Some sentences in use of “required”

How to use in-sentence of “required”:

– I also want to note that while material contributed by sockpuppets may be deleted, such deletion is not required and it may be kept.

– In the first example, the problem required the original value as proof that work had been done.

– To become a Catholic priest, you are required to study Theology.

– The huge effective branching factor required for finding high quality solutions heavily restricts the look-ahead that can be used within a move sequence search.

– Some microprocessors in the 20th century required several chips.

– The peace agreement required Finland to take up arms against Germany in the Lapland War.

Some sentences in use of required
Some sentences in use of required

Example sentences of “required”:

- Promotion from landsman to ordinary seaman required three years of experience or re-enlistment.

- Only the first four authors are required by the template.

– Promotion from landsman to ordinary seaman required three years of experience or re-enlistment.

– Only the first four authors are required by the template.

– Suppose the number shows the number of hours required to create one piece of cloth or one crate of wine.

– When it did, limited resources— both monetary and equipment— required production controls as big as in the capitalist world.

– But more pit stops would be required to add fuel.

– The Precursors died before they could discover the required ingredients necessary to allow the hatching of young Sea Emperors.

– One can apply with all the required documents.

– Another general election was required to take place before the end of 1940.

– To promote international cooperation in the peaceful uses of nuclear energy and to facilitate access to nuclear technology, equipment and material for peaceful purposes required by developing countries.

– The Blender Foundation initially reserved the right to use dual licensing, so that, in addition to GNU GPL, Blender would have been available also under the “Blender License”, which did not require disclosing source code but required payments to the Blender Foundation.

– The United States Army Air CorpsAir Corps became the Army Air Forces in June 1941 to provide the air arm a greater autonomy in which to expand more efficiently, and to provide a structure for the additional command echelons required by a vastly increased force.

– Turning the manuscript into a book required several developments.

– Sompote was also required to pay THB 10,700,000 plus interest at the rate of 7.5 per cent a year starting from December 16, 1997, when the original law for ultraman’s right was filed.

– Additionally, it was found that the equations that required string theory to exist in 10 dimensions were actually approximations as well.

– The electrical energy required is small, but it has to be given very fast because since the flash doesn’t last long.

– Since their strategy required both Thermopylae and Artemisium to be held, and given their losses, the Greek navy decided to withdraw to Salamis.

– Until 1877 the New Hampshire Constitution required members of the State legislature to be of the Protestant religion.

– A return type is a required part of any method, because it tells the computer what the user wants to be returned to whatever called the method.

More in-sentence examples of “required”:

- If one wishes to show their Catahoula leopard dog, she must be permanently registered Not only should the breed be licensed, they are required to be well-kept, and not be a mixed breed.

- In 1852 Staunton published his book "The Chess Tournament", which recounted in detail the efforts required to make the London International Tournament happen and presented all the games with his comments on the play.
- I've extended this for three days, as consensus is clearly present but we don't yet have the required 25 votes.

– If one wishes to show their Catahoula leopard dog, she must be permanently registered Not only should the breed be licensed, they are required to be well-kept, and not be a mixed breed.

– In 1852 Staunton published his book “The Chess Tournament”, which recounted in detail the efforts required to make the London International Tournament happen and presented all the games with his comments on the play.

– I’ve extended this for three days, as consensus is clearly present but we don’t yet have the required 25 votes.

– Many exotic dancers in strip clubs are required to wear them by law.

– After 1945 it became very difficult to pay for the huge staff that was required to maintain these houses.

– Emmabuntüs can be installed, in its entirety, without an Internet connection as all of the required packages are included within the disk image.

– Further discussion is required on creating a variation to this policy for user pages, and with regards to WikiProject “policy”.

– DNA samples would be required when pet licenses come up for renewal.

– While the treaty was approved, the Panamanians received US$10 million, much of which the United States required to be invested in that country.

– A leaving certificate is required in order to go on to college or university.

– In case it is placed at different location, slight adjustment for latitude is required by slanting the dial plate.

– West Frisian is a required subject in schools in Friesland.

– It also required public notification via the Internet.

– In most countries they are required to obey Islamic “Shari’ah” law.

– The WCC was a part of the “massive resistance” in the South against court decisions that required racial integration.

– The bridge to Sweden was expensive, took a long time to build, and required much planning by engineers.

– In the early summer of 1944, German plans required Warsaw to be the defensive centre of the area.

– This value is estimated as ×10^-26kg/m³ and it’s calculated when you take the matter-energy density of the universe and divide it by the matter-energy density of the universe that is required to achieve that balance.

– This error is reported when an access level has been specified for some external link, but the corresponding required parameter is missing or empty.

– In the 1990s, UEFA required the stadium to become an all-seater, which would have reduced capacity to 50,000 seats.

– I believe my closing of RfD’s show that I can use sound judgement or rationales in closing those requests, as this same judgment is required when closing and promoting Admin’s and other Crat’s.

– In August 2008, Virgin Records filed a $30 million lawsuit, claiming the band refused to deliver three albums as required by its contract.

– The lower court is required to determine the location of the border and the border crossing, but has not done this yet.

– The parameters below are required unless marked as “optional”.

– Two or more sessions usually are required to complete treatment.

– After the transplant, one of Gomez’ arteries flipped inside of her, which required emergency surgery.Then she went to rehab in 2018.

– Except for infant formula and some baby foods, product dating is not required by federal regulations.

– The Qing Dynasty required by law that all males must wear a hairstyle called the Manchu queue, in which men had to shave the front of their heads and wear a long braid on the back of their heads.

– He required businesses to pay decent wages and safe conditions.

– Entering invalid parameters or omitting required parameters will result in an error message and categorization into :Category:Pages with errors in inflation template.

– The driver selected for qualifying or for one of the races was required to have taken part in at least one practice session.

– Catholics are normally required to go to amass on Sundays and on Holy Days of Obligation.

– On 19 March a patient under observation who was required to stay in isolation tried to escape but was caught when he tried to take a trip between departments.

– In Wales a student council, often called different names, is required in every kind of school.

– Roosevelt supported labor laws for the working class, required meat and drugs to be inspected, and protected the environment.

– If the required texts for either cover need so much space that they are not easily readable, you should put the first ones listed on the actual cover, and continue the rest on the following pages.

– A person cannot be required to swear or say anything about religion in order to work for the United States government.

– When standing alone, are required fields.

– Before the five required daily prayers, a “muezzin” calls the worshippers to prayer from the minaret.

– Certainly, an exhaustive search of all possible combination of keys would take attempts required for a single key.

– It is unknown how many presidents used a Bible or added the words “So help me God” at the end of the oath, or in their acceptance of the oath, as neither is required by law.

– A witness can be subpoenad, which means they are required to testify in court.

– Homeless counts are required by the government agencies that deal with homelessness.

– Energy is required to force the electrons to move from the zinc to the copper electrode, and the amount of energy per unit charge available from the voltaic cell is called the electromotive force  of the cell.

– Although it was recommended after a rail crash at Clapham Junction many years earlier, it had proved annoying in the past and no company required its trains to have it working and switched on.

– However the club was required to change name because the other name was already in use.

– He argued that solving the political crisis of the time required more than perfecting moral character.

– Wrestling was less rough than the pankration and required less space.

– When a car crashes, the force required to stop an object is very great because the car’s momentum has changed instantly while the passengers’ has not.

– Similar to the case of division of integers, the remainder could be required to be negative, that is, -“d” < “r” ≤ 0.

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