“sponges” use in sentences

How to use in-sentence of “sponges”:

– A few sponges can also use budding.

– Nevertheless, sponges are quite successful.

– Calcareous sponges are characterized by a skeleton formed from calcium carbonate spicules.

– Until synthetic sponges were invented, they were also used as cleaning tools, for painting, and as contraceptives.

– Hexactinellid sponges are sponges with a skeleton made of four- and/or six-pointed silaceous spicules, often referred to as glass sponges.

– Syconoid sponges are larger and more complex than asconoid sponges.

– Some scientists said they thought a similar gene, ANTP, the NK gene, and the Cdx Parahox gene were also in sponges in the phylum Porifera, but for now, Parahoxozoa does not have sponges in it.

– Glass sponges of the class Hexactinellida typically live in deep sea environments and may also be found in Antarctic regions.

sponges use in sentences
sponges use in sentences

Example sentences of “sponges”:

- When the conditions are bad, some sponges can also grow lumps of unspecialised cells.

- Demosponges of the class Demospongiae are the most numerous of the sponges containing 90 to 95 percent of Porifera species.

– When the conditions are bad, some sponges can also grow lumps of unspecialised cells.

– Demosponges of the class Demospongiae are the most numerous of the sponges containing 90 to 95 percent of Porifera species.

– Some giant sponges can reach heights of seven feet, while the smallest sponges reach heights of only two-thousandths of an inch.

– Most known carnivorous sponges have completely lost the water flow system and choanocytes.

– A number of animals use these sponges for shelter and protection including shrimp.

– Since sponges are non-motile, they are typically found attached to rocks or other hard surfaces.

– Although multicellular, sponges only have a few different types of cells, some of which may migrate within the organism to perform different functions.

– Unlike most animal organisms which exhibit some type of body symmetry, such as radial, bilateral, or spherical symmetry, most sponges are asymmetric, exhibiting no type of symmetry.

– This is vital as sponges do not have a circulatory system, respiratory system, digestive system, muscular system, or nervous system as do many other animals.

– Regeneration also enables sponges to repair and replace damaged or severed body parts.

– I know that our article about sponges is not great.

– The most familiar representative of the glass sponges is the Venus’ flower-basket.

– Asconoid sponges have the simplest organization consisting of a porous tube shape, an osculum, and an open internal area that is lined with choanocytes.

– Most sponges reproduce sexually.

– The three main classes of sponges include glass sponges.

– Members of the Chlorophyta also form symbiosissymbiotic relationships with protozoa, sponges and cnidarians.

– Most natural sponges used for cleaning today come from the Mediterranean and the Caribbean.

– In fragmentation, new sponges develop from pieces that have fragmented from the body of the parent sponge.

– Among animals, sponges show the simplest organization, having a single germ layer.

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