Some sentences in use of “sweeping”

How to use in-sentence of “sweeping”:

– Instruments such as scissors and combs must be kept sterile and in good condition, and the barber is also responsible for keeping the shop clean by sweeping up hair.

– It is noted for its sweeping corners and wide straights.

– Months later, Catherine and Arthur became ill, possibly from a sickness which was sweeping the area at the time.

– This advice seems to have been followed by General George Patton when his sweeping pincer movement trapped the Nazi GermanyGerman army in the Falaise pocket in August 1944.

– The aim of sweeping is to help the stone stop in the right place.

– In China, most of the traditions like that were moved to Tomb Sweeping Day at the beginning of April.

Some sentences in use of sweeping
Some sentences in use of sweeping

Example sentences of “sweeping”:

– They surround Transcarpathia and Transylvania in a large semicircle, sweeping towards the south-west, and end on the Danube near Orşova, in Romania.

– In a sweeping campaign, Louis almost succeeded in conquering Holland.

– The accident resulted in sweeping inspections of similar structures across Chicago, with 1,260 cases being actioned by the city authorities.

– The nagamaki is designed for large sweeping and slicing strokes.

– They would do jobs around the school such as sweeping the floor and helping other boys who were misbehaving at school.

– Barnacles are suspension feeders, sweeping small food into their mouth with their curved ‘feet’.

– Marge’s sweeping earns a win for the team and they earn a spot for the Olympics.

– This process of sweeping out volumes can be formalized mathematically as a Minkowski sum: the “d”-dimensional hypercube is the Minkowski sum of “d” mutually perpendicular unit-length line segments, and is therefore an example of a zonotope.

– Usually, it was sweeping and circular motion, because it was inconvenient to use striking methods like with a traditional sword.

– With large, white, sweeping dunes, Lençóis Maranhenses looks like a typical desert, but in fact it is not one.

- They surround Transcarpathia and Transylvania in a large semicircle, sweeping towards the south-west, and end on the Danube near Orşova, in Romania.

- In a sweeping campaign, Louis almost succeeded in conquering Holland.

– The period of nationalisation saw sweeping changes occur as steam trains were scrapped 1968, in favour of diesel trains and electric trains.

– Despite their rationality, however, the interiors usually contained more dramatic sweeping staircases, as well as furniture designed by Saarinen, such as the Pedestal Series.

– The amendments include sweeping changes to the constitution, including allowing Putin to run again for two more six-year presidential terms.

– In their sweeping advance the German troops met greater resistance against the English than the French.

– In a break with Wright’s earlier Prairie School structures, the building features many circular forms and needed over 200 different curved “Cherokee red” bricks to create the sweeping curves of the inside and outside.

– The estate has a stunning sea aspect as well as rolling countryside sweeping views because it is set in 1500 acres, with a private beach, a private 15-acre lake and rambling house gardens of 27 acres where other family members of Roper-Curzon live in around thirty country houses.

– Although they were intended for World War II, they were not ready for action when the Wehrmacht outflanked the Maginot line by sweeping through the low country to start the Battle of France.

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