Some sentences in use of “sailboat”

How to use in-sentence of “sailboat”:

– In sailboat racing, a yacht is any sailing vessel taking part in a race.

– There are two ways of competition in sailboat racing: One-Design and Handicap.

– Tracy Edwards is a sailboat racer.

– During these years Viareggio’s economy had a very rapid expansion about the sailboat industry.

– The first body was found floating over the Sunshine Skyway bridge when a sailboat on its way home to Tampa after a trip to Key West, had just crossed under the Sunshine Skyway when many people on board saw an object in the water.

– The falcon has a red disk which shows an Arab sailboat in its interior.

– Usually, a sailboat has two sails: a mainsail and a jib and sometimes a spinnaker.

Some sentences in use of sailboat
Some sentences in use of sailboat

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