Some sentences in use of “workshop”

How to use in-sentence of “workshop”:

+ The block of stone was untouched for 33 years and was left in the cathedral workshop where it was getting damaged by the weather.

+ In 1968, he opened a large workshop in Le Plessis-Chenet with the support of Shell Oil Company.

+ The rear building is where the spacecraft manufacturing workshop is located.

+ It also uses the main workshop of the old Hyrdocon Crane factory.

+ Whoever leaves a work place or workshop without command, prematurely backs in, fails to check out with the supervising SS man, checks out at quitting time with a fellow prisoner.

+ Verrocchio had a big workshop that was one of the busiest in Florence.

+ Through Akka Films, Nicolas Wadimoff started up and developed the project “Swiss Palestinian Encounters”: five short documentaries were borne out of a documentary workshop in which young aspiring Palestinian movie directors took part.

+ He had a large workshop where many painters worked for him.

Some sentences in use of workshop
Some sentences in use of workshop

Example sentences of “workshop”:

+ Students in the school can learn more about the Chinese culture from the activities such as Workshop on Chinese clipart, Chinese Tea Tao and Chinese Culture and General Studies Competition.

+ The image of the elves in the workshop was popularized by “Godey’s Lady’s Book”, with a front cover illustration for its 1873 Christmas Issue showing Santa surrounded by toys and elves with the caption, “Here we have an idea of the preparations that are made to supply the young folks with toys at Christmas time.” During this time, Godey’s was immensely influential to the birth of Christmas traditions, having shown the first widely circulated picture of a modern Christmas tree on the front cover of its 1850 Christmas issue.

+ In 2018, he completed a Ministerial Workshop on “Forging Closer Partnership to implement 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda for Developing Countries”, which was sponsored by the Ministry of Commerce, People’s Republic of China.

+ Reconstruction of the weaver’s house and workshop owned by a guild master.

+ Brown, “El Greco of Toledo”, 75-77 In 1570, he moved to Rome and opened a workshop and made a series of works.

+ There are two main rooms – workshop on the left and living room on the right, with a kitchen and a bedroom.

+ Students in the school can learn more about the Chinese culture from the activities such as Workshop on Chinese clipart, Chinese Tea Tao and Chinese Culture and General Studies Competition.

+ The image of the elves in the workshop was popularized by "Godey's Lady's Book", with a front cover illustration for its 1873 Christmas Issue showing Santa surrounded by toys and elves with the caption, "Here we have an idea of the preparations that are made to supply the young folks with toys at Christmas time." During this time, Godey's was immensely influential to the birth of Christmas traditions, having shown the first widely circulated picture of a modern Christmas tree on the front cover of its 1850 Christmas issue.

+ From 1912 to 1913 he was an assistant in the workshop of Aloysius Podlogarja in Celovcu.

+ Consensus statement for management of gastroesophageal reflux disease: Result of workshop meeting at Yale University School of Medicine, Department of Surgery, November 16 and 17, 1997.

+ He started learning in Domenico’s workshop at age 13.

+ By the age of fifteen he was working for his father in a small workshop for bleaching textiles at Legnano.

More in-sentence examples of “workshop”:

+ He played at festivals and in the of the SüdwestrundfunkSWF at a flugelhorn workshop with Kenny Wheeler, Ian Carr, Harry Beckett and Ack van Rooyen and made a name for himself with his solo recording, “The Philosophy of the Flugelhorn” in 1973.

+ Scientists believe that it was made at the workshop that built Ulfberht swords that were not fake.

+ It was produced by Sesame Workshop and BBC One.

+ He built a workshop and worked as a weaver.

+ The most representative copies of this style come from Centuripe in Sicily, where a workshop was active until the 3rd century B.C.

+ In the 1950s, she established the San Francisco Dancers’ Workshop to give artists like her a place to practice their art.

+ As his home and workshop are fictional, there is no definite geographical location as to where the home or workshop is located.

+ Small Coastal Shark Data Workshop Document, SEDAR-13-DW-17.

+ Romanelli was an Italian painter of who trained in Rome in the workshop of Pietro da Cortona.

+ In: Maltby E “et al” “Tropical lowland peatlands of Southeast Asia”, proceedings of a workshop on integrated planning and management of tropical lowland peatlands held at Cisarua, Indonesia, 3–8 July 1992.

