Some sentences in use of “trunk”

How to use in-sentence of “trunk”:

– The M1 motorway and the A1 trunk road are near.

– In the tail and trunk muscles, there are myotomes which are muscles blocks and there are myosepta which are connective tissues that separate myotomes.

– After forcing the pastors into the trunk of their car, Christopher Andre Vialva shot both in the head before Bernard set the car on fire with the victims inside.

– It keeps the trunk code, ‘0’, for all national dialling.

– The trunk has eleven segments.

– However, wear patterns on the teeth of its relative “Platybelodon” suggest that it used its lower tusks to strip bark from trees, and may have used the sharp incisors that formed the edge of the “shovel” more like a modern-day scythe, grasping branches with its trunk and rubbing them against the lower teeth to cut it from a tree.Lambert W.D.

– The tree trunk can be separated into five different layers: the heartwood, the sapwood, the vascular cambium, the inner bark, and the outer bark.

– Contemporary roofs are often hinged to fold away, either into a recess behind the rear seats or into the boot or trunk of the vehicle.

Some sentences in use of trunk
Some sentences in use of trunk

Example sentences of “trunk”:

- The village is in the valley of the Penpont Water and the parish is divided by the A30 trunk road which passes through Fivelanes.

- It was also powered by an engine in the rear, had a small trunk up front, and was air-cooled.
- Another instance is fitting a number of differently-sized items into a confined space, like the trunk of a car.

– The village is in the valley of the Penpont Water and the parish is divided by the A30 trunk road which passes through Fivelanes.

– It was also powered by an engine in the rear, had a small trunk up front, and was air-cooled.

– Another instance is fitting a number of differently-sized items into a confined space, like the trunk of a car.

– The pulmonary artery is an extension of the pulmonary trunk lat.

– Its trunk has a swollen base, which makes it easily recognizable.

– The Grand Trunk Road is one of South Asia’s oldest and longest major roads.

– It takes a baby a year or more to control its trunk and learn its many uses.

– In fiction the “Saracen’s Head Inn” in Towcester features in Charles Dickens’s novel “The Pickwick Papers” as one of Mr Pickwick’s stopping places along what is now the A5 trunk road.

– Rather, the trunk is supported by a fibrous mass of roots that expands as the tree fern grows.

– Europeans brought saffron to the Americas when immigrant members of the Schwenkfelder Church left Europe with a trunk containing saffron corms; indeed, many Schwenkfelders had widely grown saffron in Europe.

– The trunk rarely grows straight, with many branches that often originate quite far down on the trunk.

– From outside Belgium, a caller would dial their international call prefix, then the area code minus the trunk code ‘0’, and finally the local number.

– While searching, he knocks the lid of the trunk down waking Baba.

– Jack quickly carved crosses into the trunk of the tree, making it impossible for the devil to come down.

– He was also granted the right to use the Grand Trunk rails for free in the coming year.

– It has a trunk 30 centimetres wide.

– The closely packed diamond-shaped leaf scars left on the trunk and stems as the plant grew provide some of the most interesting and common fossils in Carboniferous shales and accompanying coal deposits.

– It is unusual in that it appears to blossom right out of the bark and trunk of its tree.

– The trunk is the main stem or “main woody axis of a tree”.

– A tree is a tall plant with a trunk and branches made of wood.

More in-sentence examples of “trunk”:

– A third bridge carries the A19 trunk road over the Wear to the West of the City.

– But when he hears that Dallas will meet up with the duo in Washington, D.C., Muddy decides to take them the rest of the way in his trunk and hunt down Dallas.

– The trunk can be 2 to 3 m wide, and is gray-brown to reddish.

– Laporte’s body was found in the trunk of Paul Rose’s car, on the South Shore of Montreal on October 17 1970.

– For centuries, there has been a hostel or inn at the site and, in modern times, the small village has become a centre for travel, tourism and winter sports in the region, sited at a bend on the A93 roadA93 trunk road which leads from Blairgowrie north past the Spittal to the Glenshee Ski Centre and on to Braemar.

