“stuck” – some sentence examples

How to use in-sentence of “stuck”:

– In the 1997 documentary series “Land of the Tiger”, a honey badger in India was filmed using a tool; the animal rolled a log and stood on it to reach a kingfisher fledgling stuck up in the roots coming from the ceiling in an underground cave.

– When it is stuck only by its wings, it become completely immobile.

– The movie revolves around two guys: Allen Gamble and Terry Hoitz who get stuck together after accidentally shooting Derek Jeter.

– Early round shapes would sometimes get stuck in walls and roofs.

– Some people invited tourists stuck after the airport was shut into their homes using #OpenHouse.

stuck - some sentence examples
stuck – some sentence examples

Example sentences of “stuck”:

- Davis found himself stuck in L.A.

- When it is stuck to methemoglobulin, cyanide is not as dangerous.

– Davis found himself stuck in L.A.

– When it is stuck to methemoglobulin, cyanide is not as dangerous.

– English has been changing for the last thousand years, and as the language changes, so parts of it get stuck with different spellings.

– During the dinner, Fry was stuck in a cage and escaped.

– The laminate can be stuck on to existing windows; this a called a ‘retrofit’.

– They barely had enough power to reach Tatooine, and still needed a new T-14 hyperdrive generator so as not to be stuck on the planet forever.

– The 4th Armoured Company got a tank stuck in a ditch.

– He accidentally stuck a stitching awl into one eye while he was in his father’s workshop.

– Polytene chromosomes form when multiple rounds of replication produce many sister chromatids that are stuck together in parallel.

– In this book, she and several of her schoolmates get stuck on island out in the middle of nowhere.

– As a general rule of thumb, genetic algorithms might be useful in problem domains that have a complex fitness landscape as mixing is designed to move the population away from local optima that a traditional hill climbing algorithm might get stuck in.

– He had been stuck in iceberg for the next 10 million years before he came to present Seoul.

– SpongeBob is stuck in the city and tries many times to get on another bus.

More in-sentence examples of “stuck”:

– She was stuck in bed when marks of stigmata showed up she had doctors and physicians examine her markings, and it was found to be a genuine stigmatic case.

– Porcupine quills are as sharp as needles, can be removed very easily, and will stay stuck in an attacker.

– The southern gatehouse, the Stone Gateway, became the scene of one of London’s most notorious sights: a display of the severed heads of treasontraitors, stuck on pikes and dipped in tar to preserve them.

– The French mainly lost because they wore heavy armour and got stuck in the sticky mud at Azincourt.

– Buffy Summers, also a vampire Slayer, found the scythe stuck in rock in Sunnydale.

– The particles which get stuck on can be from a gas, liquid or a solutiondissolved solid.

– He announced his intention to retire as an actor at the end of the film “Labyrinth of Cinema” scheduled to be released in 2020, saying that his body was stuck as he was affected by the disease.

– This was the first expedition to stay over winter at Antartica, since their ship got stuck in the ice preventing them from leaving.

– Old skin cells drop off, and this helps remove bacteria that have stuck to the skin.

– A terrane is a fragment of Earth’s crustcrust from one tectonic plate stuck to crust lying on another plate.

– Instead of using soldering to connect wires and components together, they can be stuck into the holes of the breadboard.

– They are usually found easily on streets, stuck to the road.

– It gets stuck in the lungs and has been known to cause cancer.

– It is now believed Garfield was in fact killed because of his doctors, who stuck their fingers inside his wounds while treating him and causing a bad infection.

– On 7 May 2007, a man in his 50s hit his head against a train that was entering the station and got his foot was stuck in the platform gap.

– With a planned 90-sol duration of activity, “Spirit” functioned until getting stuck in 2009 and stopped communications in 2010.

– We found a ladder in his garden and stuck it up at the bathroom window which he’d left slightly open.

– In other words, they get stuck on one peak, and can’t get to another because getting there would make them less competitive.

– Two laps later, Suzuki and Caffi collided and with the latter stuck in the cockpit on a zone with the wall next to the track, the race was stopped.

– Many drowned, died of exhaustion, or got stuck in mud or shell holes.

– Kelvin stuck by his estimate of 100 million years, and later reduced the estimate to about 20 million years.

– When the floating material comes in, it gets stuck in slimy mucus that is on the surface of the bivalve’s gills.

– Complex pieces are often carved in separate sections which are later stuck together.

– On 23 March 2021, “Ever Given”, a container ship, got stuck on the shore of the Suez Canal in Egypt.

- She was stuck in bed when marks of stigmata showed up she had doctors and physicians examine her markings, and it was found to be a genuine stigmatic case.

- Porcupine quills are as sharp as needles, can be removed very easily, and will stay stuck in an attacker.

– A spaceship is stuck near Neptune.

– It is diatomic, which means that two atoms are stuck together to make a molecule in any bromine sample.

– He wears special shoes made of feathers and hair, stuck together with human blood.

– In addition, it is assumed that iron nails stuck in its back might hit and sink enemy ships with the water tank fulled.

– It is called “Adam’s apple” as a reference to the forbidden fruit, which according to a traditional Jewish belief, got stuck in Adam’s throat.

– Three people died, and the rest of the crew was stuck for 12 hours.

– They drink by sucking water out of a bag, or from a tube stuck to the wall.

– Scientists are not sure whether breaching is done to play, to clean the whale’s skin of things that are stuck to it, or to tell other whales something.

– Once the ethanol is stuck onto the poisons, the kidneys urinate out the poisons.

– Zack Brown and Miri Linky are stuck living together in a run down apartment in Monroeville, Pennsylvania.

– When the things in the water get stuck in the soil those things make a layer in the soil.

– Thrush looks like clumps of milk stuck on the baby’s tongue.

– Smith and the Robinsons are still lost in space, stuck in a junkyard.

– They later get stuck in a tornado that puts them far away from the road they walked on.

– In episode “Beach Blank-Out Blastoise”, Jigglypuff somehow got stuck in Blastoise’s hydro cannon.

– She then becomes stuck between the physical and spiritual world on an eternal search for her children, not permitted to enter heaven without them.

– The prey will be stuck and will be eaten.

– Suggestions as to how it arose include animals getting stuck in a bog, to becoming trapped in deep mud, to falling victim to drought-induced mortality around a waterhole, to getting trapped in a spring-fed pond or seep.

– If the clot breaks free and gets stuck in part of the blood vessel made narrower by the plaque, the plaque and the clot together block the blood vessel completely.

– Bart gets stuck with a weaker cow and can not trade it away.

– The word was first used to describe pieces of cut paper, which were then stuck to a backing in a contrasting colour, and often framed.

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