+ He is known mostly as a member of the household and workshop of painter Diego Velázquez.

+ When they have left the workshop Beckmesser comes in and sees the piece of paper with the song.

+ He goes back to his workshop to find the original arc reactor.

+ The work of Resende was published for the first time in 1516, in the workshop of Hermão de Campos, and is dedicated to Prince John, future John III of Portugal.

+ Sharon makes chandeliers in her workshop in Auckland.

+ A large repair workshop was built.

+ The Workshop is an United StatesAmerican non-profit organization for the research and production of educational children’s programs.

+ MEVTV Workshop on “Early tectonic and volcanic evolution of Mars”.

+ Work is carried out from a combined studio and workshop where concept development, detailing, prototyping and small scale fabrication take place.

+ I looked up the info on your wanted article subject, and started a workshop for us in my sandbox if you would like we could collaborate on the article, and prepare it so it could be included in the encyclopedia.

+ He is next seen being dragged into Daedalus’ workshop by one empousa and two Laistrygonians, in chains, after being tricked by King Minos.

+ He died on April 5, 2011 a short while after he gave the keynote speech at the International Lunar Research Park Exploratory Workshop held at NASA Ames Research Center.

+ Cranach had three sons, all artists: John Lucas Cranach, who died at Bologna in 1536; Hans Cranach, whose life is obscure; and Lucas Cranach the younger who took over his father’s workshop after his death.

+ Join the Workshop of Music, held every year in January, students and teachers from all over Brazil, United States, France, Switzerland, Holland, England, Germany, Norway, Spain, Italy, Portugal, China and Israel.

+ He played at festivals and in the of the SüdwestrundfunkSWF at a flugelhorn workshop with Kenny Wheeler, Ian Carr, Harry Beckett and Ack van Rooyen and made a name for himself with his solo recording, "The Philosophy of the Flugelhorn" in 1973.

+ Scientists believe that it was made at the workshop that built Ulfberht swords that were not fake.

+ A new type of sit-ski was made in Engelberg, Switzerland in 1987 and people were able to see it at a workshop made by the Swiss Association of Paraplegics.

+ The cryptanalysis proceeded very quickly, so quickly that the cipher was broken using differential cryptanalysis at the same workshop by Vincent Rijmen and Bart Preneel.

+ While about 15, Raphael became an apprentice at the workshop of the painter Pietro Perugino, called by that name because he was the most famous painter in the town of Perugia.

+ In 2001 Okorafor graduated of the Clarion Writers Workshop in Lansing, Michigan.

+ Santa’s elves are known to make the toys in Santa’s workshop and take care of his reindeer, among other tasks.

+ In Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Distributed Statistical Computing.

+ It was called Children’s Television Workshop until 2000.

+ The BBC Radiophonic Workshop used the theramin to provide the electronic sounds in demand in the mid-century.

+ Sesame Workshop is a company established in 1968.

+ He had an important workshop in Florence.

+ Wolgemut was the leading artist in Nuremberg at the time, and had a large workshop making different types of works of art, in particular woodcuts for books.

+ The workshop is a sprawling commune located at the North Pole.

+ In 2017, he took part in the Youth Entrepreneurs Economy Workshop organised by the Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the State Council at Beijing University.

+ In 1962, Mercier-Ythier opened his first workshop in Paris, working in the production of harpsichords.

+ In those times, each workshop had to write its name on items produced.

+ His workshop was a part of his large house.

+ The workshop was established in 1817.

+ The Workshop oversaw the production of “Sesame Street”, a television show for pre-school children from low-income families.

+ The Soviet Union supported Indian actions in aiding the war of liberation, and after the war the Soviet Navy sent a floating workshop to Bangladesh for clearing Pakistani mines from the Chittagong and Chalna harbors.

+ The WC series evolved out of, and was part of a more extended family of trucks, with great mechanical parts commonality, that included open- and closed-cab cargo trucks and weapons carriers, command cars, reconnaissance vehicles, ambulances, carryalls, panel vans, and telephone installation and mobile emergency / field workshop trucks.

+ Pollock was introduced to the use of liquid paint in 1936 at an experimental workshop operated in New York City by the Mexican muralist David Alfaro Siqueiros.

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