Some sentences in use of “simultaneous”

How to use in-sentence of “simultaneous”:

– General Grant was using a strategy of simultaneous operations on both sides of the James River during the summer of 1864.

– October 5th 1992, Operation Northern Iraq, in retaliation to an simultaneous attacks on 3 Turkish Gendarme Station which left 28 soldiers dead and 125 wounded.

– Gnathostomulids are simultaneous hermaphrodites.

– The cervix may be confused with the deepest point of the vagina, above and below the cervix, respectively making it possible for there to be indirect and/or simultaneous stimulation between them.

– After ten minutes of this, Scheer signalled a simultaneous turn-away.

– One of his feats was simultaneous play against five strong players, winning two, drawing two and losing one.

Some sentences in use of simultaneous
Some sentences in use of simultaneous

Example sentences of “simultaneous”:

- The separate simultaneous referendums held on 24 April 2004 in the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus and the Republic of Cyprus on the comprehensive settlement plan of the UN Secretary-General provides yet another example of such a vote.

- The airport has two parallel runways with a length of separates the two runways to facilitate simultaneous takeoff and landing operations.
- The XSL attack relies on first analyzing the "internal design" of a cipher then deriving a system of quadratic polynomialquadratic simultaneous equations.

– The separate simultaneous referendums held on 24 April 2004 in the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus and the Republic of Cyprus on the comprehensive settlement plan of the UN Secretary-General provides yet another example of such a vote.

– The airport has two parallel runways with a length of separates the two runways to facilitate simultaneous takeoff and landing operations.

– The XSL attack relies on first analyzing the “internal design” of a cipher then deriving a system of quadratic polynomialquadratic simultaneous equations.

– The Protestant Reformation may be divided into two distinct but basically simultaneous movements, the Magisterial Reformation and the Radical Reformation.

– Abstraction operates in one of these opposing functions when it excludes the simultaneous influence of the other functions and other irrelevancies, such as emotion.

– On a rest day during the event, world champion José Raúl Capablanca gave a simultaneous exhibition in Leningrad.

– This was another of Grant’s simultaneous operations.

– In very long instruction wordVLIW architectures, which include many microcode architectures, multiple simultaneous operations and operands are specified in a single instruction.

– A further enhancement is simultaneous multithreading.

– The example below uses two simultaneous breadth-first searches.

– The gods were celebrating their slaying of the giant Thjazi and the simultaneous return of the youth-giving goddess Iðunn when Skaði arrived, ready to avenge the death of Thjazi, her father.

– Apparently, evolutionary change takes place rapidly in some body parts or systems without simultaneous changes in other parts.

– With the simultaneous dissolution of the district of Tecklenburg and fusion with the old district of Burgsteinfurt, Ibbenbüren was assigned to the new district of Steinfurt.

– Facies analysis in both the Western Interior of the USA and in NW Europe reveals simultaneous major oscillations in sea level that controlled the principal transgressions and regressions except in regions of rapid contemporaneous tectonics.

– The Shiva in Kushan coins is referred to as Oesho of unclear etymology and origins, but the simultaneous presence of Indra and Shiva in the Kushan era artwork suggest that they were revered deities by the start of the Kushan Empire.

– Gastrotrichs are simultaneous hermaphrodites: they have both male and female sex organs.

– The most difficult thing to understand is that events that appear to be simultaneous in one frame may not be simultaneous in another.

– A simultaneous move whereby king and rook move past each other.

– Since the length of an object is the distance from head to tail at one simultaneous moment, it follows that if two observers disagree about what events are simultaneous then this will affect their measurements of the length of objects.

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