“spiritual” use in sentences

How to use in-sentence of “spiritual”:

– Agnes Emma Baker Pilgrim was a Native American spiritual elder.

– The church continues its existence to this day, acting as both the spiritual and cultural center of the Russian Orthodox community abroad.

– The spiritual leader is the supreme authority of the church.

– The saints are seen as models of holiness to be followed, and as a ‘cloud of witnesses’ that strengthen and encourage the believer during his or her spiritual journey.

– Some say Siddhartha left the palace to pursue a spiritual path on the day his son was born.

– He has received an initiation from his satguru that gives him great spiritual power and authority.

– In prison he wrote “De Profundis”, a long letter which discusses his spiritual journey through his trials, forming a dark counterpoint to his earlier philosophy of pleasure.

spiritual use in sentences
spiritual use in sentences

Example sentences of “spiritual”:

– This original chapel was replaced by the current “Templo de San Marcos” completed on December 15, 1763; this church is the spiritual headquarters of the “Feria Nacional de San Marcos”.

– Tsongkhapa was a big promoter of the Kadampa teachings and the mahāyāna principle of universal compassion as the fundamental spiritual orientation.

– Faustina’s Confessor, and her Spiritual Director, and her Bishop, and Cardinal Prince Adam Sapieha, all favoured The Divine Mercy devotion.

– New Age people do all believe that a new future time is coming in which people will be more aware of their own special spiritual nature and this will make the world a different and better place.

– The city’s gates, palaces, tombs and monuments, walls, schools, tower for looking at the stars and other buildings all together make up the World Heritage Site because they show the philosophy, culture, politics and spiritual beliefs of the Koryo people.

– He was always looking for a spiritual meaning to life.

– Gods in Hinduism are thought as highly advanced spiritual beings and are often represented in human form or partially human and partially animal forms.

– Wassily Kandinsky has discussed this connection between music and painting, as well as how the practice of classical composition had influenced his work, at length in his seminal essay “Concerning the Spiritual in Art”.

– She feels a spiritual connect with Dev at their first meeting itself.

– He is also a co-chair of the Tikkun Community and the Network of Spiritual Progressives.

- This original chapel was replaced by the current "Templo de San Marcos" completed on December 15, 1763; this church is the spiritual headquarters of the "Feria Nacional de San Marcos".

- Tsongkhapa was a big promoter of the Kadampa teachings and the mahāyāna principle of universal compassion as the fundamental spiritual orientation.
- Faustina's Confessor, and her Spiritual Director, and her Bishop, and Cardinal Prince Adam Sapieha, all favoured The Divine Mercy devotion.

More in-sentence examples of “spiritual”:

– Many New Age practices are designed to accelerate the evolutionary push into the spiritual realms.

– It is a spiritual successor to “Donkey Kong Donkey Kong”, which was released for the Game Boy in 1994.

– It gives an account of their families, cities, wars, systems of government, spiritual experiences and religious beliefs among other things.

– He occupied himself with “satsangs”—silent sitting with music and readings from spiritual works, and gave no discourses.

– During the high school years, Ha’s spiritual journey continued.

– The tribe still holds Crater Lake in high regard as a spiritual site.

– George Harrison, the beatle, was initiated in kriya yoga in USA in Self-Realization Fellowship, an organization created by the known writer and great spiritual master in the west Paramahansa Yogananda.

– An example of this would be “BioShock”, which has been named to by its makers as the spiritual successor to “System Shock 2”.

– It is also a spiritual one.

– Since 2001, Kimbangu’s grandson, Simon Kimbangu Kiangani, has become the spiritual leader.

– Gohar Shahi himself is the Patrorn-in-Chief of International Spiritual Movement Anjuman Serfroshan-e-Islam.

– Sand was part of the League for Spiritual Discovery at the Millbrook estate in New York, has been credited as the “first underground chemist on record to have synthesized DimethyltryptamineDMT” and was known for creating and selling large amounts of LSD.

– International Spiritual Movement Anjuman Serfroshan-e-Islam is divided into two branches one for men only and other is for women only.

– There were also real dance rituals that they did to represent their spiritual path.

