“struggling” – some sentence examples

How to use in-sentence of “struggling”:

+ Peter’s changed personality alienates Mary Jane, who is struggling in her career because of her shows receiving negative reviews from critics.

+ His statistics declined over the next two seasons, struggling through a tumultuous 2009 campaign and somewhat bouncing back in 2010, however still not approaching his 2008 numbers.

+ Their son Jed, a second year student at the University of Arizona, ended his life after struggling with college life.

+ Freeze, Poison Ivy, and Bane from covering Gotham City with ice and vegetation while at the same time struggling to keep their partnership together.

+ Meanwhile, Dewey’s wife, Gale WeathersGale Weathers-Riley, is struggling with writer’s block and decides to investigate the murder instead.

+ It was a small, struggling club that spent most of its time bouncing between the Liga Leumit and the lower leagues.

struggling - some sentence examples
struggling – some sentence examples

Example sentences of “struggling”:

+ The Post Office had been struggling due to Congress.

+ I am struggling to find a way to contact the people who created/added to the page and I wondered if you might be able to help? Thank you in advance, Fiona Bennett.

+ The last of these spanned four episodes during the show’s ninth season, in which he portrayed Paul Nathan, a medical student struggling to cope with Parkinson’s disease.

+ During his time in Tampa, he only managed record 7 wins in 34 games for the struggling Lightning who finished the season with the worst record in the NHL.

+ When Alexei was struggling with hemophilia a Russian Orthodox monk named Grigori Rasputin, commonly known as Rasputin, healed Alexei better than any doctor could.

+ The Lakers were struggling and on the verge of bankruptcy.

+ At the start of the season he was struggling with his form but in the later half, he regained his form.

+ Dunham explains that as an only child, he enjoyed being alone, likening his solitude to a “warm blanket” with which he could explore his own thoughts and ideas, which prepared him for the solitude of living alone when he later moved to Los Angeles as a struggling comedian.

+ The country rulers were struggling with each other, and this was resulting in instability, family disputes and murders.

+ By they are ordinary teenagers struggling against their greatest enemy: high school.

+ The Movement played an important role in the support of nations which were struggling then for their independence in the Third World and showed great solidarity with the most just aspirations of humanity.

+ After the American Revolutionary War, the United States was struggling financially.

+ The reason why the land of Ono was given to Nagachika Kanamori is that at that time, Nobunaga was struggling with fighting lords nationwide and was not able to control the region.

+ He helps her succeed in getting the arrow to hit the bullseye, something she had been struggling with.

+ She played a young woman who lost her fiancé in a traffic accident which left her as a grieving single mother struggling to make ends meet.

+ Sensei Wu is struggling to maintain and teach his Ninja students.

+ It is about a man pretending to be gay so his landlord won’t evict him, it is also about financial struggling such as the roommates not being able to pay their rent.

+ The Post Office had been struggling due to Congress.

+ I am struggling to find a way to contact the people who created/added to the page and I wondered if you might be able to help? Thank you in advance, Fiona Bennett.
+ The last of these spanned four episodes during the show's ninth season, in which he portrayed Paul Nathan, a medical student struggling to cope with Parkinson's disease.

More in-sentence examples of “struggling”:

+ The bill helped protect struggling stages against demolition and guaranteed annual subsidies for the art.

+ I encourage those who are struggling with the reason DJSasso undid the requests to read.
+ In each of these contexts, the new waves of displacement took place in or to areas already struggling with previous waves, leading to multi-layered and complex crises." Some European politicians fear the migrants might "flood" their shores.

+ The bill helped protect struggling stages against demolition and guaranteed annual subsidies for the art.

+ I encourage those who are struggling with the reason DJSasso undid the requests to read.

+ In each of these contexts, the new waves of displacement took place in or to areas already struggling with previous waves, leading to multi-layered and complex crises.” Some European politicians fear the migrants might “flood” their shores.

+ They thought it more likely that the skull was strong to absorb stresses from struggling prey.

+ Over the years, the 12 Steps have been adapted by other self-help and addiction recovery groups, such as Gamblers Anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous, to those struggling with other forms of addiction.

+ He recruits his best friend, Joey Gladstone, a struggling musican, to move in and help look after the girls.

+ He won the NFL Coach of the Year award for taking a struggling team and taking them deep into the playoffs.

+ A man named George Fox spent several years struggling to figure out how to be a good Christian.

+ Hughes became a famous writer, but all his life he remembered how he started out, and he helped and encouraged many other struggling writers.

+ It stars Dustin Hoffman as a struggling actor, who dresses as a woman and soon has a role in a soap opera.

