Some sentences in use of “subset”

How to use in-sentence of “subset”:

– A binary relation between two sets is the subset relation, also called “set inclusion”.

– Only a subset of the INS additives are approved for use in the European Union, the ‘E’ prefix which stands for Europe.

– Combinatorial Game Theory is largely confined to the study of a subset of combinatorial games which are two player, finite, and have a winner and loser i.e.

– I am not an Admin, but it is my understanding that Admins here can decide how long to Block Users from editing all pages on Simple, but cannot technically Block Users from editing a subset of the pages.

– Globish is an attempt at creating a subset of the English language for use as the international language for commerce.

– If a subset of a group is also a group, then the subset is called a subgroup.

Some sentences in use of subset
Some sentences in use of subset

Example sentences of “subset”:

– Modern x86 processors also decode and split more complex instructions into a series of smaller internal “Micro-operations” which can thereby be executed in a pipelined fashion, thus achieving high performance on a much larger subset of instructions.

– The code itself was taken from a subset of Template:4TeamBracket-Tennis3.

– NB Co-Co is a subset of the AAR C-C classification.

– NKT cells are a subset of T cells which also have molecular markers normally associated with NK cells.

– Even the European Parliament employs “permanently” only a small subset of needed interpreters, namely those who are also translating documents if there is no parliament meeting.

– Some regard sexual conflict as a subset of sexual selection, while others suggest it is a separate evolutionary phenomenon.

– Italians maintain that Sicilian is simply a subset dialect of Italian, while Sicilians see their spoken word as a true and separate language.

– The set of all functions is a subset of the set of all relations – a function is a relation where the first value of every tuple is unique through the set.

– There is a relational algebra consisting in the operations on sets, because relations are sets, extended with operators like projection, which forms a new relation selecting a subset of the columns,according to some condition, and join which works like a composition operator.

– In January 2012, “Cranky’s Story”, a new subset of levels within the game, was added initially to the iOS version and later to the Android version.

– The above picture shows an example of two sets “A=”, their Cartesian product is a complete relation among “A” and “B”, and any other subset of “AxB” is a relation too.

– A definition that is harder to understand, but which is often used by mathematicians, is to say that a set is finite if there is no strict subset that can be put in 1-to-1 correspondence with the set itself.

– EasyEnglish is a subset of the English language used for making the Bible text easy to understand.

– It is a subset of civil engineering.

– Geotechnical engineering is an important subset of civil engineering dealing with engineering performance of earth materials.

– The parameters for this template map to a subset of the parameters for and reading the documentation for that template might be helpful.

– Defining and translating a” safe” subset of simulink/stateflow into lustre.

- Modern x86 processors also decode and split more complex instructions into a series of smaller internal "Micro-operations" which can thereby be executed in a pipelined fashion, thus achieving high performance on a much larger subset of instructions.

- The code itself was taken from a subset of Template:4TeamBracket-Tennis3.
- NB Co-Co is a subset of the AAR C-C classification.

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