“sticky” example in sentences

How to use in-sentence of “sticky”:

– Like all members of the pine family, these trees have a sticky sap called resin.

– The spider spits a sticky and poisonous liquid at its prey.

– Did you know that the seeds of the lotus flower have been grown from seeds older than any other plant on record and that its leaves are less sticky than teflon? ~.

– The French mainly lost because they wore heavy armour and got stuck in the sticky mud at Azincourt.

– All species of Sundew are able to move their sticky tentacles in response to a contact.

sticky example in sentences
sticky example in sentences

Example sentences of “sticky”:

- It is usually a white or yellowish, sticky substance made up of sperm floating in a fluid called seminal plasma that has water and different chemicals in it.

- Most of the sugar passes right through the insect, so that nearby surfaces get sticky and often become black due to the growth of fungus.

– It is usually a white or yellowish, sticky substance made up of sperm floating in a fluid called seminal plasma that has water and different chemicals in it.

– Most of the sugar passes right through the insect, so that nearby surfaces get sticky and often become black due to the growth of fungus.

– Samgyetang is made of a whole young chicken stuffed with sticky rice, ginseng, jujube, garlic, and ginger.

– Together, these glands make a white, sticky fluid called semen that sperm float in.

– Its spicules are converted to soft form, and they have sticky tube-feet which pass food to their gut.

– However, before a man ejaculates, a clear, colourless, sticky fluid called pre-ejaculate can come out of his penis.

– Diners crack open the top and then pull down each bamboo strip like a flower until the sticky rice is reached.

– The wind can move pollen a long way before the pollen hits the sticky top of a pistil.

– They have a long sticky tongue which makes it easy to pick up many ants at once.

– Echidnas pick up the prey with their sticky tongues.

– Both names describe the sweet-smelling, sticky mucilage that comes down the ends of Tentacletentacles on each flower stalk.

– Bitumen is a thick sticky black stuff.

– This was probably how the sticky Australian cake became known as the ‘Pavlova’.

– The tentacles of all “Drosera” species are specialized glands, capable of producing sticky mucus.

– Khao lam is sticky rice mixed with coconut milk and grilled in a bamboo stalk.

– Sometimes it is also customary to add to this ice cream: “Salep ” and even a bit of gum like gum ice cream to give it a more sticky and elastic look.

More in-sentence examples of “sticky”:

– Unlike many of its relatives in the order Carnivora, the aardwolf does not hunt large animals, or even eat meat on a regular basis; instead it eats insects, mainly termites – one aardwolf can eat about 250,000 termites during a single night by using its long, sticky tongue to capture them.Mills, Gus Harvey, Martin 2001.

– With their sticky tentacles the animal collects detritus and small organisms.

– Between the layers of tiles is a sticky protein substance.

– These sticky cells create a slimy layer outside the cells of the body.

– The honeydew then drops from the insect and makes a sticky layer on the plant.

– On November 6, 2008, Timberlake performed the song with Madonna Madonna on the Los Angeles stop of her Sticky Sweet Tour.

– Wax paper is commonly used in cooking because it does not sticky foods cannot stick to it.

– If threatened, instead of ink, a sticky cloud of bioluminescent mucus containing innumerable orbs of blue light is ejected from the arm tips.

– The most common sticky note is the Post-it, which is made by a company called 3M.

– Tororo is a sticky food made from grating a yam.

– The inside can have white sticky rice or black sticky rice filled with black beans or sesame.

– If it is too viscous the oil will be thick and sticky and need too much energy to keep the parts moving.

– They prey on smaller animals such as insects, which they catch by squirting a sticky slime.

– The sperm in the testicles mixes with other liquids in the body to form a whitish or yellowish and sticky fluid called semen.

– The spider spits in a Z pattern and criss-crosses its prey in sticky liquid.

– Traditional methods, tools and techniques are used to grind natural pigments into powder form, and then mixed with a binder to become a thick, sticky paint.

– These sticky leaves capture insects.

– A caporegime within the Italian Mafia known as Passione whose Stand, Sticky Fingers, allows him to make zippers that he can enter, leading his group to escort Trish Una to their boss before resolving to turn on him.

– Madonna did The Sticky and Sweet Tour to promote the album.

– Some species of coral reef sea cucumbers defend themselves by expelling sticky “cuvierian tubules” to entangle potential predators.

– In 2001, the patent for the glue that 3M uses on Post-it notes expired, so many other companies now make similar sticky notes.

– It is reached by using the Sticky Hand, and then the Ball ‘n’ Chain to steal a safe.

– These molecules are stiff when dry, and sticky and slippery when wet.

– The long sticky tongues, which have bristles, help the birds grab and extracting insects from deep in a hole of a tree.

– It is sticky and filling.

– Tree frogs have sticky feet, which helps them to climb and hang on to the big leaves.

– Tree frogs can climb on any surfaces, they use their sticky hands to do this.

– Chameleons have long sticky tongues that they can fire out in a fraction of a second.

– At times, the lagoons almost dried out, exposing sticky carbonate muds that trapped insects and even a few small dinosaurs.

– Rubber products also degrade as sulfursulphur bonds induced during vulcanization revert; this is why old rubber bands and other rubber products soften and get sticky as they age.

– The sundews produce sticky substances on their leaves that traps prey, and the Venus fly trap has leaves that form traps that close when disturbed.

– Earwax is a sticky yellow or grey substance like wax produced by the ears.

– Tiny hairs on the wings prevent the sticky spider silk from touching the wings’ surface.

– The tongue is sticky because of the presence of glycoprotein-rich mucous.

– They also construct a bolas made of a single thread, tipped with a large ball of very wet sticky silk.

– It uses its front claws to dig them up and its long, sticky tongue to collect them.

– Women in Ancient Egypt removed unwanted hair with a sticky mixture of honey and oil.

– The Korean people usually eat sticky white rice.

– In 1974 a man named Arthur Fry came up with the idea for the sticky note.

– His main weapons are a grenade launcher and sticky bombs.

– In effect, this squirts sticky threads all over a predator.

– The pollen on the bee’s body brushes onto the sticky top of the flower’s pistil.

– Astruc first drew “Ladybug” on sticky notes and remarked about how strong the Ladybug character was, and had a couple memories of seeing ladybug-themed superheroes in comics.

– The eggs are tiny, white, kidney-shaped, with a smooth sticky surface.

– Serecin is the sticky material which surrounds the fibroin and gives it protection from the outside.

– Today, due to the very high price of the gum spice and the difficulty of obtaining it, there are ice cream sellers who usually replace it with glucose or other ice cream conducive to appear as a sticky dish.

– His sticky bombs do great damage, and can be used to ‘sticky jump’ much like how a Soldier can rocket jump.

– The Demoman can also replace his sticky launcher for a shield.

- Unlike many of its relatives in the order Carnivora, the aardwolf does not hunt large animals, or even eat meat on a regular basis; instead it eats insects, mainly termites – one aardwolf can eat about 250,000 termites during a single night by using its long, sticky tongue to capture them.Mills, Gus Harvey, Martin 2001.

- With their sticky tentacles the animal collects detritus and small organisms.
- Between the layers of tiles is a sticky protein substance.

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