often subjected to Vyvyan’s extreme violence.

+ Marble is a metamorphic rock which forms when a limestone is subjected to high pressure and/or temperature.

+ There are types of liquids like Nitroglycerin that can be subjected to pressure explosion as well.

+ In that case, a defender is appointed to make the case that the suspected person does not want to and does not deserve to be subjected to surveillance and that it should not be permitted, although he/she doesn’t know of the proceedings.

+ Vyvyan owns a Glaswegian hamster named Special Patrol Group whom he is very fond of, although SPG is also frequently subjected to Vyvyan’s extreme violence, although it is usually provoked, such as when SPG bit Vyvyan in “Flood” or plugging in the TV after Vyvyan swallowed it in “Bomb”.

+ Thus, from that date, our people were subjected to the double yoke of the French and the Japanese.

+ A structural element subjected to bending is known as a beam.

+ They were, however, repeatedly subjected to severe persecution.
+ These rocks are formed when igneous or sedimentary rocks are subjected to extreme heat and pressure as result they undergo a complete change in their form and characteristics.

+ It was first used in physics to study how particles or objects moved when subjected to a force.

+ The triumvirate’s enemies were subjected to proscription, including Mark Antony’s archenemy Cicero, who was killed on 7 December 43 BC.

+ Like other big cities in the Netherlands and elsewhere in the world, Amsterdam is unfortunately subjected to many criminal activities.

+ ABA, the application of behavior analysis, is based on the scientific approach known as radical behaviorism, which views covert events as behavior that are to be subjected to the same conditions as overt behavior.

+ The capture of wild parrots for the pet trade, as well as hunting, habitat loss and competition competition from invasive species, has diminished wild populations, with parrots being subjected to more exploitation than any other group of birds.

+ The groups were subjected to a rugged terrain and repeatedly subjected to a mutagen.

+ By default the template simply outputs the “×” character, forcibly de-italicized in case it’s being subjected to an infobox line’s default italics.

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