Some sentences in use of “research”

How to use in-sentence of “research”:

+ It will become functional from June 2010 and will help genuine scholars and academicians to carry on research activities.

+ It was Ferdinand Cohn’s main research tool in the 1850s.

+ AmphibiaWeb’s goal is to provide an information page for every species of amphibian in the world so research scientists, citizen scientists and people who want to help the environment can work together.

+ More recently he serves as the director of research and chief compliance officer for the Wedge Medical Center.

+ Peggy McIntosh is an AmericansAmerican feminist, anti-racism activist, scholar, speaker, and Senior Research Scientist of the Wellesley Centers for Women.

Some sentences in use of research
Some sentences in use of research

Example sentences of “research”:

+ They also discuss their research with people from other countries.

+ It has Daedeock science research town, National Science Museum.
+ Also while at MIT, Olsen directed a project to make the first transistorized research computer.

+ They also discuss their research with people from other countries.

+ It has Daedeock science research town, National Science Museum.

+ Also while at MIT, Olsen directed a project to make the first transistorized research computer.

+ In 1907, it became a research university.

+ One startling piece of information was produced by research directed by Karl Pearson, the Galton Professor of Eugenics at University College London, and the founder of the Department of Applied Statistics.

+ From 1947 until 1949, he worked in liaison for the British Non-Ferrous Metals Research Association.

+ At first, Rapture developed very quickly because there were many smart scientists who could do any research they wanted.

+ However, research has shown that flies perform banked turns, where the fly accelerates, slows down while turning, and accelerates again at the end of the turn.

+ She worked as a researcher at the National Center for Scientific Research of France.

+ Earlier research directly related the serial position effect to single store mechanisms such as LTM.

+ In 2013, Sphere Fluidics spun out of Cambridge University to a new research facility in Babraham Research Campus.

+ In 1973/74, she held a Columbia University, International Research and Exchanges Board Fellowship used to study in the Sociology Department, Law School and the Russian Institute.

+ In 1998 he was the lead author of a misleading research paper falsely MMR vaccine controversyclaiming that there was a link between the measles, mumps and rubella vaccine and autism and bowel disease.

+ It is an important centre for scientific research in France.

+ Among other features, it includes a state-of-the-art intensive care unit, an on-site commissary, a surgical suite with observation area, and research facilities.

+ Most of them are original research articles published in critically peer-reviewed renowned medical journals.

+ He criticized his own organization, the A.R.E, on a number of occasions for not doing enough research on the validity of the readings.

More in-sentence examples of “research”:

+ The civil court will research everything it can on the subject, then make a decision.

+ All of this work is supported by research and education.
+ In the last Research Assessment Exercise in 2008, York was also named as the 8th best research institution in the United Kingdom.

+ The civil court will research everything it can on the subject, then make a decision.

+ All of this work is supported by research and education.

+ In the last Research Assessment Exercise in 2008, York was also named as the 8th best research institution in the United Kingdom.

+ The Territory is inhabited largely by the staff of research and support stations operated and maintained by the British Antarctic Survey and other organisations.

+ Wichita State University is a public universitypublic research university in Wichita, Kansas, United States.

+ He was among the three founders in 1958 of the Los Angeles Suicide Prevention Center, which became a base of research into the causes and prevention of suicide.

+ Holocaust Research Project.

+ Based on the research made by Professors Chris Abell and Wilhelm Huck, this biochip system can automatically process millions to billions of miniaturised tests in tiny picodroplets.

+ Leavy promotes an arts-based research paradigm which combines the arts and sciences.

+ This, together with a large number of industrial parks and research facilities, make the region the educational and technology hub of the area.

+ The first research papers on gas-liquid chromatography were published in 1950.

+ She was the first woman to become a chief research scientist at CSIRO.

+ In 2004, Buck won the Nobel Prize in physiology or medicine for her research on the sense of smell.

+ The Japan Atomic Energy Agency was formed October 1, 2005 by a merger of the Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute.

+ From 1855 to 1872 he did research on colour blindness.

+ Carey, Maeve P., Congressional Research Service, Oct.

+ The German Aerospace CenterGerman Aircraft Research Institute used it to perform statistical analyses of wing flutter.

+ He was an Emeritus Senior Research Fellow at All Souls College, Oxford.

+ A broader group of twenty universities form the Russell Group of research universities.

+ Despite many bad comments about IMF, research shows that more than 60 percent of Asians and 70 percent of Africans feel that IMF has had a “positive” effect on their country.

+ Costanza’s research has focused on the interface between ecosystemecological and economic systems.

+ Original research with no sources or even support after some web searching.

+ The USGS is a fact-finding research organization.

+ In 2008 research was concentrated on an area of.

+ Much of current research in nuclear physics relates to the study of nuclei under extreme conditions such as high spin and excitation energy.

+ Ranking and consensus have been the subject of research for 200+ years.

+ The subcommittee is in charge of issues about global climate change; environmental protection, public lands, endangered species, air and water quality; oceans; public health; conservation; international agreements; energy policy, research and development; and oversight and legislative jurisdiction over regulatory affairs and decreasing federal paperwork.

+ Its activities include research and advocacy on human rights.

+ He was on the European Parliament’s Committee on Industry, Research and Energy.

+ Rose Director of the Hayden Planetarium at the Rose Center for Earth and Space and a research associate in the department of astrophysics at the American Museum of Natural History.

+ Palaeobiology and Biodiversity Research Group, University of Bristol.

+ The Internet was developed in the United States by the “United States Department of Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency”.

+ Martin is a Professor Emeritus and Director Emeritus of the University of Washington’s Alzheimer’s Disease Research Center.

+ It stars Jay Mohr as Paulie’s voice and Tony Shalhoub as a janitor who finds the parrot kept captive in a biological research laboratory.

+ Skinner’s research leant mainly on behaviour shaping using positive reinforcement.

+ The prohibition against original research limits the extent to which editors may present their own points of view in articles.

+ The Tekken Force raided G Corporation’s maximum security research laboratory in Nepal.

+ Rolla is an important center for education and research in science and technology.

+ It cleared up many confusions, and was directly responsible for stimulating a great deal of research after WWII.

+ Recent geneticsgenetic research has shown that it is correctly placed in the morning glory family, Convolvulaceae.

+ After her husband was Medical diagnosisdiagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease, she founded the Pasqual Maragall Foundation for research of the disease.

+ Much of his research was done on combustion.

+ Maize has been a fruitful model organism for research in genetics for many years: see Barbara McClintock.

+ Fitsell was the founding president of the Society for International Hockey Research in 1991.

+ It is a part of the Research School of Astronomy and Astrophysics at the Australian National University.

+ If a page has no inter-language links, then it is likely Research done between June and August 2013.

+ Google research does not support the claims.

+ He returned to Waseda from 1993-1998 as a visiting professor in the Research Institute for Science and Engineering.

+ Citizens of the town can then be trained as soldiers, sent to research new technologies, or perform other tasks, which they are paid tax money for undertaking.

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