“stay” – sentence examples

How to use in-sentence of “stay”:

+ Surrealist patron Edward James let Magritte stay rent free in his London home and paint.

+ A guard dog, sometimes called an attack dog, Their job is to stay with and guard a flock or herd against predators.

+ He shows them his home, an underwater city built by Gungans to stay away from humans.

+ A sample of the tumor was taken during Lacks’ stay at Johns Hopkins Hospital by a doctor named George Gey.

+ These ideas are about the thought that events stay in place over a period of time.

+ These kinds of interest can support the body’s operation and help people stay healthy.

stay - sentence examples
stay – sentence examples

Example sentences of “stay”:

+ Price’s family would sometimes stay with him for a few days in Mississippi, United States before departing back to their own Country of British Honduras.

+ Lenin did not want Russia to stay in this way, he only introduced them to be supported again by the Russian people, and to revive the economy.

+ During his stay in Okinawa, he met a Hawaiian born WAC by the name of Jane and soon they were married.

+ In 1997, the Orchestra moved out of the Teatro de la Zarzuela and moved to the Teatro Real where they will stay at least until 2009.

+ Scientists think that afferent nerves below the spinal cord injury cause blood pressure to get and stay high, by causing the blood vessels to get smaller.

+ The six composers did not stay together for very long as they soon developed their own personal styles in their compositions.

+ He has come to ask Lulu to stay out of his life from now on.

+ Jenner choses to stay in the CDC and die in the explosion.

+ The alternative proposal would have been to stay with Indonesia, but to have many freedoms as an “autonomous province”, called Special Autonomous Region of East Timor.

+ Just stay quiet.” Air traffic control realized the aircraft had been hijacked and they called the Federal Aviation Administration.

+ Price’s family would sometimes stay with him for a few days in Mississippi, United States before departing back to their own Country of British Honduras.

+ Lenin did not want Russia to stay in this way, he only introduced them to be supported again by the Russian people, and to revive the economy.
+ During his stay in Okinawa, he met a Hawaiian born WAC by the name of Jane and soon they were married.

More in-sentence examples of “stay”:

+ These pseudonyms help people stay anonymous on the internet, and they also protect people from identity theft and phishing.

+ Hosea was told that his story was a picture of the way God's people treated God, by going after other gods even though God wanted them to stay with Him and love Him.
+ However, the young chicks stay with the father until they are 18 months of age.

+ These pseudonyms help people stay anonymous on the internet, and they also protect people from identity theft and phishing.

+ Hosea was told that his story was a picture of the way God’s people treated God, by going after other gods even though God wanted them to stay with Him and love Him.

+ However, the young chicks stay with the father until they are 18 months of age.

+ Retired professional wrestler Diamond Dallas Page invited Hall to join stay at his house to stay sober and rebuild his life.

+ After the tour, Åkerfeldt and Lindgren fired DeFarfalla for personal reasons, which made Nordin, who was on a vacation in Brazil, leave the band and stay in Brazil.

+ When the joeys are young they stay in the pouch all the time, but when they are older they can leave it for short times.

+ America wanted to stay out of the European war, but American public opinion had turned against Germany, as unrestricted submarine warfare seemed to confirm the German reputation for brutality.

+ Members of the “Remain” campaign wanted the United Kingdom to stay in the European Union.

+ Other students stay in Syracuse for all four years.

+ They might stay at home and do “housework” for other family members, or they might work outside the house like a man.

+ They tend to stay away from smoking, drinking and other things known to be harmful or mind-altering.

+ The people of Montenegro still wanted independence though, on 21 May 2006 they held a vote to ask the Montenegrin’s whether they still wanted to stay in the union.

+ But she refused to stay away.

+ The theme of “Saw” centers on the desire to stay alive, appreciation for life, kidnapping, imprisonment and torture.

+ Though taken down with fever, Cervantes refused to stay below, and begged to be allowed to take part in the battle, saying that he would rather die for his God and his king than keep under cover.

+ After their plane crashes on an island, the survivors of Oceanic Flight 815 must work together to stay alive.

+ Close to the Earth, in LEO, the satellites must move faster to stay in orbit.

+ While Doug performs the circus acts for the audience, Ursa goes to stay in the forest with Boog and the others.

+ Both kinds like to stay in the cold north.

+ Even if the noun they talk about is plural, they stay the same.

+ The New Mexican citizens living there were allowed to stay if they agreed to become US Citizens; over 90% did.

+ It can be cooked at 350°C and still stay a poison.

+ Derby’s stay in the Second Division was not a happy one and they were relegated to the Football League Third Division in 1984.

+ While doing this, they must stay hidden from people looking for them.

+ Young black mambas stay in the egg for 2-3 months, and then they break through the shell with an ‘egg tooth.’ They are almost fully developed when they hatch, and they already have venom glands and can defend themselves mere minutes after their birth.

+ This means they must stay in jail until their trial.

+ The queen always tried to stay informed of political developments at court, and from the very beginning of his reign the new king consulted Louise on matters of state.

+ Usually, sandals are worn in warmer climates or during warmer parts of the year, because feet stay cool and dry.

+ It was made up of former Whigs and Know-Nothings who had not joined the Republican Party, and people from the South who wanted the Union to stay together.

+ The seeds that the black-headed weaver tends to feed on is very common, so they do not need to stay and defend their family’s territory or food.

+ They mostly stay alone and in the same location throughout the year.

+ If they do want to play, they have to stay in the taxi until they reach where they want to go or get three strikes.

+ I don’t agree, I think old warnings should stay because it helps determine if ip ranges are locations likely to be vandalism hot spots.

+ Progesterone and estrogen levels will stay high until the fetus is ready to be birthed.

+ His government forced the six republics to stay part of Yugoslavia.

+ The treaty also set Germany’s borders, and the German government confirmed that the treaty it made with Poland in 1970 about the border between the countries, was to stay in force.

+ Under the Treaty of Pavia, Emperor Louis IV gave the Palatinate to his brother during his stay in Italy.

+ He signed a three-year contract with the Chicago Blackhawks in June 2010 but he decided to stay with Djurgården during the first year of the contract, later he was recalled from Djurgården to Chicago on 23 March 2011.

+ At one point during his stay with the Fitzgeralds, he receives a letter from his father stating that Alem’s mother was murdered.

+ They are excellent swimmers and can stay underwater for around half an hour.

+ Many people wanted Wowereit to be the candidate, not so many after he decided to stay in coalition with Die Linke after the 2006 elections.

+ Due to his long stay with S.K.

+ They usually stay on all four legs, but they can stand up as well but they are expert swimmers and spend a lot of time in water.

+ Anguilla was colonized by the British Empire and used to be part of what is now Saint Kitts and Nevis, but broke away in 1980 so it could stay part of Great Britain.

+ Lacalle Pou advised people over 65 to stay at home.

+ After partition, Rafi decided to stay in India.

+ Mary and her father decide to stay with Tarzan.

+ In certain circumstances, it is not possible for the holder of the visa to do this, either because the country does not have a mechanism to prolong visas or, most likely, because the holder of the visa is using a short stay visa to live in a country.

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