“specific” some example sentences

How to use in-sentence of “specific”:

+ An embedded system is a computer that has been built to solve only a few very specific problems and is not easily changed.

+ Multiple bout template can be used to record all bouts for a specific event/card.

+ Each version has a specific use.

+ Duties are shared between the facilities in Leipzig and Frankfurt am Main, with each center having a specific specialty area.

+ It allows specific DNA sequences to be amplified.

+ In comparison, a method may be, the latter of which means only specific parts of the same program are allowed to use this method, and never a human user.

+ This category contains articles about specific automobiles made by Cadillac.

+ While playing the game a player can send units to a specific moon or planet.

specific some example sentences
specific some example sentences

Example sentences of “specific”:

+ The aim of graphics is to brand, inform, and have a specific effect on its audience.

+ Beyond that, eaten meat is to be taken from animals that were slaughtered in a specific way.

+ The aim of graphics is to brand, inform, and have a specific effect on its audience.

+ Beyond that, eaten meat is to be taken from animals that were slaughtered in a specific way.

+ A recently added ability allows users to see all of when a specific episode is going to be rerun.

+ Most EULAs are written by the specific software developer and are not shared like other software licences.

+ Use in place of when a smaller type size is desired, with optional control over the specific type size and the number of columns rendered.

+ The templates can be used to block most bots or specific bots by name or function.

+ For example, the idea of putting specific spaces between columns.

+ CBD as a separate substance or as an ingredient of other products is legal across the USA since it is a hemp extract however when purchasing people should check their specific local and national laws.

+ There is one specific rate at which you must push away a person on a swing to cause the swing to go high.

+ The first is the factor specific to an individual mental task: the individual abilities that would make a person more skilled at one cognitive task than another.

+ This was possible because of faster computers and focusing on solving more specific problems.

More in-sentence examples of “specific”:

+ Even though the planet’s planetary corecore is very dense, it has a gaseous specific density of the planet is 0.69 g/cm³.

+ The Zenwalk Project aims to create a Linux operating system that can be used on old and slow computers through the use of the latest software available for a stable release, optimization for a specific processor architecture to increase execution speed, and introduces a very powerful package management system with dependency resolution.

+ African-American refers to a specific range of diverse cultures with a common thread of ethnic connection to Africa.

+ This page is for people to notify administrators about things or to ask them to do things, things that don’t have specific pages for requests, such as WP:VIP.

+ During the species specific breeding period, new reproductives, winged males and females leave the colony in what is called a “nuptial flight”.

+ There are two basic types of phobias: specific phobias and social phobias.

+ The website also had a blog where visitors can talk about various issues or specific articles, which was taken down a short time ago.

+ The more specific categorisation system of “States and territories established in the ” is disabled at present.

+ Once in the cell calcium ions activates many proteins to do specific things.

+ The framework has been designed to be independent of any particular programming model and other implementation specific semantics.

+ The study of language variation focuses on how language changes with social pressure and when in a specific environment.

+ The next time the same antigen contacts the body, a full-scale immune response is not needed as the body already has a specific antibody available instantly for that antigen.

+ From a specific perspective//goal, alternatives are always equivalent.

+ Could I please ask therefore, that this specific article, and all others made by this IP are nominated for deletion.

+ DNA barcoding uses a few specific parts of the genome, and genomics is about looking at the entire genome.

+ In general it is best to make use of this range, unless there are good reasons for using other particular shades for specific features.

+ The rules used on a specific building may be very different depending on where the building is and what it is used for.

+ This means specific impulse can be used to compare engine performance in any country.

+ The word “communism” is not a very specific description of left-wing political organizations.

+ Typically, all borders in a table would be one specific color.

+ There is no specific rule on what is, or is not, a scripting language.

+ Broadcast is a special transmission that is not meant for a single device but is addressed to all devices in specific network.

+ There are thousands of different enzymes and each one is specific to the reaction which it catalyses.

+ Some bipods are a specific length that can not be changed, but some bipods’ length can be changed.

+ A glyph is a specific shape that represents that grapheme, in a specific typeface.

+ A fencepost error is a specific type of off-by-one error.

+ Under the terms of the Gambling Act the Secretary of State for Culture, Media and SportSecretary of State is able to define each type of Casino, with reference to any matter he or she chooses; although the act specifically mentions as facts to consider the number, location and concentration of gaming tables, and the floor area designated for a specific purpose.

+ This template “requires” a title parameter: to associate the source of the text being used with a specific part of the massive encyclopedia from which it is copied or paraphrased.

+ To disable the display of images for a specific article, or for all articles on the “bad image” list, you must have an account.

+ The Police Nationale has several very different sub-directorates, each responsible for specific missions.

+ This template should never be used in articles to link the Internet Movie Database, instead use one of the more specific templates listed below.

+ How controversial is the statement being made? How prominent are alternative views? How relevant would introducing the controversy be to the progression of this specific article relevant enough to be worth whatever strain on the narrative that will result? These are the important questions to be asking when dealing with citation issues.

+ Glass used to make windows and bottles is a specific type called soda-lime glass, composed of about 75% silicon dioxide, and several minor additives.

+ Over there, there are special templates that say that many individuals may use a specific IP address, and they also have templates to use when giving a long block for a school/other institution after long-term, repeated vandalism.

+ To be termed scientific, a method of inquiry must be based on gathering observable, empirical and measurable evidence subject to specific principles of reasoning.

+ In Shinto, there is not a single specific God, as is in most religions, but instead, a wide variety of Deitydeities called “rocks, trees and poetry, for example.

+ Each law gives a list of capital crimes in the state; aggravating factors that can make person more likely to get the death penalty; and specific mitigating factors.

+ The scam asked individuals to send bitcoin currency to a specific cryptocurrency wallet, with the promise that money sent would be doubled and returned.

+ This was because of specific features on its teeth, and because its backbones look much like the ones of “Sigilmassasaurus”.

+ Whenever a banknote of a specific denomination is changed, a new series is released.

+ A “Boston Globe” reviewer said their sound was “far beyond the limitations of any specific genre.” They played mostly Finnish “rautalanka” music.

+ The parameter now refers to the specific Twinkle tool set, ‘p-twinkle’.

+ The functions can tell the probability of finding an electron in any specific region.

+ Linear, circular, and elliptical polarizations are three specific types of TEM polarization.

+ It has a specific gravity of 4.5.

+ Buddhists may meditate while sitting in a special or specific way.

+ APTonCD will also allow the user to automatically create media with all of the.deb packages in one specific repository, so that the user can install them into other computers without the need for an internet connection.

+ Or that a member state has decided not to enforce a specific provision in a treaty due to internal circumstances.

+ There are conflicting findings about how much specific symptoms are linked to an increase in violent behaviour.

+ Even though the planet's planetary corecore is very dense, it has a gaseous specific density of the planet is 0.69 g/cm³.

+ The Zenwalk Project aims to create a Linux operating system that can be used on old and slow computers through the use of the latest software available for a stable release, optimization for a specific processor architecture to increase execution speed, and introduces a very powerful package management system with dependency resolution.
+ African-American refers to a specific range of diverse cultures with a common thread of ethnic connection to Africa.

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