+ Seventeen year old, music obsessed school girl Kat Malone tricks her way into managing struggling band Dollar Days, pretending to be a band manager in her twenties.

+ While some entrepreneurs are lone players struggling to get small businesses off the ground on a shoestring, others take on partners armed with greater access to capital and other resources.

+ In terms of international politics, Peru was struggling with Chile, as Chileans were using a process called “Chileanization” to take areas of land on the Peru-Chile border, such as “Tacna” and “Arica”; Peruvian cities.

+ The family was struggling so he left school in 10th grade to work for the newspaper in the city.

+ Jim Carrey, famous for his acting in several comedy movies such as “The Mask” and “Bruce Almighty”, and Kate Winslet, a heroine of “Titanic”, starred in this movie as main characters both of whom are struggling to erase their memories of love.

+ Hi there all! I have been struggling to get the article Romania up to GA status and nobody has really offered to help me shape it up so that it can make the GA cut and possibly the VGA cut.

+ When they got to Sydney, the sick convicts were a drain on the already struggling colony.

+ Instead of struggling like most insects, the lacewing bites through the strands holding its legs and antennae.

+ He was himself caught and executed the following year, so was the last brother of Pizarro struggling for power in Peru, in 1548.

+ Eventually, he was introduced to a struggling mother of 10 who used the food thrown out by grocery stores to feed her children.

+ On 5 February 2010, Campos boss Adrián Campos told BBC Sport that the team were struggling to find funding.

+ By late 1989 the GDR was suffering from many problems such as a struggling economy, and large-scale protests.

+ This was not unusual for the time, as much of the Indian subcontinent was then in turmoil, with the Hindu Maratha Confederacy struggling with the remnants of the Muslim Mughal Empire.

+ Before “Shovel Knight”, Nintendo mostly released first-party and mainstream video games on its own consoles, but since the Wii U was struggling to sell, it allowed Nintendo to be more open to playing indie games on their own consoles.

+ He is also a struggling rapist confirmed after they copyrighted MeatCanyons video.

+ This movie was a big milestone for Anwar Rafi who was struggling in many years.

+ BTW: Are there any Wikinews editors willing to contribute ? – Personally I am not sure that by ourselves we have the manpower; we are struggling with DYK as it is.

+ Elvis plays a biker who takes a job with a struggling carnival.

+ It is about Aidan Bloom, a struggling actor, father and husband.

+ Kokila is a timid girl who is struggling to find a job.

+ They created a story about a struggling midwestern farm family and its dog.

+ Not what we need right now when there are plenty of articles in the PGA queues, one article up at PAD and DYK struggling once more.

+ The local government was aware of safety problems but was reticent to place heavy industrial safety and pollution control burdens on the struggling industry because it feared the economic effects of the loss of such a large employer.

+ The plot of the movie is about Edwina “Eddie” Franklin who wins a chance to be an honorary head coach of the New York Knicks and trys to turn around a struggling Knicks team.

+ It was always struggling with the emirate of Abu Dhabi.

+ His family was struggling with poverty.

+ The Anglican Communion is struggling today with questions about the role of women and gay people in the Church.

+ The military polonaises were certainly understood as political statements of patriotism for his country, which was struggling to obtain its freedom…

+ These trains were the last vehicles to be built by the struggling manufacturer Hunslet before it collapsed.

+ After struggling between the World War IFirst World War and the Second World War, they became more stable in 1969—when legendary manager Jimmy Frizzell took over.

+ Meanwhile, Stu is struggling to overcome his fear of diving.

+ I’m struggling to phrase what I mean, but I think others will know what I am on about.

+ The first time was in 2002, when she was struggling with injuries and was only 22.

+ The idea for a women’s organisation came during the late 1970s, when the Pitjantjatjara and Yankunytjatjara communities of northwestern South Australia were struggling for the rights to their land.

+ She interviewed hundreds of people who were going through bankruptcy or struggling to avoid bankruptcy.

+ Sienna’s republic, struggling internally between nobles and the popular party, usually worked in political opposition to its great rival, Florence.

+ Point works when a user hovers their mouse over a word they are struggling with.

+ The last one, “Last of the Dino Dynasty”, follows a female “Tyrannosaurus” who has already to mated and needs to take care of her babies in a world that is about to end as the Kt extinction nears by day in an already struggling volcanic world.

+ Alice soon finds herself struggling to handle the oars of a small rowboat, where the Sheep annoys her with nonsensical shouting about “crabs” and “feathers”.

+ After two years struggling in London and Paris, Anggun met French producer Erick Benzi and signed to Sony Music Entertainment.

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