– The second section, the largest, is a collection of metaphysical, spiritual and religious sayings, with pictures.

– Albert Schweitzer’s ethical principles meant that he tried to have a personal and spiritual relationship with the universe.

– The soul evolves from immaturity to spiritual illumination.

– She wrote spiritual poems and religious essays.

– We should be willing to see to the spiritual and physical needs of anyone who comes to the church.” The report also recommended that illegal immigrants seek to “repent” of their legal status.

– Body thetans are believed to be the essence of Xenu’s people that gather around humans and cause them spiritual harm.

– He was best known for co-founding “The Farm The Farm”, a famous spiritual intentional community.

– Rajneesh was an Indian mysticismmystic, guru, and spiritual teacher.

– He also formed his way of thinking about spiritual topics from his education at Harvard.

– The name also extends to a large body of literature and spiritual philosophy.

– Haredi Judaism consists of many spiritual and Culturecultural groups, and is divided into Hasidic sects with streams from Eastern Europe and Sephardic Haredim.

- Many New Age practices are designed to accelerate the evolutionary push into the spiritual realms.

- It is a spiritual successor to "Donkey Kong Donkey Kong", which was released for the Game Boy in 1994.
- It gives an account of their families, cities, wars, systems of government, spiritual experiences and religious beliefs among other things.

– The Klamath believed those who were successful in such quests had more spiritual powers.

– The world was peaceful and all the spiritual beasts were freed from Kaguya.

– Sri Chinmoy was a Bengali languageBengali spiritual Master, athlete who immigrated to the U.S.

– The constitution of the International Labour Organization affirms that “universal and lasting peace can be established only if it is based upon social justice.” An additional declaration adopted in Philadelphia at the 26th section affirms that “Labour is not a commodity and that “All human beings, irrespective of race, creed or sex, have the right to pursue both their material well-being and their spiritual development in conditions of freedom and dignity, of economic security and equal opportunity”.

– He seeks spiritual enlightenment.

– His handsome face of a gray-haired old man was illuminated with spiritual lite and joy.

– The word’s meaning is “I bow to the divine in you.” Namaste is a traditional Indian greeting of respect and thank you, with spiritual and symbolic meaning.

– In 1968, when Skumin was still a medical student, he proposed the term ″culture of health″ Russian: ″Культу́ра Здоро́вья″ The main task of the culture of health is to do health programs that support a holistic approach to physical, mental and spiritual well-being.

– His letters are of great literary and spiritual spirit.

– In the same speech, the Pope said that Catholic and Jewish people are connected “by a most special spiritual bond.” To Muslim leaders at the speech he said: ” Muslims, who worship God as one, living and merciful, and him in prayer…

– In keeping with this, he believed, his object was to establish peace in the world through the spiritual teachings of Islam.

– Returning north year after year, he was befriended by Inuit elders who shared with him their perception of their material and spiritual world.

– He felt that the place had a spiritual aura and thus spent months sculpting Lord Hanuman, beginning with a sketch.

– She is the host of “Spiritual Cinema”, a monthly television show dedicated to spiritual movies.

– It serves as a spiritual predecessor to Star Wars: The Clone Wars.

– Construction began in 1562, seventeen years after the diocese of Quito was created and located in the heart of the historic city and its status as the main church of the city, is one of the largest religious symbols of spiritual value for the Catholic community in the city.

– In 1922 Meher Baba and a group of male disciples walked from Ponna where over the next year he trained them as his disciples, from then on Baba would be their spiritual guide.

– The biographies and spiritual poems or songs of Kagyu saints, in particular the “Life of Milarepa” and the “100,000 Songs of Milarepa”, are also widely read books of this tradition.

– The term pope is the name several churches give to their highest spiritual leader.

– For example, the video games “TimeSplitters” and, “Perfect Dark” are often thought to be the spiritual successors to the hit video game “GoldenEye 007”.

– This is a list of religions and spiritual traditions.

– Wasi Muhammad Qureshi, who was nominated by Riaz Ahmed Gohar Shahi as President of International Spiritual Movement Anjuman Serfroshan-e-Islam.

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