“stamped” in sentences?

How to use in-sentence of “stamped”:

+ The Lydian coins were made of a weighed amount of precious metal and were stamped with a picture of a lion.

+ They were stamped onto the disc, pressed into the clay when it was still soft.

+ They began taking the more aggressive people aside and stamped their passports with a special stamp that allowed them access to West Berlin however, the people were not aware that they were effectively revoking their East German citizenship and were shocked to be refused entry back into the GDR.

+ A visa is a document that is stamped on a person’s passport by an embassy.

+ This meant that the weapon had to be redesigned to use stamped steel.

+ He may issue a pass to a vehicle’s driver that is stamped with the vehicle’s arrival time.

stamped in sentences?
stamped in sentences?

Example sentences of “stamped”:

+ The Regio Dalmata - Kraglski Dalmatin was stamped in the tipography of Antonio Luigi Battara and was the first done in Croat language.

+ Mortgage deed is to be executed and appropriately stamped ad valorem with two best available witnesses.
+ Modern numismatics is a sub-field that focuses on when coins started being stamped by machines.

+ The Regio Dalmata – Kraglski Dalmatin was stamped in the tipography of Antonio Luigi Battara and was the first done in Croat language.

+ Mortgage deed is to be executed and appropriately stamped ad valorem with two best available witnesses.

+ Modern numismatics is a sub-field that focuses on when coins started being stamped by machines.

+ With the development of the stamped Type 4 AKM receiver, and the Soviet Union’s call to each of the Warsaw Pact’s nations to produce their own assault rifles chambered in 7.62mm, be they AK-47 pattern or not, the Romanian State Arsenal developed an AKM clone featuring a forward-pointing front handgrip molded into the lower handguard, called the Pistol Mitralieră model 1963.

+ These coins were stamped by the government of Jean-Bertrand Aristide after his 1994 return.

+ After a form has been passed by an official, it is stamped to show it is authentic.

+ He takes a ticket stamped with his arrival time from an attendant or a mechanical device.

+ Numerous stamped amphorae from Baetica have been found in Roman sites of northern Gaul.

+ On Carchon’s corpse, Nico discovers a ticket stamped “Bateaux de la Conciergerie” and goes to investigate the dock.

+ It can also be stamped by a heavy press.

+ The stamped concrete structure is typical of Wright’s pioneering design.

+ The MG 42 was also made out of stamped metal.

+ SOS has also sometimes been used as a visual distress signal, consisting of three-short/three-long/three-short light flashes, or with “SOS” spelled out in individual letters, for example, stamped in a snowbank or formed out of logs on a beach.

+ A paper ticket is stamped when it is validated.

+ The individual cards are stamped out by a machine which acts like a cookie-cutter.

+ Sterling silver standards are protected by hallmarks stamped on pieces by officials.

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