– The apricot comes from a small to medium-sized tree, tall, with a trunk up to 40 centimetres in diameter with spreading, dense canopy; leaves are shaped somewhat like a heart, with pointed tips, about 8 centimetres wide.

– Above ground, the trunk gives height to the leaf-bearing branches, competing with other plant species for sunlight.

– He then throws a trunk full of CDs into the ocean.

– When Eisenstein arrived at the American border, a customs search of his trunk revealed sketches and drawings of Jesus along with other material of a pornographic nature.

– The upright style has a straight trunk that points up.

– Pelvis can mean the lower part of the trunk of the human body, between the abdomen and the thighs.

– The historic Grand Trunk Road passes through the centre of the town.

– In woodworking, hewing is the use of an axe to make a trunk log into lumber.

– The roots carry nutrients and water from the ground through the trunk and branches to the leaves of the tree.

– Barnum sued the Canadian Grand Trunk Railway for $100,000.

– The trunk is the main body of the tree.

– Its trunk base may be extremely large; trunks with a diameter of over five metres have been recorded.

– All Belgian telephone numbers dialed in Belgium must use the leading ‘0’ trunk code.

– Leading 0 is dialed both within and from outside Italy, just because it is now part of the actual number and no longer the trunk prefix.

– The broom style has a trunk that is straight and upright.

– The stump or tree stump is a small remaining part of the trunk with the roots still in the ground.

– Roman roads remained in use as trunk roads for centuries after the Romans withdrew from Britain in 410 AD.

– Alongside it is the Tamar Bridge, a toll bridge carrying the A38 trunk road.

– Two trunk railway routes, the West Coast Main Line and the Midland Main Line traverse the county.

– They are called bottle trees because the shape of their trunk is a bottle shape.

– The tip of their trunk is used like a finger.

– Caupolican supposedly won the position by demonstrating his superior strength by holding up a tree trunk three days and three nights, though this may be an exaggeration.

– In the middle of Interstate 81 in Virginia, Butt-Head opens the car trunk by using a car jack.

– The trunk is covered with bark which protects it from damage.

– Shake the trunk of the palm-tree towards thyself and It will drop its fresh ripe dates upon thee.” Mary then promised not to speak with any man that day.

– The species are mostly herbaceous perennial plants 0.3-1.5 Metrem tall, but some are annual plants and a few are shrubs up to 3 m tall, with one, Lupinus jaimehintoniana, a tree 8 m high with a trunk 20cm in diameter, from the Mexican state of Oaxaca.

– The tree grows to a maximum height of 40m and 10m wide, with a trunk of 2.5m covered in thick, scaly, black, grey-brown bark.

– Calling across areas still requires dialing trunk prefix 8 and waiting for dialtone after that.

– Once she has fallen asleep, Toby sneaks back in and tries to get into Monica’s room, but finds it locked and eventually goes to the trunk to find his tambourine.

– Dromaeosaurs, like most other theropods, had an S-curved neck, and their trunk was relatively short and deep.

– The valley is the route of both the A38 trunk road and the railway line.

– In the lumber trade a severed trunk is a log.

– The slanted-style bonsai trunk does not point straight up like the upright style.

– They explain how things in the natural world came about, such as the elephant’s trunk and the camel’s hump.

– They have a video showing him dragging the trunk into the ocean; they believe that there was a body inside.

– A branch is the part of a tree that grows out from the trunk of a tree.

– The trunk is also often called the bole.

– Copies of their books were found long after their deaths in a trunk in their home in Maryland Point.

– This tree is now known as the Constitution Elm, and its trunk is still preserved.

– The trunk is covered by the bark, which protects the tree against damage and often differs markedly from the bottom of the trunk to the top, depending on the species.

– The trunk comes out of the soil at an angle and points to the left or right.

– It is served by Provincial Trunk Highways 5, 10, and 20 and is surrounded by the Rural Municipality of Dauphin.

- A third bridge carries the A19 trunk road over the Wear to the West of the City.

- But when he hears that Dallas will meet up with the duo in Washington, D.C., Muddy decides to take them the rest of the way in his trunk and hunt down Dallas.

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