Some sentences in use of “killed”

How to use in-sentence of “killed”:

– They think he killed the men and chase him and Iolaus.

– CNN recently wrote that the terrorist group Islamic State of Iraq and Syria killed more than 130 men, women, and children who refused to join ISIS.

– Together, these two militias killed tens of thousands of Tutsis, members of another ethnic group, in the Rwandan genocide.

– Turkey autopsies showed aflatoxins targeted the liver and either completely killed the tissue cells or induced tumor formation.

– Yolanda’s father was killed when she was only 12 years old.

– At least 281 people were killed and 1,016 were injured.

– It killed over 7,000 people and created hundreds of millions of dollars in damage.

– There is a legend that the last one was killed there in 1743 by a character called MacQueen.

Some sentences in use of killed
Some sentences in use of killed

Example sentences of “killed”:

– Fayed was the first cousin of the late “Washington Post” Saudi journalist, Jamal Khashoggi, who was killed in Turkey in 2018.

– He was killed during the U.S.

– The county was formed on January 12, 1825 from land given by Grayson County, KentuckyGrayson, Hart and Warren counties and named for Captain John “Jack” Edmonson, who was killed at the Battle of Frenchtown during the War of 1812.

– Unfortunately, they also killed many of the native New Zealand birds.

– August 19, 1942, hundreds of young men from Hamilton were killed by the German army when they tried to attack Dieppe in France.

– The great majority of the persons killed were of Italian nationality.

– Fourniret’s wife has also said that he killed a 16-year-old girl who had worked as an au pair at their house.

– When a man had killed his enemy in battle he shaved his head on his return and was rubbed with medicine, to defend him from the spirit of the dead man.

– Coronis was killed by Apollo’s twin sister Artemis.

– Bailu also killed one person, and injured nine others in Taiwan.

– The Hillside Strangler, later the Hillside Stranglers, were two American serial killers who killed ten young females in Los Angeles between October 1977 and February 1978.

– The Black Death was an outbreak of disease that killed millions of people across Europe and Asia.

- Fayed was the first cousin of the late "Washington Post" Saudi journalist, Jamal Khashoggi, who was killed in Turkey in 2018.

- He was killed during the U.S.

More in-sentence examples of “killed”:

– South Korean armed force captured 3929 and killed 44 Japanese people between 1952 and 1965 until Syngman Rhee Line was set.

– Brady was nearly killed a few weeks after becoming Press Secretary.

– Moro was killed 55 days later.

– It killed eight people and injured several others.

– Alain was killed fighting in the World War II.

– The abbot, Abbot Whiting, was killed on the Tor, a local landmark.

– Sometimes the ghost is the spirit of a person who was killed by someone or who was already dead.

– In 1915, the government of the Ottoman Empire killed up to 1.5 million Armenian people.

– The FBI said that Branch Davidian Steve Schneider shot and killed Koresh, then committed suicide, on April 19, 1993 at the cult’s compound.

– Because it killed so many people in Dominican Republic, the name David was retired.

– He was killed by Zeus and found by the Titan Gaia.

– Molina was killed in a plane crash on 16 August 2017 in Brazil at the age of 58.

– In what is called the Holocaust, the Nazis killed six million Jews, Roma people, Homosexualityhomosexuals, many other groups of people.

– Together, the two groups killed 2,300 Jews in Riga, Lithuania.

– John Comyn was killed and Robert the Bruce was crowned king three weeks later at Scone.

– Franklin caused no damages and killed no people while it stayed in the ocean during most of its life.

– They shot at the gang, and killed several gang members.

– He was held hostage by the militant Islamist group al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula in Yemen until they killed him.

– The remains of Klaus moved over the Southeastern United States and killed 4 people with Tropical Storm Marco, which was close by.

– One day Teito finds that Chief of Staff Ayanami killed his father, the king of the Raggs Kingdom.

– In the Great Plains, states were hit by the Schoolhouse Blizzard that trapped children in schools and killed 235 people.

– This was supposed to be for their safety because three people that lived in Kivitoo were killed when ice broke under their igloos.

– Anzorov killed Paty after a “hate campaign” on social media.

– In 1955, Dean was killed in a car crash while driving his sports car to a race.

– The Nazis killed these victims using gas vans.

– Some time later, Orion was killed by Megatron and rebuilt by Alpha Trion as Optimus Prime.

– Ballinger and ROK Marine Corps Major Kim Hah Chul were killed in the tunnel by a North Korean explosive device.

– McPherson was the second highest ranking Union officer killed in the civil war.

– James Faibairn was Australia’s first Minister for Air; he was one of three government ministers killed in the Canberra air disaster in 1940.

– This bull was killed in a particularly gruesome fight, where after the bull was killed, its left ear was cut off and given to the Matador as a token of good luck.

– The Emergency Management Office of the Ngawa Prefecture, Sichuan Province said that until 13:10 CST on 9 August, the 7.0-magnitude earthquake in Zhangzha Town in Jiuzhaigou County killed 19 people and injured 247 people, including 40 people critically injured.

– In the aftermath of the earthquake 259 people were confirmed killed while more than 1,400 were confirmed injured.

– Jimmy and Patricia are killed and Andrea is left behind.

– However, out of revenge, Zeus has Acrisius killed and orders the sea god Poseidon to release the last of the Titans, a giant humanoid sea monster called the Kraken, to destroy Argos.

– Ivan divided Russia and created the “oprichnina.” There Ivan killed nobles in the Massacre of Novgorod in 1570.

– In April 1996, Joe Vialls said that he knew who had really killed people in the Port Arthur massacre, and that it was not Martin Bryant, who police said had killed people.

– They killed a colonist named George Howe.

– Police investigators concluded that Kercher had been killed by striking her neck with a knife, undressed, and locked in her bedroom.

– Darth Revan has been killed by his apprentice, Darth Malak, who has taken the mantle of Dark Lord of the Sith.

– Many people in North Korea were imprisoned or killed for speaking out against the Kim regime.

– Of these soldiers, 11,365 went missing or were killed in action.

– Fish are also killed by acid rain.

– The last article combines Charles Darwin’s idea of an ancient family with William Robertson Smith’s idea of human sacrifice being the origin of religious ceremonies, to argue that an ancient group of brothers killed their polygamous father and took his wives and then created totemism as an idea to create conscience and prevent their action from being repeated.

– A citizen led revolt overthrew and killed the brutal new dictator General Vilbrun Guillaume Sam within 6 months of seizing power.

– In the resulting confusion, 15 people were killed and 400 to 700 were injured.

– The bubonic plague was the disease that caused the Black Death, which killed tens of millions of people in Europe, in the Middle Ages.

– On May 23, 2015, Nash and his wife Alicia were killed in a car accident near Monroe Township, New Jersey.

– Buffy encountered the Master and killed him, leaving only his bones behind.

– Khalaf was killed by the Turkish-backed Ahrar al-Sharqiya fighters near the M4 Motorway M4 Motorway in Northern Syria during the Turkish military operation against SDF forces in Rojava on 12 October 2019.

– Often, they were killed by their own neighbors.

- South Korean armed force captured 3929 and killed 44 Japanese people between 1952 and 1965 until Syngman Rhee Line was set.

- Brady was nearly killed a few weeks after becoming Press Secretary.
- Moro was killed 55 days later.

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