“spider” how to use?

How to use in-sentence of “spider”:

– It is very common for people bitten by spiders to arrive in a doctor’s office without bringing the spider that bit them.

– This causes Marge to say “Get rid of the silo properly.” Homer agrees to this, and Marge says he is allowed to take Spider Pig with him.

– In one particular study conducted in 2007, capuchins were found to be among the ten most intelligent primates, second to spider monkeys among New World monkeys.

– The black widow spider and some scorpions are considered dangerous to humans, mostly to small children and elderly adults.

– Katy screams and flees with the tiger chasing after her she ditches the tiger and is nearly eaten by a crocodile and has a spider crawl on her.

– Explorers named the spider when they saw one eating a hummingbird.

– He also won the Tony Award for Best Book of a Musical for “Kiss of the Spider Woman” and “Ragtime”.

spider how to use?
spider how to use?

Example sentences of “spider”:

– On top of its head, the sea spider has a knobby projection bearing two, three, or four simple eyes.

– The spider spits in a Z pattern and criss-crosses its prey in sticky liquid.

– The spider can still walk around with only four legs, as long as there is still one leg on each side.

– One species of wolf spider gives us the name that is now used in English for an entirely different kind of spider.

– They dig a small burrow in the forest floor, and covers it with a dirt trapdoor.The spider lurks in its burrow with the door half-open, until something to eat walks by without knowing that the spider is watching.

– Studies have shown that other spider species live longer when nectar is available.

– The eyes cannot move, so the spider will often move its body to look at what it wants to see.

– This motif is used to represent both a spider‘s web and the spider man’s many women.

– The Japanese spider crab has the largest leg span of any arthropod in the world, reaching up to 3.8meters long.

– The Spider Plant, “Chlorophytum comosum”, is a species of “Chlorophytum” native to South Africa.

- On top of its head, the sea spider has a knobby projection bearing two, three, or four simple eyes.

- The spider spits in a Z pattern and criss-crosses its prey in sticky liquid.

More in-sentence examples of “spider”:

- When at rest the ant-mimicking crab spider "Amyciaea" does not closely resemble "Oecophylla", but while hunting it imitates the behavior of a dying ant to attract worker ants.

- In Europe there is a slightly smaller spider called "Lycosa tarantula" a kind of wolf spider that people once believed could kill people.

– When at rest the ant-mimicking crab spider “Amyciaea” does not closely resemble “Oecophylla”, but while hunting it imitates the behavior of a dying ant to attract worker ants.

– In Europe there is a slightly smaller spider called “Lycosa tarantula” a kind of wolf spider that people once believed could kill people.

– The redback spider is a venom venomous spider that lives in Australia.

– They can escape spider webs, because, being so light, they do not create much vibration to alert the spider.

– For example, a spider eating a fly caught at its web is a predator, or a pack of lions eating a buffalo.

– Brown huntsman spiders do not use spider webs to feed on prey.

– In captivity, several spider species are also known to feed on bananas, marmalade, milk, egg yolk and sausages.

– The adult female spider is usually black and usually has a red stripe on its back.

– Crustacea range in size from a parasite 0.1mm long, to the Japanese spider crab with a leg span of up to 14ft.

– A spider of this species will usually be black with white patterns on its abdomen.

– Most brown recluse bites happen when someone puts on clothes that have a brown recluse spider living inside of them.

– The giant huntsman spider is a spider of the “Heteropoda” genus.

– The broad leaves tend to collect dust, and this in turn seems to be attractive to red spider mites.

– When an insect or spider crawls along the leaves and touches a hair, the trap closes “only if a different hair is touched within twenty seconds of the first touch”.

– Females of the water spider “Argyroneta aquatica” build underwater “diving bell” webs which they fill with air and use eating their prey, molting, mating, and raising offspring.

– For example, the player can use a lit cigarette butt to burn up a spider that wants to eat the player.

– But the spider is still safe.

– The jumping spiders not only have visual patterns that identify them to each other, but the male jumping spider will do a special dance when it approaches a female of the same species.

– There are more than 150 species of spitting spider in the world.

– The spider spits a sticky and poisonous liquid at its prey.

– The jumping spider “Trite planiceps” lives in the rolled-up leaves of this species.

– Charlotte’s daughters spin the word “fox” in a spider web, and Fern arrives just in time to save Wilbur.

– White-headed capuchins sometimes travel with and even groom Geoffroy’s Spider Monkeys.

– However, spider experts have found brown recluses sent through the mail rarely start a new colony in their new home, partly because there are no other brown recluses for them to mate with.

– The Japanese spider crab has the largest leg span of any arthropod in the world, reaching up to 3.8meters.

– The “recluse” part is because this spider is very shy and runs away from humans.

– In the movies, Peter finds out what his father, Richard, was working on, just as he is bitten by a spider that gives him his superhero abilities.

– I seek forgiveness from all those living beings which I may have tortured while walking, coming and going, treading on living organism, seeds, green grass, dew drops, ant hills, moss, live water, live earth, spider web and others.

– A spitting spider is a spider in the family “Scytodidae”.

– Huntsman spider is a name given to the family Sparassidae.

– The spider that kills the most people, the black widow and other spiders in the genus “Latrodectus” are around 1cm.

– The smallest patient treated was a spider tortoise.

– One day, he is bitten by a radioactive spider which then gives him his powers that turn him to Spider-Man.

– He won an Academy Award in 1985 for his work in the movie film “Kiss of the Spider Woman”.

– To which Homer tells Marge “He’s not Spider Pig anymore, he’s Harry Plopper”.

– Tiny hairs on the wings prevent the sticky spider silk from touching the wings’ surface.

– Sometimes it is called the violin spider since its head has a darker mark on it that looks like a violin.

– Until 2014 he was also the maintainer of the World Spider Catalog, a website which tracks the arachnology literature.

– The muriquis, or woolly spider monkeys, are the genus “Brachyteles”.Groves C.P.

– Since 1927, 13 people have died, after a bite from a “Atrax robustus” spider from Australia.

– After a spider bites him during a field trip, Peter gains spider-like superhero abilities.

– Some kinds of spider venom attack the nervous systems of their prey, and other kinds of venom attack body tissues.

– The spider is, in fact, only a little bit poisonous.

– Later, Simon wakes up as his normal self and cannot remember anything after the spider bite.

– Some build a spider web, and some use a thread of silk that they throw at the insect.

– Very few kinds of jumping spider make webs; instead they use their silk for their safety rope and also to make a kind of tent where they sleep at night, shed their skins.

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