Some sentences in use of “pass”

How to use in-sentence of “pass”:

– Sneezing never happens during sleep because reflex signals do not pass to the part of the brain that causes muscles to move.

– Electrons pass by holes of a certain pitch.

– To be honest though, no admin seems to have the ability to pass one.

– Such phrases as “ace in the hole”, “beats me”, “blue chip”, “call the bluff”, “cash in”, “buck pass the buck”, “poker face”, “stack up”, “up the ante”, “when the chips are down”, “wild card”, and others are used in everyday conversation even by those unaware of their origins at the poker table.

– One example of simpler characters combining to form a more complex one is the complex character 明 “míng” meaning “bright” or “tomorrow”, which is made up of the radicals 日 “rì” meaning “sun” or “day” and 月 “yuè” meaning “moon” or “month”, both of which are simple characters that can exist by themselves, and the putting together of sun 日 and moon 月 to make one character show that either the sun and moon pass before tomorrow comes, or that they are the bright objects in the sky that shine light on the earth.

Some sentences in use of pass
Some sentences in use of pass

Example sentences of “pass”:

– The guard’s job is to protect the quarterback from the incoming defensive line and linebackers during pass plays, as well as creating openings for the running backs to run through.

– In the United States, the patent attorney must pass a special examination to test his knowledge of patent office procedures.

– The bell first cracked when it was first rung when it came to Philadelphia, and was made again twice by John Pass and John Stow, two workmen.

– Templates should pass this through, changing the default value if necessary.

– George’s Cathedral in Cape Town where people fasted for more than 20 days before Easter in 1982 and which resulted in the suspension of the Pass Laws.

– The first pass updated about 1,000 words, phrases and grammatical constructs.

– They pass the land of the Sirens.

– The biologybiological answer is to have children, which is to pass on your genes.

– Some molecules can pass through the membrane, but others cannot.

– In phonetics, a plosive consonant is made by blocking a part of the mouth so that no air can pass through.

– By April, the number of confirmed cases had pass the hundred mark in Baghdad, Basra, Sulaymaniyah, Erbil and Najaf.

– Both the larvae of the deathwatch beatle will go through wood and if paper is nearby they will pass into that.

– The D947 and D947T roads pass through Ristolas.

- The guard's job is to protect the quarterback from the incoming defensive line and linebackers during pass plays, as well as creating openings for the running backs to run through.

- In the United States, the patent attorney must pass a special examination to test his knowledge of patent office procedures.

More in-sentence examples of “pass”:

- The actors would pass a hat around for people to put money in.

- What I'm trying to say is that we must encourage users old or new to contributed and help pass or nominate hooks.

– The actors would pass a hat around for people to put money in.

– What I’m trying to say is that we must encourage users old or new to contributed and help pass or nominate hooks.

– I would definitely like to see this pass soon.

– This did not allow wind to pass through the bridge’s deck.

– The Battle of the Kasserine Pass, named for a pass through the Atlas Mountains, was a battle fought in Tunisia.

– In 1994, the people of Oregon voted to pass the Death with Dignity Act.

– Great eras of time would pass before a reply could be received.

– Jade is translucent: it lets light pass through the sculpture.

– Johnson was well known as someone who could persuade other lawmakers in Congress to pass laws.

– If the state legislatures get too powerful, or do not represent what the people who elected them want, the people have the power to pass amendments too.

– After the Reichstag fire, they managed to get the two-thirds majority they needed to pass the “Ermächtigungsgesetz”.

– They then must pass a second state examination that qualifies them to practice law.

– This entrance needs to be dredged regularly, or the same process that created the Gippsland Lakes would maker the entrance too shallow for ships to pass through.

– When the ligand binds to the surface, the pore becomes accessible to ions, which then pass through.

– He caught the winning touchdown pass thrown by quarterback Joe Montana in the NFC Championship Game in January 1982 against the Dallas Cowboys.

– The D6, D50, D100A, D107, D948, D978, D2948 and D2978 roads pass through the commune.

– Following the westward trend of the industry, in 1915, Laemmle opened the world’s largest motion picture production facility, Universal City Studios, on a converted farm just over the Cahuenga Pass from Hollywood.

– It is often mild and an attack can pass unnoticed.

– There were no changes until lap 11 when Piquet tried to pass Patrese and went through an escape road, allowing Nannini to get ahead.

– Around the tiny singularity, there is a large area where light which would normally pass by gets sucked in as well.

– They have to pass the demons.

– Thousands of birds pass through each year on their way to their breeding or wintering grounds.

– Lakes Michigan, Huron and Erie are approximately equally high and ships can easily pass from one to the next.

– The Dáil can pass a bill even if the Seanad objects, but the Supreme Court can decide that the act is not allowed by the Constitution.

– The Buëch starts several kilometres to the east of “col de la Croix-Haute”, a mountain pass in the western side of the “Massif du Dévoluy” mountains, in the “commune” of Lus-la-Croix-Haute, Drôme department, at an elevation of about It then flows to the southwest and gets into the Hautes-Alpes department and then flows to the south.

– Voting methods that don’t pass include: Pluralityplurality voting, supplementary voting, Sri Lankan contingent voting, approval voting, range voting, Bucklin voting and minimax Condorcet.

– The X-rays that pass through the object are captured behind the object by a detector.

– When Odysseus and his men pass the Sirens, Odysseus wants to go towards them, but his men pull the rope tighter to hold him down.

– This can be done by keeping the stools soft and bulk, so they pass easily during defecation.

– When a coiled wire is introduced near a magnet, the magnetic lines of force pass through the coil.

– The upper-level seats were squeezed in between the lower-level seats to ensure that the overall height of the unit was within the clearances necessary to pass through tunnels and under bridges.

– Possibly I’d pass it up to WP:AN for discussion.

– All universities require that students pass an English examination before entering a degree courses or receiving diplomas.

– Most years there is less than one inch of snow and some years pass with no snow at all.

– The D94 and D1075 roads pass through the commune.

– The mountainous pass is India’s third border post for trade with China after Nathula in Sikkim, and Lipulekh in Uttarakhand.

– The four evangelists pour the word of God into the mill funnel, the mill in cross form represents Jesus Christ and shows the place of transformation, the 12 apostles power the mill and the four church fathers catch the trans-substantiated nourishment in a chalice and pass it on to the believers.

– Korail has another pass for these people, the Happy Rail Pass, which is the same as the KR Pass but more expensive.

– Some people may have not voted as they did not think it would pass as only one user appeared to be for the idea.

– Because bats rest in large groups with many other bats, they can pass diseases to each other easily.

– The Darkut Pass connects Yasin with Broghol pass and Chitral whilst the Thoi Pass connects Yasin to Yarkhun Chitral and Asumber pass connects Yasin to Ishkomen.

– The Mustagh Pass or Muztagh Pass is a pass across the Baltoro Muztagh range in the Karakorams and includes K2, the world’s second highest mountain.

– So, the main lawyers in Mississippi got the state to pass its Unified Bar Act in 1932, which led to the current required Bar assocation.

– Launched in December 2007 by Land Transport Authority, Singapore Tourism Board and EZ-Link, the Singapore Tourist Pass offers unlimited travel for tourists to Singapore on Singapore’s public transport system.

– The pass is open only from May to November.

– Many thousands from the Great Lakes region pass through Point Pelee National Park.

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