Some sentences in use of “intrusion”

How to use in-sentence of “intrusion”:

– A sill is an intrusion which makes a table along bedding planes.

– The teachers that were involved in the IEP’s COEP chapter were half hearted in their evaluation and treated Wiki-editing rather gingerly, like an intrusion into the traditional teaching methods, whereas few whole heartedly welcomed the change, and passed on the enthusiasm to the students.

– Throughout the 17th century, the increasing predations and surrounding of Portuguese trading posts in the East by the Dutch, English and French, and their rapidly growing intrusion into the Atlantic slave trade, undermined Portugal’s near monopoly on the lucrative oceanic spice and slave trades.

– These planes or weakened areas allow the intrusion of a thin sheet-like body of magma paralleling the existing strata.

– What government activities constitute “search” and “seizure”? What constitutes probable cause for these actions? How should violations of Fourth Amendment rights be addressed? Early court decisions limited the amendment’s scope to a law enforcement officer’s physical intrusion onto private property.

Some sentences in use of intrusion
Some sentences in use of intrusion

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