“string” use in sentences

How to use in-sentence of “string”:

– He is famous for his piano music, string quartets and several pieces for orchestra including one called “Concerto for Orchestra”.

– The next three are strings; you can change the text within the string to anything you’d like, just remember to leave the quotation marks in.

– A Stradivarius is a string instrument that was famous for making them.

– His chamber music includes string quartets, quintets and sextets and piano trios, quartets and a piano quintet.

– It is related to the templates, but offers more options in terms of the text string displayed.

string use in sentences
string use in sentences

Example sentences of “string”:

– The note played on the violin string makes the string vibrate in a very complicated way.

– If string contains an equals sign, you must put “2=string” instead of “string“.

– At one point he was the world’s second most successful player, with a string of tournament victories behind him.

– YCAT winners over the years have included the Belcea Quartet, Leopold String Trio, the violaviolist cellist Thomas Gould.

– The string $1 is the page name.

– This user is doing a whole string of vandalisms, and deserves attention.

– User is back, same offence, same page even — Mark Antony and a string of other pages.

- The note played on the violin string makes the string vibrate in a very complicated way.

- If string contains an equals sign, you must put "2=string" instead of "string".

– This function counts the number of occurrences of one string in another.

– Siddhartha heard the musician say, “If the string is too tight, it will snap.

– The string quartets which Beethoven wrote near the end of his life show the influence of Albrechtsberger.

– The day before McCartney wanted to work on the string arrangement, he learned that George Martin was not available to do the score.

– There have been seven films about the M.R; it also figures in a string of paintings.

More in-sentence examples of “string”:

- The string-prefixer Template:Strloc prefix gets the prefix of a string up to a specified location, or the entire string when location is less than 1.

- This time he used a normal orchestra with string instruments and wind instruments.

– The string-prefixer Template:Strloc prefix gets the prefix of a string up to a specified location, or the entire string when location is less than 1.

– This time he used a normal orchestra with string instruments and wind instruments.

– He was the founding member of the Juilliard String Quartet in 1946.

– The player winds the string around the thumb and finger so that the two shells can be clicked together.

– On historical instruments and some non-European instruments, pieces of string tied around the neck are frets.

– Loop theorists, sometimes in rivalry with string theory, claim that spacetime itself converts into the particles.

– He married the daughter of one of the court musicians in the string band.

– She has had a string of major hit singles.

– After a successful string of tours between 2008 and 2010, Cohen released three albums in the final four years of his life: “Old Ideas the last of which was released three weeks before his death.

– A Hardanger fiddle or hardingfele in Norwegian languageNorwegian, is a traditional string instrument used mainly in the south west of Norway.

– His last period includes the Ninth Symphony and the late string quartets.

– It helps other templates check if a string is “longer or equally long” vs.

– The rosin makes the hair grip the string as it is drawn across.

– A binary number is just a string of zeros and ones: 11011011, for example.

– The instruments in the orchestra are string instruments, two flutes, two oboes and bassoon.

– They became the most famous string quartet group of their time.

– Populates numbered arguments in a message string using an argument table.

– Under concatenation, the empty string is the identity element of the free monoid on Σ.

– A string quartet is a piece of music for four string instruments.

– It is also suitable for guitar music, with drop tuning for the lowest string making two Ds as open strings.

– He is mainly known as a chamber musician and has worked with people who are part of groups such as the Tokyo String Quartet, Brentano String Quartet, Borromeo String Quartet, Cassatt String Quartet, Miro String Quartet, Vermeer String Quartet, and Trio Solisti, Trio Cavatina, and Eroica Piano Trio.

– In the most famous, now called the “Joule apparatus”, a descending weight attached to a string caused a paddle immersed in water to rotate.

– Most recently, bright spots for the side have been a continuous string of appearances in international play in the UEFA Cup and the UEFA Champions League beginning in the 1999 season, and the signing of players such as Sebastian Deisler and Brazilian international Marcelinho, named the Bundesliga’s player of the year in May of 2005.

– If the string is not found, the result is zero, indicating no match.

– Rovina was one of Israel’s first pop stars in the ’50s and ’60s and released a string of hits.

– In most homophonic music there are four: for example a choir will normally divide into soprano, alto, tenor and bass bass, or a string quartet will divide into violin 1, violin 2, viola and cello.

– Later, if someone needs to prove that they were the one who made the commitment, then they can tell people the original string they used.

– The flatter bridges makes it easier to play chords and to bow quickly from one string to another.

– A tune that could be played in first position on a D string on the violin could also be played on the G string in fifth position.

– He met the composer Joseph Haydn and the two men became great friends, often playing together in a string quartet.

– Generally, the format string returned by the hook is specified in some form by the field of the table, though there are exceptions.

– They can play harmonics with the right hand by stopping the string with the upper knuckle of the second finger and plucking with the thumb.

– Arnold Schoenberg even added a voice to his first String Quartet.

– The combination is accomplished by knitting together a web of relationships between each of the string theories called dualities.

– When the Taser is shot, the prongs hit the person and electricity moves along the metal string to shock the person.

– Character strings also form a monoid over concatenation with the empty string “” as the identity element.

– All the limitations of use for this template and shown below are caused by the current implementation of the parser function used in this template, which does not filter its third parameter containing the characters used for padding a string to the specified length.

– The albums included a string of hit singles, including “I’m Sprung”, “I’m ‘n Luv “, “Bartender”, “Can’t Believe It”, and “5 O’Clock”.

– Each string is wound around a peg near the top of the scroll, so that turning the peg changes the tuning.

– At 17 she appeared in “Pink String and Sealing Wax” at the Duke of York’s Theatre and remembered performing while doodlebugs flew overhead.

– The violin is the smallest and highest pitched string instrument typically used in western music.Hoffer, Charles.

– This function determines whether a string ends with another string.

– But a long string of numbers makes it difficult to see the underlying meaning.

– The id is the string after the last slash in the URL, for example, lccn-n85-221132.

– In 1859 he composed a string quartet.

– These marks show where to press a string with the fingers of the left hand, to change the note that string plays.

– They also tend to hit the string at a point where the hammer is softer, away from the grooves which get worn in the hammerhead.

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