“sticking” – some sentence examples

How to use in-sentence of “sticking”:

– A business associate of Sholes named James Densmore suggested splitting up the keys to speed up typing by preventing the typebars from striking the typewriter roller at the same time and sticking together.

– Both cowboys and railroad workers preferred the hat because it would not blow off easily in strong wind while riding a horse, or when sticking one’s head out the window of a speeding train.

– If they voted for a tied player, they have the option of sticking with their vote or changing it.

– Gamma-secretase then cuts the pieces of APP that is left and, still sticking out of the neuron’s membrane, at the other end of the beta-amyloid peptide.

– The nuclear envelope has things sticking out of it that look like tubes and sheets.

sticking - some sentence examples
sticking – some sentence examples

Example sentences of “sticking”:

– Rocks formed by sticking together pieces of previous rocks are called clastic rocks.

– I’m sticking my head in here from en.wp to counter the overly optimistic and overconfident tone of this discussion.

– His friends called him “incorruptible” for sticking to his moral values and killing his enemies.

– You can feed them by sticking your finger in their mouth.

– It happens when softer rock is eroded by wind and water, leaving harder rock sticking up.

– For most of the year, the tree is leafless, and looks very much like it has its roots sticking up in the air.

– The Babylonians were able to find that the value of pi was slightly greater than 3, by simply making a big circle and then sticking a piece of rope onto the circumference and the diameter, taking note of their distances, and then dividing the circumference by the diameter.

- Rocks formed by sticking together pieces of previous rocks are called clastic rocks.

- I'm sticking my head in here from en.wp to counter the overly optimistic and overconfident tone of this discussion.
- His friends called him "incorruptible" for sticking to his moral values and killing his enemies.

– They look like tiny hairs sticking out from the surface of the leaf.

– When a naiad is ready for its final moult, it finds a stick or other object sticking out of the water.

– It is the sticking together of sediment that forms a rock.

– Some may raise their head and neck off the ground, and with their tongue sticking out, move froward like a the Cobra does.

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