Some sentences in use of “trans”

How to use in-sentence of “trans”:

– The food industry must use new formulas and recipes using ingredients without trans fat.

– In 2013, the Food and Drug Administration began to gradually stop the use of trans fats in all foods.

– Women who see themselves as feminists have strong views on both sides of the issue of whether or not trans women are women,to the point that they deny those who hold the opposite view are real feminists.

– Estimates of how many trans men there are range from 1 in every 30,000 people called girls at birth, to 1 in every 170 people called girls at birth.

– Some trans women choose to have hair removed on their face, armpits and other parts of their body as well as train their voice so that it sounds more like a woman.

Some sentences in use of trans
Some sentences in use of trans

Example sentences of “trans”:

– Studies have shown that trans women are likely to have less sex drive, but the difference was small.

– It was distributed by Trans World Entertainment.

– United Biscuits was criticised for still using trans fatty acids in the cream filling of Penguins.

– Hey, I was wanting to redefine the LGBT category to include people/pages related to LGBTQIA+ that aren’t necessarily lesbian, gay, bisexual, or trans related.

– Artificial trans fats are made in an industrial process.

– Some deep fry shortenings contain trans fat.

Transmisogyny is a word that Serano uses to talk about a kind of misogyny that is experienced by trans women.

– For some time, the US government’s “Food and Drug Administration” allowed makers of food products to label their products as having “0 grams of trans fat per serving” as long as the amount of trans fat in the food product falls below 0.5grams per serving.

– There are two types of trans fats, naturally-occurring and artificial trans fats.

– Kummerow was known for his works to prove the health issues that trans fat caused to people.

– A group of Croatian terrorists made up of Zvonko and his wife, Julienne Bušić, Petar Matanić, Frane Pešut and Slobodan Vlašić hijacked a commercial Trans World Airlines plane on September 10, 1976.

– Besides the problem of suicide, trans people are often killed and treated wrong in other ways.

– Many LGBT rights groups said that transgender suicide happened a lot because trans people are being treated wrong, just like how Leelah was treated wrong.

- Studies have shown that trans women are likely to have less sex drive, but the difference was small.

- It was distributed by Trans World Entertainment.

More in-sentence examples of “trans”:

- Trans fatty acids are commonly called trans fats.

- Fried foods will likely, but not necessarily, contain trans fat since fried foods are produced by using very hot oil.

Trans fatty acids are commonly called trans fats.

– Fried foods will likely, but not necessarily, contain trans fat since fried foods are produced by using very hot oil.

– An American trans girl named Leelah Alcorn killed herself in 2014 because she could not deal with her parents’ transphobia.

– Some trans men are gay, bisexual, or asexual.

– Since scientists and nutritionists now know the health issues related to eating trans fats, trans fats are being used less but there are still some in commercial food products.

– It says there is no agreement by scientists that artificial trans fatty acids are safe for any use in human food.

– A trans woman transsexual or transgender person.

– A trans man who experiences attraction only to women is a straight man.

– There has yet to be a study which shows that trans fat is good for human health in any way.

– Bad fats, in other words, trans fats, have no known health benefits and will damage someone’s heart and take them away from healthy.

– No case is the same, and the options that are there for trans women depend very much on if they have easy access to medical care and money.

– The Trans Canada Trail, Dewdney Trail, and the Kettle Valley Railway Trail all merge near the lake.

– The Port Mann bridge is a part of the famous Trans Canada Highway.

– In 2001 she started identifying as a trans woman.

– According to a 2014 Survey Poll by the International Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans and Intersex Association, 18% of Tunisian people were in favour of legalising Same-sex marriages, with 62% being opposed to such legislation of legalisation.

– Some trans women who feel that their gender change is done, meaning that they have all the same physical characteristics of women who were assigned female at birth, want to just be called “women”.

– In 2014, he won the inaugural Trans Am Bike Race, a road-based event from the Pacific coast to the Atlantic coast in the United States.

– Some do not pay attention to trans women identifying as women and continue to view them as men, calling trans women who feel attracted to men “homosexual” and trans women that are attracted to women as “nonhomosexual”.

– It was directed by Takayuki Hamana and animated by Trans Arts.

– As a result, there is a Provincial Visitor Information Center on the Trans Canada near the town.

– Its first fictional charactercharacter with gender identity disorder, a trans man called Jason Costello, was in the show August 2010 to December 2011.

– In the book Raymond said that trans women all “rape women’s bodies by reducing the real female form to an artifact, appropriating this body for themselves.” Raymond, Janice.

– According to a 2016 poll by the International Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans and Intersex Association, 35% of Indian people wanted to make same-sex marriage legal.

– BoB is a full member of the Human Rights Forum of Bangladesh, the Human Rights Alliance of Bangladesh and the International Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans and Intersex Association.

– After Alcorn died, many laws were made in order to stop discrimination against trans people.

– All had more than 30 years employment with Trans World Airlines.

– In type I rearrangements, the two migrating groups are oriented trans to each other.

– He is against the Trans Pacific Partnership trade agreement.

– There are three different types of fats : Unsaturated fats, Saturated fats, and Trans fats.

– Saturated and trans fats are not.

– Sonic took part in the Rencontres Trans Musicales in Rennes in 2002 as a surprise guest of The Stooges.

Trans women convicted of crimes often believe they are not safe in men’s prisons.Some women believe they are not safe in women’s prisons if trans women are allowed there.

– In 2009 Trans joined Feldis/Veulden, Scheid and Tumegl/Tomils to become the municipality of Tomils.

– He Trans mantransitioned to male in 1997, and became the first openly transgender scientist in the US National Academy of Sciences in 2013.

– It used to be owned by Trans World Communications and EMAP.

– It is on the Trans Canada Highway 170 kilometers east of Moose Jaw.

– She was a trans woman.

– In November 2015, Seymour was named the Trans Tasman 2015 Politician Of The Year.

– The Trans Canada Highway passed near just south of the town and provincial routes 204, 301, and 321 all travel through town via Pugwash Road, Brichwood Road, Water Street, Upper/Lower Main Street and Little River Road.

– In 2014 Fondation Emergence changed the day’s name from “international day against homophobia” to “international day against homohobia and transphobia” in order to include trans realities to its mission.

– The ASUN began in 1978 as the Trans America Athletic Conference.

– This article is concerning trans men.

– Like trans men, trans women have many choices that they can make, depending on what culture they are in and what gender roles they, and the people who support them feel like they should have.

– When vegetable oils are heated or when they are “hydrogenated”, trans fats are made.

– Some governing bodies for sports allow trans women to compete in female-only sports and some do not.Opponents believe that growing up with a male body gives trans women unfair advantages.Trans women have set women’s records for sports that some biological women believe should not count.

– A person can identify as a trans woman or trans man, but there are more genders that fall underneath the transgender category.

– In 2009 Tumegl/Tomils joined Feldis/Veulden, Scheid and Trans to become the municipality of Tomils.

Transgender prisoner Sophia Burset is played by Laverne Cox, a real trans woman.

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