Some sentences in use of “trial”

How to use in-sentence of “trial”:

+ In other words, because people have the right to due process, they have the right to a fair trial; and because they cannot get a fair trial without a lawyer, they also have the right to a lawyer.

+ He was put on trial and executed for treason in San Cristóbal Ecatepec on 22 December.

+ People most remembered him today for his conflict with the Catholic Church of his day, which led to his trial for heresy by the Inquisition.

+ As of 2021, the law firm is assisting the Democratic Party in the Second impeachment trial of Donald Trump.

+ It concerns Pontius Pilate’s trial of Yeshua Ha-Notsri.

Some sentences in use of trial
Some sentences in use of trial

Example sentences of “trial”:

+ Atticus leaves promptly after the trial and takes the kids with him, he is bitter but he does see light in the dark situation.

+ James Hepburn, 4th Earl of Bothwell was put on trial for the murder but found not guilty.
+ His trial lasted from 11 to 29 March 1947.

+ Atticus leaves promptly after the trial and takes the kids with him, he is bitter but he does see light in the dark situation.

+ James Hepburn, 4th Earl of Bothwell was put on trial for the murder but found not guilty.

+ His trial lasted from 11 to 29 March 1947.

+ It often takes a long time to get a trial scheduled as the courts can be very busy.

+ Two days after the trial began, Francis was quickly convicted of murder.

+ The great military power, the British Army, identified this need and by February 1993 they finalised the need with an invitation to bid for the design, construction and trial of the new concept.

+ Fortas argued that it was impossible for a person to get a fair trial without a lawyer.

+ The women were protesting against the trial of five women who demonstrated for women’s rights in the One Million Signatures protest of 12 June 2006.

+ The Supreme Court sent the case to the Arizona Superior Court, a regular trial court, for a habeas corpus hearing.

+ He was an accused of the Judges’ Trial in Nuremberg.

+ Held in prison for over a year before being brought to trial all the accused were eventually acquitted in August 1878.

+ Some of them can be solved with logic, others can be solved by trial and error or by a “heuristic”.

+ The trial of those accused of killing Till had a large amount of press attention.

+ The vaccine completed phase I trials and started its next trial on July 27, 2020.

+ The trial for Derek Chauvin would begin on March 8, 2021.

+ Alahverdian requested that the trial be restarted based on new evidence from the Internet.

+ Under senate rules adopted in 1998, he also exercises this function in the trial of a vice president.

+ In “The Trial a man who works in a bank is arrested and taken to court.

More in-sentence examples of “trial”:

+ He sacked Wolsey and ordered him to be put on trial, though Wolsey died before the trial could happen.

+ On Monday April 9, 2018, Rochelle was arrested for protesting comedian Bill Cosby while toplessnesstopless outside a sexual assault trial against Cosby was being held.
+ He has been in prison without a trial since 2013, after he took photographs of a protest in Egypt.

+ He sacked Wolsey and ordered him to be put on trial, though Wolsey died before the trial could happen.

+ On Monday April 9, 2018, Rochelle was arrested for protesting comedian Bill Cosby while toplessnesstopless outside a sexual assault trial against Cosby was being held.

+ He has been in prison without a trial since 2013, after he took photographs of a protest in Egypt.

+ Obi is on trial for taking a bribe.

+ Some interesting excerpts from the transcript of Susannah’s trial are below: To the Marshall of the County of Essex or his lawful Deputies or to the Constable of Amesbury: You are in their Majesties names hereby required forthwith or as soon as may be to apprehend and bring Susanna Mertin of Amesbury in þ county of Esses Widdow at þ house of Lt.

+ He said there should be an elected assembly for New South Wales, trial by jury and settlement of Australia by free emigrants rather than convicts.

+ The proposal if accepted would be for a six-month trial period with a discussion and revote taking place at the end of said period.

+ Nullification trial testimony of Jean Massieu.

+ Greenwald still wins the trial by getting Queeg to get angry and act like he is completely crazy.

+ The Ministries Trial or, officially, “The United States of America vs.

+ Eichmann was put on trial for war crimes and crimes against humanity.

+ He is widely called as one of New Jersey’s foremost trial lawyers and has been lead counsel in some of the most important trials in the state.

+ Darrow’s summation in their trial criticized capital punishment as retribution, rather than rehabilitation.

+ Sacha Baron Cohen has been cast as Hoffman in Aaron Sorkin’s movie “The Trial of the Chicago Seven”.

+ He was put on trial for seditious libel.

+ In cycling a time trial can be a single track race, or an individual time trial on the road.

+ His second appeal trial ended in December 2010 with upholding the verdict of guilty.

+ Otherwise in a criminal trial the burden of proof usually rests with the prosecution.

+ He said if they did not stop, he would order the trial to take place somewhere other than Minneapolis.

+ Smith was arrested after being accused of trying to start a riot, and was put in jail in Carthage, Illinois as he waited for his trial to start.

+ The British had chosen for this trial one Hindu, one Sikh, and one Muslim of the INA.

+ In one, the trial of Oberscharführer Hugo Raschendorfer, he was the only prosecution witness.

+ An official from Rome was brought over and a trial was held.

+ Quercetin has shown effective in a randomized, placebo-controlled trial in chronic prostatitis using 500mg twice a day for 4 weeks.

+ The story of his trial and death is the subject of a tract by Plato which is called the “Apologia”.

+ A “show trial” is a highly public trial where the sentence has been decided before the trial starts.

+ The Pace trial resulted in a death sentence.

+ William put him on trial on the Isle of Wight.

+ The trial was dismissed in August of 1990 when Rob Halford played a clip from their song called Exciter in reverse, so it sounded like Halford was singing “I asked her for a peppermint, I asked her to get one”.

+ That court can decide to reverse the lower trial court’s decision.

+ Attorneys for both sides can usually agree on the facts of a case before the trial starts.

+ The trial—often called the trial of the century because of its international publicity—spanned eleven months, from the jury’s swearing-in on November 9, 1994.

+ The case went to the Supreme Court of Missouri, which reversed the trial court’s decision.

+ The trial was held over 14 days beginning on 19 April 1966, in front of Mr Justice Fenton Atkinson.

+ After the Revolutionary war, the Seventh Amendment’s right to a jury trial was written to limit the powers of the executive and the Judicial branches of the new federal government.

+ In 2019, Kelly was arrested and awaiting trial of sexual abuse and child pornography of younger girls.

+ At the trial Gavin said he did this because Jackson was his “best friend”.

+ The service was initially run as a trial from 15 May 2006 until becoming a full service on 1 December 2007.

+ He was finally convicted, however, 30 years later in a new state trial in 1994 that was based on new evidence.

+ In 1935 Wertham spoke in court for the defense in the trial of Albert Fish, a serial killer.

+ With help from the British military, he was not put on trial at Nuremburg.

+ I have done some of these under flood flag on my account, but would be willing to run another trial set if need be.

+ Schwerin von Krosigk was tried at Ministries Trial at Nuremberg TrialsNuremberg along with other leading members of the Nazi Government.

+ On 1 November 2009, platform screen doors were installed along with Jurong East as part of a trial programme.

+ In 2003 a randomized clinical trial found that a green tea extract with added theaflavin from black tea could reduce cholesterol.

+ On 24 May, he was ordered to stand trial on charges of premeditated murder of peaceful protesters.

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