“stomach” example in sentences

How to use in-sentence of “stomach”:

+ The stomach is the third stage in the digestive process.

+ He died from stomach cancer.

+ The back is olive-green and the stomach is yellow.

+ The four parts of the stomach are the rumen, reticulum, omasum, and abomasum.

+ In November 2009, Dio was diagnosed with stomach cancer, which caused his death in Houston, Texas, on May 16, 2010.

+ This is because acid in the stomach kills most of the medicine before it can be taken up into the bloodstream.

+ The stomach acid may cause problems.

stomach example in sentences
stomach example in sentences

Example sentences of “stomach”:

+ Lawrence died in Jerusalem on 8 March 2019 from stomach cancer.

+ The ones that dissolve in water or stomach acid are very toxic.

+ Walker died in Annapolis, Maryland from stomach cancer on November 12, 2018 at the age of 95.

+ She died from stomach cancer at age eighty-three.

+ She died from stomach cancer at 71 in Toronto.

+ Meanwhile, as La Mina ate the beans that they chose from the Reward Challenge, Austin and Nick got stomach problems.

+ He died in California from a stomach ulcer, age 36.

+ The Doughboy responds by rubbing his stomach and giggling.

+ In July he had an surgeryoperation on his stomach to treat cancer.

+ Dysentery causes stomach pains and diarrhoea and sometimes sickness.

+ Some of these symptoms are high blood pressure in the veins that travel to the liver; a buildup of fluid in the abdomen, called ascites; easy bruising or bleeding; veins becoming larger than normal, especially in the stomach and esophagus; jaundice ; and brain damage.

+ Mondonico died on 29 March 2018 from stomach cancer in Milan at the age of 71.

+ Lawrence died in Jerusalem on 8 March 2019 from stomach cancer.

+ The ones that dissolve in water or stomach acid are very toxic.
+ Walker died in Annapolis, Maryland from stomach cancer on November 12, 2018 at the age of 95.

More in-sentence examples of “stomach”:

+ The last ended when his wife Ingrid died of stomach cancer in 1995, aged 65.

+ The water in the Pecos contained minerals that gave people cramps and stomach aches.

+ These secretions limit, or neutralise, the stomach acidity.

+ Scurfield died from stomach cancer on June 14, 2018 in Calgary, Alberta at the age of 89.

+ For some glass frogs the skin on the stomach area is transparent.

+ This stomach is an adaptation to help digest tough grasses.

+ Marshall is well known for proving that bacteria “Helicobacter pylori” are the cause of most stomach ulcers.

+ The prey is restrained by tentacles in the stomach to prevent it from escaping.

+ Chandy died of stomach cancer at a hospital in Ernakulam, Kerala on 20 December 2019 at the age of 72.

+ The second megamouth’s stomach had krill, copepods, and the jellyfish, “Atolla vanhoeffeni”.

+ They are all ruminants, with the double stomach system of digesting vegetation, which is most efficient.

+ Chen died of stomach cancer on 21 November 2020 in Beijing, aged 81.

+ After the stomach has been left empty for so long the body starts to give up.

+ Because they stay in the stomach for longer they leave the person who has eaten them feeling fuller for longer.

+ It goes underneath the stomach and the pancreas and joins the descending colon near the spleen.

+ On July 13, 1921 he was hospitalized and had one-third of his stomach removed.

+ They would also have them embroidered with gold thread and very sparkly and expensive jewels.Ladies had to wear corsets which were made out of bone and they were ever so tight and made your stomach and waist smaller so you looked skinnier.

+ He died on May 5 1821 of stomach cancer.

+ Malgoire died on 14 April 2018 in Paris of stomach cancer at the age of 77.

+ A cow’s stomach has four chambers called the “reticulum”, “rumen”, “omasum” and “abomasum”.

+ He died on 2 December 2013 in São Paulo, one day before completing 71 years from stomach cancer.

+ On 11 January 2020 Belsø died from stomach cancer; he was 77 years old.

+ Also, it can cause stomach pains, headache, being delirious, and not being hungry.

+ On November 14, 2014, Pashaei died from stomach cancer in Tehran, Iran, aged 30.

+ On February 2, 2003, Yuguchi died of stomach cancer in Nara at the age of 57.

+ This predatory mollusc sucks air into its stomach to keep it afloat and using its muscular foot it clings to the surface film.

+ He also had stomach cancer for the last eighteen months of his life.

+ He died of stomach cancer in Filderstadt, Baden-Wuerttemberg.

+ After the first week he was sixth overall, but a stomach bug began to affect his form, and he lost vital time in a stage including the Col du Galibier.

+ Symptoms include vomiting, nausea, runny nose, chills, fever, body aches, sore throat, coughing, diarrhea, and stomach ache.

+ Găitan died on 10 November 2020 in Bucharest from stomach cancer, aged 73.

+ A toe kick is a move where the wrestler hits the opponent in either the midsection or stomach with the point of their foot in order to bend the opponent over.

+ Diverticula can also be in the upper digestive tract at the level of the esophagus, stomach and small intestine.

+ Le Mesurier died from a stomach hemorrhage caused by cirrhosis of the liver in Ramsgate, Kent, England, aged 71.

+ In January 2019, it was announced that Kharitonov was Medical diagnosisdiagnosed with stomach cancer.

+ Qureshi died of advanced stomach cancer on September 16, 2017 at the age of 34.

+ On May 7, 2016, Stabb died of stomach cancer at age 54.

+ Bradley was diagnosed with stomach cancer in October 2016.

+ Other common terms for gastroenteritis include infectious diarrhea, stomach bug, and stomach virus.

+ These tissues are the skin, and the inner lining of the nose, lungs, stomach and intestines.

+ Also there is a pain-killing opiorphin, and a wrap-around haptocorrin which keeps vitamin B12 safe from stomach acids.

+ Marshall, Warren proved that the bacterium is the cause of stomach ulcers.

+ It can dissolve in stomach acid.

+ Although they are not poisonous, some kinds are a laxative and some can cause stomach pain.

+ A key difference between the two is that odd-toed ungulates digest plant cellulose in their intestines rather than in one or more stomach chambers as the even-toed ungulates do.

+ On the 14th day of the infection, biopsies of Marshall’s stomach did not show any bacteria.

+ Sevareid died of stomach cancer on July 9, 1992 in Washington, D.C., aged 79.

+ The last ended when his wife Ingrid died of stomach cancer in 1995, aged 65.

+ The water in the Pecos contained minerals that gave people cramps and stomach aches.
+ These secretions limit, or neutralise, the stomach acidity.

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