“strengthening” in-sentences

How to use in-sentence of “strengthening”:

+ With continued strong convection, Henriette maintained its strengthening and was predicted to reach hurricane strength.

+ It then accelerated northeastward, passing through the Bahamas before strengthening to a hurricane on November 1.

+ A tropical cyclonetropical wave left the African coast on September 24 and crossed the Atlantic without strengthening or changing.

+ Continued strengthening that afternoon brought Lorenzo to hurricane strength, less than seven hours after being named.

+ Around the evening of 8 September it resolved to a single center and steady strengthening resumed – “science had prevailed”, as one forecaster remarked.

+ After entering the Western Pacific, the environment rapidly became more favourable and Paka’s strengthening quickened.

+ It continued strengthening as it moved north, peaking at 135mph.

+ Lixion Avila to say “There are no clear reasons — and I am not going to make one up — to explain the recent strengthening of Epsilon…”.

strengthening in-sentences
strengthening in-sentences

Example sentences of “strengthening”:

+ After weakening and strengthening for four days, Isabel slowly weakened.

+ Tropical Storm Alex moved generally westward across the Gulf of Mexico, strengthening further as it did so.

+ It had been predicted that this was likely to happen, but the National Hurricane Center instead chose to forecast a little bit of strengthening in the future.

+ It resulted in tropical cyclone warnings and watcheswarnings and watches being issued for parts of the Baja California Peninsula, but it weakened to a remnant low before strengthening into a storm.

+ After completing all ten speeches the member gets a globally recognized certificate and he/she can continue strengthening his/her skills with the Advanced Communication Manuals.

+ That night, the storm underwent another period of rapid strengthening, strengthening to a Category 5 hurricane with maximum sustained winds of 175mph by 10:00 am CDT on August 28.

+ The strengthening trend stopped early on July 8, due to wind shear, and Bertha quickly weakened back to a Category 1 hurricane that afternoon.

+ Convection continued but the cyclone was encountering extensive easterly to north-easterly wind shear which stinted the strengthening of this storm throughout its history.

+ The creation and strengthening of the socialist block after the defeat of fascism in World War II, the collapse of colonial empires, the emergence of a bipolar world and the formation of two military blocks brought about a new international context that led to the necessity of multilateral coordination fora between the countries of the South.

+ In this context, the underdeveloped countries, most of them in Asia and Africa, felt the need to join efforts for the common defense of their interests, the strengthening of their independence and sovereignty and the cultural and economic revival or salvation of their peoples, and also to express a strong commitment with peace by declaring themselves as “non-aligned” from either of the two nascent military blocks.

+ The establishment of Nuclear Weapons-Free Zones is a positive step and important measure towards strengthening global nuclear disarmament and non-proliferation.

+ This strengthening happens after the player has learned the circular breathing technique.

+ Commencing in 1998, the conservation process involved the following works: elimination of inappropriate additions, strengthening of the building’s structure, repair of cracks in surfaces, control and elimination of destructive factors such as rising damp, restoration of frescoes and decorative details and the sensitive incorporation of modern services and facilities such as water and sewage systems.

+ Ardashir I was an energetic king, responsible for the resurgence not just of Persia but of Iranian-speaking peoples as a unified nation, the strengthening of Zoroastrianism, and the establishment of a dynasty that would endure for four centuries.

+ Crassus ignored Cassius and led the army into the Battle of Carrhae, during which he also ignored Cassius’ plans for strengthening the Roman line.

+ He focused on the economy and strengthening of the country and not on wars and expansion.

+ ClearArmor provides a one-stop Technology and Process solution for NIST-Compliant CyberSecurity which strengthens cybersecurity as dictated by the Presidential Executive Order on Strengthening the Cybersecurity of Federal Networks and Critical Infrastructure in May 2017.

+ It then moved over the warm Gulf of Mexico, strengthening slowly at first, before undergoing rapid intensification by August26.

+ Operationally, the probability for further rapid strengthening was considered nearly nine times the average of a normal hurricane.

+ After weakening and strengthening for four days, Isabel slowly weakened.

+ Tropical Storm Alex moved generally westward across the Gulf of Mexico, strengthening further as it did so.

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