Some sentences in use of “pedal”

How to use in-sentence of “pedal”:

+ The drummer can do other things to the kit, such as attach a tambourine to the spine of the hi-hat, so when he/she puts his/her foot down on the pedal or hits it with a drumstick, the drummer gets the tambourine sound at the same time.

+ An example of a tonic pedal can be seen in the third movement of Johannes BrahmsBrahms’s “German Requiem”, where the double basses play continuous D’s in the last section.

+ Unlike most other guitars, pedal steel guitars have reference lines on the fretboard.

+ In the last section, marked “forte”, the pedal part plays the chorale tune upside down.

+ Stepping on the left pedal only halfway puts the car in neutral, the same as the lever.

+ In a middle section, the left hand holds a pedal point in A-flat major, to which the right hand adds colours.

Some sentences in use of pedal
Some sentences in use of pedal

Example sentences of “pedal”:

+ The three pedals on the floor of the Model T were for the brake on the right, reverse in the middle to make the Model T go backwards, and a pedal on the left to shift the gears from low to high speed.

+ The pedal has the chorale tune in long notes.

+ Lowrey also produced theatre organs and a full 2-manual with pedal church organ.

+ With a pedal timpani, a player can produce different sound effects using the pedals.

+ A cross-strung harp is a pedal harp that is chromatic and consists of two rows of strings.

+ It then changes to a “lugubrious interlude” in C sharp minor, “with the dominant pedal never ceasing, a basso ostinato”.

+ He liked to create blurred effects by using the sustaining pedal a lot.

+ Once it is moving, move the right lever up, let the left pedal come all the way up, and give it more gas to shift into high.

+ A player can push on the pedal to make the timpani play higher notes, or let the pedal come back up to play lower notes.

+ The three pedals on the floor of the Model T were for the brake on the right, reverse in the middle to make the Model T go backwards, and a pedal on the left to shift the gears from low to high speed.

+ The pedal has the chorale tune in long notes.
+ Lowrey also produced theatre organs and a full 2-manual with pedal church organ.

+ On pianos which have a middle pedal any note or chord which the player is holding down when the pedal is pressed will be sustained, but any more notes he plays afterwards will not be affected.

+ Often, the pianist will let go of the pedal and press it again right away; this is called “changing pedal“.

+ It is in the centre just above the pedal board.

+ A unicycle is a pedal vehicle.

+ The pedal is then put on the floor and controlled using the player’s foot.

+ A double pedal is two pedal tones played at the same time.

More in-sentence examples of “pedal”:

+ The two main kinds are folk harps and pedal harps.

+ It is sessile, with a pedal disc which attaches it to substrate.
+ On an upright piano the una corda pedal moves the hammers closer to the strings so that they do not hit them so hard.

+ The two main kinds are folk harps and pedal harps.

+ It is sessile, with a pedal disc which attaches it to substrate.

+ On an upright piano the una corda pedal moves the hammers closer to the strings so that they do not hit them so hard.

+ While there are some fairly standard pedal assignments, many advanced players devise their own setups, called “copedents”.

+ Each pedal changes the sound in a different way.

+ This system is particularly useful for basslines that have a repeating pedal point such as a low D, because once the note is locked in place with the mechanical “finger”, the lowest string then sounds a different note when it is played “open”.

+ Contributing to these rudder pedal inputs were characteristics of the A300-600 rudder system design and elements of the American Airlines Aircraft Manoeuvring Program.

+ Physical examination is performed to look for typical signs of pulmonary hypertension including a loud P2 sternal heave, jugular venous distension, pedal edema, ascites, Abdominojugular testhepatojugular reflux, clubbing etc.

+ Glissando is generated by pressing the pedal during the vertebra.

+ The pedal on the left makes the sound quieter.

+ It means that the damper pedal should be used, but the pianist should know when to change the pedal.

+ They concluded that the probable cause of the in-flight separation of the vertical stabilizer was the result of the loads beyond ultimate design that were created by the first officer’s unnecessary and excessive rudder pedal inputs.

+ They are also congruent to their own involutes, evolutes, and the pedal curves based on their centers.

+ In the case of a car, the input to the gas pedal does not fully determine the speed of the car.

+ The soles need to be fairly slippery, but not too much, so that the player can slide the foot from one pedal to another.

+ The pedal harp was invented during the 1800s by a man in France.

+ It is possible to make rear-wheel drive burnouts easier by installing “line locks”, devices which allow fluid pressure on the front brakes to be maintained while releasing the pedal to free the rear brakes.

+ Another sign, which tells a pianist to press the soft pedal is “una corda”.

+ A good example of a dominant pedal can be seen in the “Prelude in C major” from Book I of the “Well-Tempered Clavier” by Bach.

+ The bell with the lowest pitch is called the “bourdon”, and many carillons have pedal keyboards for the largest bells.

+ Three organ stops of the pedal division were taken over from the Weise-organ built in 1629.

+ They were “midcaudal vertebrae fusions, healed fractures of mid-caudal vertebra transverse processes; osteophytes affecting pedal phalanges, healed gastralia rib fractures, some forming false joints…

+ The pedal on the right sustains the sound of the notes for as long as the pedal is depressed.

+ Each pedal can be in a high, middle or low position.

+ The lowest and highest notes on a pedal harp are the same as the lowest and highest notes on a piano.

+ The pedal steel evolved from the console steel guitar and lap steel guitar.

+ He liked these radiating pedal boards and persuaded the great organ builder Henry Willis to put pedal boards like that in the organs he built.

+ Composers in the Classical music period never had pedal timpani.

+ Butler is noted as being one of the first bassists to use a wah pedal and to down-tune his instrument, as on Black Sabbath’s “Master of Reality” album.

+ Pedal timpani are timpani with a pedal which will tighten or loosen the drumhead.

+ Step on the pedal all the way to the left, move the throttle lever to “give it the gas” and gently move the floor lever forward.

+ A pedal timpani is a timpani that uses a pedal to change its pitch.

+ This is where a rider can reduce the effort needed to pedal by following the rider in front very closely.

+ Each pedal can change one of the letter-named notes one semitone higher or lower.

+ This is because, in the early days of the piano, the una corda pedal made all the hammers move over so that a hammer would only hit one string for each note instead of three.

+ An inverted pedal is a pedal that is not in the bass.

+ An effect pedal is an electronic device that can change the sound of an instrument or the voice of a person.

+ The brake pedal will require modulation The goal is to allow the rear tires to spin while holding the car in place with the front wheels remaining motionless.

+ This may be a “crash cymbal” or a pair of hi-hats a pair of small cymbals operated by pressing a pedal with the foot.

+ Clapton helped pioneer the use of the wah-wah pedal and played a famous guitar called The Fool.

+ To make a modern car go or accelerate once the engine is running, a person steps on a pedal on the floor to engage the transmission into low gear.

+ McCarthy added pedal steel, lap steel, banjo, guitar and backing vocals to the album and subsequent live shows.

+ The pedal steel, with its smooth “portamentoportamenti”, bending recognized instruments of American country music.

+ It had three manuals and a pedal board.

+ For example: the pedal on the left changes all the Ds to D flat.

+ That is why riding a bike up a steep hill is very hard, but when you are coming back down, you will not need to pedal at all – you are being powered by the gravitational potential energy that you stored when you rode up the hill.

+ In early pianos, it was possible to press the pedal a little way so that the hammers hit two strings, then press it further so that they hit only one string.

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